
SIYE Time:12:57 on 12th December 2024
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Flipped Euphoria
By ohyea

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Category: Post-DH/AB
Genres: Fluff, Romance
Warnings: None
Story is Complete
Rating: PG
Reviews: 2
Summary: The snow is falling and Harry can only think of one thing when he's on the pitch....
Hitcount: Story Total: 5160

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, it all belongs to the wonderful J.K. Rowling.

Author's Notes:
I had this story written a while ago....which is why i'm posting this in the middle of June and not December. Enjoy and leave feedback!


The powerful wind roared in Harry's ears as a Bludger came pelting at him. The cold was unbelievable and he felt like he could've sworn there were icicles hanging from his ears. His heart ached not to be with his family, with Ginny....

She was so excited to have her first Christmas with Harry. She planned everything and anything, using century old Weasley traditions and inventing new ones to make things more special. It killed Harry to tell her that he couldn't be there; he couldn't because the Quidditch finals were taking place over the week of Christmas. Not wanting her to come, he told her to stay home and enjoy the festivities with Hermione and the rest of her family.

Bulgaria's superb chaser leapt at the Quaffle, breaking Harry's train of thought. He had been standing in mid-air without a thought to where the Snitch was. If he continued to go on like this, he might as well back out of the game already. But then England would be out of the league. They had to beat Bulgaria; it was their one true shine at glory. Once again, his thoughts wandered where they weren't supposed to in the middle of a treacherous Quidditch game, floating two hundred feet in the air.

He was supposed to be with Ginny right now. It was Christmas Eve, his first with her and now he wasn't there. He'd have to stay here for the rest of the week, missing Christmas. The very thought of it made his heart ache when he imagined Ginny's pained expression. Hot chocolate topped with whipped cream, sparkling decorations on the Christmas tree which Hermione fretted over, the smell of warm tree shaped cookies which Ron devoured sneakily, the warmth of Ginny...

Very suddenly, a Bludger shot at him while he ducked. It was too late; however, its force had shattered his left shoulder. A yell pierced out of him while pain attacked him. It was nothing to the emotional pain he felt not being there for Ginny on Christmas Day. Harry let out a ripped sigh while he set out for the Snitch, which was being increasingly tough to find in the white blankets that gripped the field. The opposing team, who were dressed in deep scarlet, were doing terribly. They were no match for Britain, which had been winning the league ever since Harry had been offered to join a year after the fall of Voldemort.

Pushing his glasses up his numb nose, he streaking through the sky, trying to get more focused on the game. It would be even worse if he had lost. His shoulder ached and he could feel it swell in the bitter cold. He would have a golden moment, shining....speaking of gold, what was that? It glinted below the stands, where few supported came because it was Christmas Eve, and the Snitch looked as though it had finally found a secure space. Harry sped towards it, and the Bulgarian seeker, catching sight of Harry, streaked after him. Harry's new Firebolt was definitely better than the opposing seeker's Nimbus. His fingertips scratched the side of the ball as he rose with increasing speed toward the clouds, which were emitting white puffs of cold cotton balls.

The Snitch was finally caught. Game over. None of the euphoria that usually filled Harry was there anymore. He was empty, not being there, no warmth from the blazing fire in the living room of the Burrow. Yet, the small crowd roared its approval while the boyish commentator shouted out scores.

His hair was flecked with snowflakes, making him look years older. He sped off to the medical unit, eagerly wanting to go home. With the tap of the old woman's wand, he immediately felt the red swelling reside. With his mind set, he ignored the woman's warning of resting and sprinted to the changing rooms. Without bothering to change, he scooped up something he left there especially for someone special. He wanted to Apparate, not caring whether he would get in trouble. He need to be there, he needed to...

But someone knocked on the changing room's door and he immediately ceased to leave.

He sighed, not wanting to delay his departure. He reached for the door handle, which was quite unnecessary, because someone had already whispered Alohomora. Someone had already stepped inside, leaving a small mess of snow on the ground. Harry didn't see who this person was but he did see red. He did smell the unmistakable scent of flowers. He did feel warmth and love.

The snow in Harry's hair immediately melted as Ginny's hands dug into it and the warmth on the back of his neck was coursing throughout his body. He pulled her body closer to him, missing her intensely, and instantly kissed her back. The snow's cold had ebbed away, or maybe Harry just didn't feel it anymore. It was true glory, total elation, and amazing feeling. His hand enclosed hers and he reluctantly finished the kiss.

"Let's go home. It's freezing out here." Harry said, though he didn't feel the cold anymore.

Ginny was definitely feeling frigid but didn't show it. She beamed brilliantly while tugging on Harry's hand, which felt numb. Apparating back to the Burrow, he was greeted with hugs, kisses and the fire's friendly glow.

The late afternoon passed merrily into the next day, and Harry still had a package in his back pocket. As he awoke by Ron's yell that Christmas was here, he got up to find the evergreen tree sitting on colorful presents. Opening presents was spectacular with shouts of joy. He pulled out the package and had Ginny open it. She was right next to him, her long red hair tickling his cheek. What appeared in the black velvet box was a silver necklace. The shape of a circle hung on to it and shined. This had caught Harry's eye the moment he walked into the shop with the ecstatic owner.

"It symbolizes us together like," he paused, not knowing how to finish,"like love. It's a circle. It's infinite. It never ends." he whispered softly.

Ginny, completely speechless with his gesture, simply melted. She tilted up to capture his smile with her lips. She gazed at him, wondering how he had gotten this moment to be so perfect, so filled with euphoria.

This was the absolute best Christmas ever.
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