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Empty Daisy
By ginny_lola

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Category: Post-HBP, Post-OotP
Genres: Angst, General
Warnings: Death
Story is Complete
Rating: G
Reviews: 3
Summary: Harry goes out into the garden of the Burrow every night to think, but tonight he's joined by someone else...

Hitcount: Story Total: 6031

Disclaimer: Harry Potter Publishing Rights © J.K.R. Note the opinions in this story are my own and in no way represent the owners of this site. This story subject to copyright law under transformative use. No compensation is made for this work.

Author's Notes:
just popped into my head....
(death's only mentioned, don't worry, no-one else dies.)
i've just come back from my holiday (had enough stupid family time for a lifetime, believe me, they drove me crazy) so there will be a few more stories coming up in the next week or so. nooo, almost the end of summer vacation...

anyway, read and review otherwise i will be sad!




Harry closed the back door of the Burrow quietly and made his way across the garden to the large pond. He sat down carefully by the water's edge and ran his hand through his already scruffy hair. He had never felt worse in his life.

Why me? Why the hell do I have to be the one to get rid of him? I didn't get a choice in this and I don't want to play anymore, I've lost to much. Sirius-

Harry closed his eyes and flopped his back down onto the overgrown grass. Sirius was gone. He would never look forward to one of his letters again and Sirius would never be able to fulfil his promise of them being a proper family one day... That was unless Voldemort was the one who fulfilled the Prophecy... He just wanted to die himself so he could be with them all again. That was the only solution left if he wanted - No, he told himself forcefully. Sirius wouldn't want you thinking like that, he'd tell you to move on with your life, to just carry on without him.

How was that possible?

He couldn't do that. Sirius had been like his father, like a brother, like a best friend. And now he was gone and never coming back...

'I hate my life,' he whispered.

Harry could feel hot tears running down his face and his eyes snapped open as he wiped them away impatiently. He wasn't going to break down over this; he had to stay strong; for Sirius if not for the rest of the Weasleys. There was a noise behind him and he jumped up, grabbed his wand and swung around to see-

Ginny. She was wearing her dressing gown and her hair was pulled into a loose bun. Harry lowered his arm and grimaced at her.

'Hey,' he said glumly, sinking back onto the deck and Ginny sat down beside him, her flowery hair tickling his face.

'What're you doing down here? What's wrong?' she asked, although she already knew the answer, everyone did. He'd spent the past few days moping around by himself, only appearing for meals. Ron had told her that he was still really depressed about Sirius and Ginny understood how much they meant to each other, their only family.

'Sirius,' mumbled Harry, rubbing his scar which had just gave a tiny twinge of pain.

'Does it hurt? Now?' Ginny looked concerned. Harry shook his head.

'No,' he lied; he had caused enough concern in this family, 'just habit I guess. What are you doing out here?'

'Couldn't sleep. Nightmares.'

'What about?' He was trying to distract her; Harry had had nightmares too, although he wasn't planning on telling Ginny. He was seriously sleep deprived lately, it showed on his face. He hadn't risked shouting out in his sleep, therefore waking the Weasleys and Hermione and causing unnecessary concern. He hadn't had a wink of sleep since his first night here.

'The Ministry and the Chamber...' She shifted uncomfortably and Harry gave her a reassuring smile.

'Yeah. I guess that's gonna haunt you for a while.'

'Do you ever have nightmares about it?'

Harry coughed and nodded slowly.

'Yeah. And about when I met Sirius and the Tournament and the Graveyard and the Ministry and - ' His voice broke.


'My parents’ deaths.' He was amazed at himself, he'd blurted it out, he'd never told anyone that he could remember it or the depth behind the horrors the Dementors brought to him.

'You can still remember it?' Ginny cursed herself in her head. Why did she have to go and ask him that? He'd probably never told anyone that, he wasn't likely going to tell her. But, to her surprise, he answered her.

'Kind of. Up until Hogwarts I dreamt about a flash of green light and Voldemort laughing. And do you know what I hear when I see the Dementors?' Ginny shook her head. 'I can hear my mother saying "not Harry, please not Harry," and my dad telling my mum to take me and run, that he'd hold him off. Then I can hear Voldemort killing him and telling my mum to step aside - he told me she needn't have died.'

Ginny had tears trailing silently down her cheeks. When Harry turned to face her, she saw that he had to. This surprised her; she'd never seen him cry before. He seemed to read her mind.

'Yeah, I know. The Chosen One breaks down... the Prophet would have a field day.' Ginny laughed and choked on her tears. Harry put an arm around her. He was normally very uncomfortable around crying girls, but with Ginny, it seemed natural.

'Hey, it's alright.'

'No it's not. It's not fair on you, you've lost so many people and you can't even escape it at night when you hear them dying! You've even seen your godfather die for God's sakes!' His reaction made her immediately regret her words as his jaw stiffened and he stared down at the ground.

'Oh, Harry, I'm so sor-' she began.

'No, it's fine. I've come to terms with their deaths and I'll move on after Sirius' soon. It just - takes time.'

There was a short silence, which Harry eventually broke.

'The worst part is that it's all my fault.'

Ginny sighed. 'When are you going to get this all into your head? Nothing is your fault, nothing at all. Your great and one day you might understand just how great you are.'

'Don't say that,' muttered Harry, clenching his fists. 'You don't understand.'

Ginny chewed her tongue thoughtfully before answering, her eyes flickering up to meet Harry’s.

'Then help me to.'

It was Harry's turn to sigh now as he sat up. 'You have no idea how much I want to tell you, but I can't. It'd be like sharing my death wish.'

She raised her eyebrows as she sat up beside him. 'Is it really that bad?'

'Ah ha,' said Harry, tearing up the grass in frustration.

'I'm sorry about Sirius,' whispered Ginny. Harry hung his head.

'I just can't believe he's gone.'

'Me neither.'

There was another silence in which Harry threw his torn up grass into the air behind him. Ginny's eyes followed it and she started to pull the petals off a daisy. Harry watched her, his stomach growling silently. He stood up, looking out over the water before offering out his hand to pull her up beside him.

'Come on - it's starting to get light and your mum's going to be out of her head if she finds out that we've been outside on our own. She might think Voldemort came and woke me up and took me out here for a picnic.'

Ginny giggled, threw the empty daisy stem to the ground and followed him into the kitchen.
‘A romantic one, I hope?’ she said slyly.
Harry snorted and shook his head at Ginny. ‘Yeah, that’s just as likely as Ron going off food. In other words; never.’
She laughed again. Her whole family had good appetites. Ron and Charlie in particular, though.



Ginny examined his face hungrily as he stared at the Weasley Family clock. She'd trade Dean for him any day...

'I don't think you're great, I think you're brilliant.'

And without giving Harry the chance to reply, she laughed again, kissed his cheek lightly and disappeared up the rickety stair case.
Reviews 3

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