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Behind the Curtains
By trappedinme

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Category: Post-DH/AB
Genres: Angst, General, Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Rating: R
Reviews: 5
Summary: *** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***

The adventures of Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione in the world without Voldemort.
Hitcount: Story Total: 4594

Disclaimer: Harry Potter Publishing Rights © J.K.R. Note the opinions in this story are my own and in no way represent the owners of this site. This story subject to copyright law under transformative use. No compensation is made for this work.

Author's Notes:
This is my first fanfic, so please bear with me. I'd really love your comments and suggestions please!


It was a dark and hot evening. The air was sticky and heavy. No one seemed to feel in the mood for a late stroll around the neighborhood... All except Harry.

His black hair was as messy as ever and his green eyes were quite fuzzy. All Harry had on was a thin white polo shirt and some long Muggle pants to disguise himself. This late stroll has become quite a habit of his, as it clears his mind and gets him thinking. Tonight, he was thinking more than ever. It had only been two months ago that he had fought the legendary battle between Lord Voldemort and himself. Harry would still be invited now and then on talk shows and appearances, but they were never really his nature. Harry had decided that he would let all of this excitement die down before applying for Auror at the Ministry of Magic. Hopefully, his achievements would help him along the way.

Harry reached a lonely park at the edge of their neighborhood. There were a few benches stationed at the sides and he walked to one and sat down. He remembered all those afternoons in Hogwarts when he and Ginny would walk alone and get quite entangled in themselves. He missed them. He missed the smell of Ginny's hair, the touch of her sultry lips, the glow of beautiful smile. Harry sighed. Ginny was in Egypt with her older brother Bill at the moment on a long deserved a break from all the ruckus back home. Harry hoped she still loved him as he loved her like the world. As soon as Ginny gets back home, Harry decided, he would invite her over to his new home here in London to catch up on things.


Two more months pass and it's finally September. Harry was in his study, looking at himself in the mirror. He was wearing his best robes and his eyeglasses were sparkling clean. The only untidy part of his look at the moment was the ever present unruliness of his black, rebellious hair.

Harry finally moved away from the mirror and walked straight into the flames of the large fireplace that would take him straight to the Ministry of Magic.

Upon arrival, the usual ruckus repeated itself once more. There was cheering and hailing, but Harry was focused on his goal at the moment. He merely smiled at the people, nodded a little, and continued on with a hasty walk towards the elevators. It took quite awhile to get to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. There were many people in the lines and the elevators need a speed boost.

Harry stepped out of the cramped elevator and brushed the creases out of his robes. He was standing in a semi-large hallway with several corridors branching off. The ceiling was covered in a light golden paint and the walls had a royal purple to it that blended perfectly with the ceiling. In the center of the hallway was a small fountain with a sculpture of a wizard forming the word Justice with his wand. A few wizards were scattered around the hallway but they didn't seem to be bothered or surprised by Harry Potter's sudden arrival.

Harry started walking towards the first corridor, which bore a sign above it saying Auror Office. A short distance away and Harry turned left into a dome-shaped room with a table in the center. An aging wizard with mid-length grey hair and wearing long black robes was hunched over the table, apparently busy with some parchment.

Harry cleared his throat. The wizard looked up and smiled a crooked, aged smile.

"Not a surprise to see you here, Mr. Potter," he said. He straightened up and looked Harry head to foot. "I can tell you're here for business, eh?"

Harry nodded, a faint smile visible on his handsome face. "As you may well know, sir, I have always wanted to become an Auror."

"As I have well known," the wizard chuckled and walked towards Harry, extending his hand in a handshake. "Birness. Thomas Birness. I'm the newly appointed Auror Applications In-Charge."

"Potter. Harry Potter," Harry replied, taking the hand and shaking it enthusiastically. "Nice to meet you, Birness."

Birness nodded and returned to the table, ushering Harry with him. He took out a large envelope with parchment in it. His hand hovered above the envelope, a thoughtful look on his face, and then the hand continued its journey. "Better follow procedures, Potter. They wouldn't want to think that just because you're you, you get all the special attention." Birness chuckled some more.

Harry smiled weakly. He took the parchment Birness handed him and held it tightly in his left hand. He started scanning them.

Birness watched Harry Potter intently as he scanned the application parchment. The boy would make a fine Auror. He was built quite lean, but that would help him either way. His eyes were sharp and his mind was quick. All the necessary attributes of a true Auror.


A week had gone by and Harry sat at the dining table in his room, reading a letter sent by the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. It stated that all had been good with his application and he would be expected to attend the interview on September 21. Harry grinned with relief and almost whooped with joy.

Not only had he been having good luck with his job propositions, but Ginny was coming back today and he was going to meet her over at the Burrow.

Later that day, Harry was sitting at the table in the Burrow with Ron. They both had jugs of Butterbeer in their hand, a favorite pastime of Harry's.

"So how has the application at the Auror Office been going for you, mate?" Ron asked. He had now probably reached his vertical limit, tall and proud of it. His freckles had faded away and his hair had settled in a fine position.

"Pretty good. I'm due at an interview on September 21," Harry replied after taking a sip of Butterbeer.

Ron smiled. "Good for you. I'm still waiting for a reply on my application too. I had just sent mine two days ago, mind."

"Okay. How've Hermione and you been?"

Recently, Hermione Granger had been spotted doing research on cures for some illnesses without a known cure yet. Harry received an owl from her a few days ago asking him how he was and how great it was to be working with some top experts.

Ron blushed. "I still fancy her of course. Progress is just being slow at the moment."

Harry chuckled.

Just then, Harry heard a sound outside like the sound normally heard when someone Apparates. He stood up automatically and listened. Footsteps. The door slowly creaked open.

There she was. Harry's heart seemed to be pounding like large drums being hit by three people all at once. She was standing there in white, flowing robes and her hair was tied up. Her skin was soft and radiant in the pale sunlight shining through the window.

"Hey there, Harry. Ron."

Ron cleared his throat and brought Harry out of his reveries. "Hi, Ginny. Good to have you back home." He hugged her tight.

Harry smiled sheepishly. "Yeah, great to have you back, Gin."

Ginny looked at him intently. "You're lacking one part of the greeting." At that moment, Harry and Ginny both wrapped their arms around each other and kissed each other. Harry felt so good he wanted to go on, go deeper... but how could they with Ron standing there beside them, red around the ears?
Reviews 5

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