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First Kiss
By Pigwidgeon11

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Category: Post-OotP, Pre-OotP
Characters:Harry/Ginny, Harry/Ginny
Genres: Fluff, Romance
Warnings: None
Story is Complete
Rating: G
Reviews: 12
Summary: The chronicle of Ginny's first kiss - or kisses.
Hitcount: Story Total: 6620

Disclaimer: Harry Potter Publishing Rights © J.K.R. Note the opinions in this story are my own and in no way represent the owners of this site. This story subject to copyright law under transformative use. No compensation is made for this work.

Author's Notes:
I came upon this idea only about a week ago... were any of Ginny's first kisses really as wonderful as a first kiss should be? Maybe they were....


Ginny Weasley’s first kiss was one born of a longing to overcome a silly schoolgirl crush. Her second first kiss was one born of anger and bitterness and a friend in hard times. Her third first kiss, perhaps the grandest first kiss of them all, was born simply of passion and joy and caring and love.

This is the story of those very three first kisses.

Michael was looking at her again, one hand creeping across the table. She tried not to glance down or withdraw her own hand, but it was certainly an effort.

Tiny flakes of pink confetti rested in his hair, snuggled in the soft curls. Big brown eyes gazed at her, blinking uncertainly.

He was leaning towards her now, Ginny realized. He was moving around the booth, eyes sliding shut and lips parting slightly.

‘Oh, God, he’s going to kiss me,’ Ginny thought, panicking. Her eyes flicked quickly to his lips, then, oddly, to his hair. It really was nice, very soft and touchable…if only it were a deep, dark, jet black…

“Ginny,” Michael breathed. Warm air tickled Ginny’s cheek, and she realized for the first time just how close they were.

As her eyes closed slowly, Ginny’s last thought was a realization that she’d hoped her first kiss would be with Harry.

For a first kiss — her first, their first — it wasn’t as stellar as she’s hoped. Michael’s hand was gentle at the back of her neck, and his lips were very soft…Ginny forced herself to let go of the hope that she’d suddenly feel the bump of a pair of glasses against her cheek.

When Michael pulled back, his eyes were even more uncertain than before. He bit his lip, on the point of apologizing.

‘Now or never,’ Ginny thought bracingly. ‘You kiss him now and get over bloody Potter, or you sacrifice all happiness.’

That seemed to be all there was to it. Without allowing herself to analyze the situation any longer, Ginny leaned forward, catching Michael’s lips with her own. Their second kiss was much more appealing, and Ginny found herself forgetting completely that the boy whom she’s really rather be kissing was probably sitting in the Three Broomsticks, staring at a dark-haired fifth year whom Ginny could never compare with.

“No,” Ginny fumed, turning back from the window, hands fisting on her thighs. “Michael was a git, and there is not way I’ll let myself be torn up over him.”

“Right,” Dean agreed soberly, leaning nonchalantly against the next desk. One dark hand rested near her leg.

“I broke up with him, right? Not the other way around. He’s probably been after Cho since before we even got together.”

Dean glanced around the empty classroom. “Doesn’t make you feel better, though, does it?”

Ginny scowled at him. “I’m trying, Dean.”

“Sorry, sorry,” he said, hands up defensively. “I’ll let you … steam.” He pushed himself away from the desk and turned towards the door. “Just trying to help.”

“Wait, Dean!” Ginny took a step towards him, grabbing his hand as he pivoted on the spot. “Don’t go.”

“Ginny, I didn’t have to come,” he said, eyes smoldering. “Seamus and I were supposed to help filch some Butterbeer after the match, and I wouldn’t even have followed you if Ron and Harry hadn’t ignored you completely.”

Swallowing, Ginny leveled her voice and murmured, “This has nothing to do with Harry or Ron.”

Dean laughed bitterly. “It has everything to do with Harry. You never looked at Michael when Harry was around, and Michael noticed. He seemed to think paying attention to Cho would make you jealous.”

Scowling, Ginny said, “Well, he was right.”

“But you’re not over Harry, are you?”

Ginny chewed the inside of her lip, trying to decide how best to answer. Dean’s eyes were the most brilliantly dark brown, flecked with green… “I got over Harry a long time ago, Dean.”

Dean stared at her for a long time, not blinking. “Well, I hope you can get over Michael as quickly.”

“I’m over him! I’m over them both!” Ginny exclaimed, brushing a strand of hair back from her cheek. If only she believed herself. “In fact, I declare that from this moment forward, I am starting anew. I have never even been kissed!” Laughing, she flung her arms around Dean’s neck.

“Well, then,” Dean grinned, pulling back, “may I have the immense pleasure of being your first kiss?”

Ginny was so busy gaping at him that when their lips touched, she jumped slightly. She had thought Michael’s lips were soft, but Dean’s… Her arms snaked slowly back around his neck, her fingers brushing the wisps of thick black hair at the nape of his neck.

‘Maybe I really can get over Harry,’ a small voice said inside her. ‘Maybe.’

Ginny tossed her broom down on the couch, cheeks still stinging from the wind. She couldn’t remember the last time she’s laughed so hard or felt so warm and complete inside.

As an excitable first year hugged her, she found her eyes on Dean, standing on the far side of the crowded common room with a glass of Butterbeer in a death grip. She’s thought that maybe catching the Snitch and winning the Quidditch cup for Gryffindor would be able to free her mind from the guilt of breaking up with him, but maybe not…

‘Seems like I’m alone again. Seems like I need another first kiss.’

Just then, the portrait hole opened and a roar ripped through the room. Time slowed as Ginny turned, Gryffindor scarf swinging, to see Harry in the entrance to the room, eyes on her alone. She had long since abandoned that silly crush, but something else had replaced it. Her heart swelled at the sight of his perfectly disheveled hair and the crooked glasses, and she couldn’t resist.

She flew across the room to him, the others a blur of faces. He stepped forward slightly, and she flung her arms around him in a hug.

But before she could rest her chin on his warm, muscled shoulder, he kissed her.

Ginny knew immediately that this was the first kiss she’d been waiting for. Her heart was exploding; the world had stopped. She would have fallen, her knees having given way, had Harry not held her tightly against him.

His lips were softer than she had ever dreamt, softer by far than Dean’s or Michael’s. Firm muscle was definitely detectable, and she knew he must have spent a great deal of time snogging Cho to be this good.

Hours later, it seemed, Harry gently set her down. She could see the hesitation in his face that had been there with Dean and Michael, but it was different. He did not look down at her. She knew, as she pressed her head against his chest and breathed deeply, that he was seeking Ron’s approval.

Ginny knew no control over her limbs as Harry opened the portrait hole and helped her out. Everything was a daze. Harry Potter. God, she’d kissed Harry Potter. He’d kissed her! This was the moment she’s wanted her entire life, the moment she had yearned for when she saw him laughing with Ron and Hermione.

As he grinned sheepishly down at her, and as she beamed shamelessly up at him, Ginny knew that no first kiss had ever been as beautiful, as heart-stoppingly blissful, as her first kiss with Harry Potter.

And, of course, it was the first of many.

A/N: I hope to make a companion story, "First Breakup." Hope you liked it! (Obviously, I'm no where NEAR as good at writing Michael/Ginny or Dean/Ginny as Harry/Ginny. Hope it still delivers!)
Reviews 12

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