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Saving Harry
By The Seeker

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Category: Pre-OotP, Alternate Universe, Buried Gems
Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance
Warnings: Violence
Story is Complete
Rating: R
Reviews: 1040
Summary: What if JKR had never intended the Harry Potter series to be for children? How would Harry’s time at the Dursleys been written? This story focuses on the years Harry lived in the cupboard under the stairs at number four Privet Drive, as well as his first appearance at Hogwarts. The treatment he receives during his decade there is not described in fairy tale terms. The boy who initially develops is not the Harry Potter we know. The story is liberally AU, with different personality traits, events, and relationships used to reflect the changes in this very different Harry and the environment in which he grew up. In the end, through the assistance of a certain redheaded young lady, Harry ultimately finds the life he should have had and rediscovers the qualities he always had inside of him. While I am not a psychologist or child development expert, the symptoms, actions, and behaviors portrayed reflect the realities of child abuse. Appropriate disclosures will be contained in the Author’s Notes above the chapter when warranted.
Hitcount: Story Total: 340835; Chapter Total: 18094
Awards: View Trophy Room

Author's Notes:
Please excuse the long delay. It definitely wasn’t intentional. As mentioned in the A/N in the previous chapter, this is the last chapter of Saving Harry. However, I am leaving the door open to return to this story. Merlin knows there are many more themes I would like to explore within the SH universe No promises, but never say never, right?

To a fan fiction author, reviews are the coins of the realm. You have been more than generous with both the quantity and quality of your comments. Each of your reviews is appreciated, and there is no way I can thank you sufficiently. Your thoughtful and perceptive comments have elevated this experience far beyond anything I could have imagined, and it makes ending this story very, very difficult.

I hope you enjoy the ending chapter and the now completed story. As I’ve commented on several occasions, the story was always designed to examine Harry’s decade with the Dursleys in order to see the impact those years would have on his entry into the wizarding world and Hogwarts. That is why I ended the story early in Harry’s first year.

I would be remiss if I didn’t thank a number of people who contributed to this story, whether on this chapter, throughout the story, or both.

First and foremost, my thanks and undying gratitude to cwarbeck. Beyond what cel has contributed from an editing standpoint, it was her behind the scenes efforts on the story’s behalf, particularly when it was generating some heat for the site, that has made me so thankful she agreed to beta this story. I’ve told cel this before, but it bears repeating: Saving Harry would be a completely different story without her ideas, support, and editing skills. Cel, thank you seems inadequate, but I hope you know the depth of feeling behind that trite wish.

For this chapter, a salute goes to Sir Ollivander of the SIYE administrative staff for the goblin/bank-related idea. Thanks, Tom!

Being able to bounce ideas off Megs/DQBunny when the premise for the story was in the beginning stages proved to be exceptionally helpful.

Arnel and Melindaleo: Thanks for suggesting I put tissue warnings in the A/Ns for each chapter.

To my good buddies, Peter/MyGinevra and Paul/Bransfolly, who helped in immeasurable ways. I’m really looking forward to our next projects.

Seeker Sis, who really is . . . my sister, that is, and my self-proclaimed #1 fan, which is definitely turn around on her part since I am her #1 fan.

I truly hope you enjoy the last chapter and the story as a whole. I truly enjoyed writing Saving Harry and interacting with you. Thank you!

Best regards, Jim


Walking into the Entrance Hall, the group returning from the Grangers’ house was startled to see Albus Dumbledore waiting for them. “Professor McGonagall, Mr Potter, would you come with me to my office? I wish to discuss Draco Malfoy with you.”

Harry’s soaring joy from reuniting with Miss Rae and Sammi crashed into the granite floor of the castle, brought down by Albus Dumbledore’s summons.

While the headmaster, Professor McGonagall, and Harry Potter silently walked through the halls of Hogwarts, the boy’s thoughts went to two opposing Potter Philosophies.

Evil exists. When it affects the life of a Potter, whether directly or indirectly, it must be eradicated. No other action is acceptable.

Whoa! As bad as Draco is, I don’t think he’s evil. There’s no way I would get rid of him.

A Potter treats all people with honour and respect, even when they are not due. Two benefits accrue from this philosophy. The first is that the person in question, whose previous behaviour did not warrant such treatment, may change as a result of being treated well. In the second situation, even with the most dastardly of opponents, if a Potter has maintained his dignity and has not descended to the level of the other person, then he will retain his reputation and the admiration of people who value such qualities.

How would Draco act if Snape and his Housemates treated him with respect? Would he change how he acts? I wonder what the headmaster intends to do.

“Sir,” Harry said, bringing both Dumbledore and McGonagall to a halt and peering at him with curiosity. Harry took a deep breath. “I don’t think I should be part of the discussion on Draco’s punishment.”

Dumbledore looked at the boy in shock and confusion, while the corners of McGonagall’s mouth briefly turned up.

“Why not, Harry?” the headmaster asked softly.

Harry looked at the granite floor, not wanting to see the disappointment in the headmaster’s eyes. “It’s not right for me . . . or any student . . . to set the punishment for another student. If Draco ever returns to school, he’ll think of his punishment every time he sees me.”

The headmaster appeared to grow older as he attempted to explain his reasoning. “I thought you would want to be there, Harry. I was trying to do what I thought you wanted. Apparently I’ve failed again.”

Harry noticed Professor McGonagall watching him closely. “Thank you for thinking of me, sir . . .”

When Harry hesitated, Minerva expressed her views. “Albus, you should have asked Harry first, instead of attempting to put him in the middle of this situation. Draco will equate his punishment with Harry, almost as if Harry had decided it.”

Dumbledore deflated in front of them. “Is that how you feel, Harry?” he asked quietly.

Harry nodded. “I don’t think I should be there.”

Dumbledore sighed. “Well, then, I find myself apologizing again. I will ask next time and not presume.”

“Thank you, sir,” the boy responded softly.

Professor McGonagall said, “I will escort Mr Potter back to his common room.”

The boy hesitated, feeling he should do something to reassure the headmaster but drawing a blank, he just nodded at the elderly wizard and tried to ignore the gnawing hole in his stomach.

Professor McGonagall and Harry walked in silence until they were well away from where the headmaster remained standing, deep in thought. “Harry?” The boy looked up at his teacher. “You did the right thing.” He exhaled heavily. “That was difficult for you, wasn’t it?”

Harry nodded. “Yeah. I know Professor Dumbledore is trying . . . but he makes his decisions without asking anyone first. I brought back a book from Potter Estates. It’s called Potter Philosophy. One of the sections talks about trying to understand what the other person is thinking when you have a, uh, disagreement, so you can find something to agree on.” The boy sighed. “If he makes decisions without talking with me, it makes it tough to find something we can agree on.”

Professor McGonagall considered what her young charge had said, then she began to speak quietly. “The headmaster has been in various leadership roles for over 50 years. You’ve seen all his titles.” Harry nodded. “He is used to making decisions and having them carried out. Very few of us,” she smiled briefly at Harry, “question him.”

“So, this is new for him, too?” Harry guessed.

McGonagall smiled. “Very good, Mr Potter. If you want my advice,” Harry nodded his head energetically, “keep doing what you have been doing. Speak up when he does something that affects you without talking to you first. He really wants to do what’s best for you, for all his students. Keep trying, Harry.”

“I will, Professor,” he promised.

Harry could see the Fat Lady’s portrait, but the professor stopped and moved to the side of the corridor, then waved her wand to create a Silencing Spell around them.

“Harry, I know you were very happy to see your old friends and to re-establish relationships with them. Now that you won’t be participating in the decision regarding Mr Malfoy’s punishment, please put him out of your mind. Then, congratulate yourself for having the courage to do the right thing. You should feel proud of yourself for expressing your feelings on the matter.

“I hope you can recapture the joyful expression I saw on your face when we left the Grangers’. From what I understand, it was well-earned. I am quite sure that Ginny and Hermione will help you do that.”

Harry smiled and moved to hug his professor, but stopped abruptly when he remembered where they were. Instead, he held out his hand, which Minerva McGonagall grasped with both of hers and returned his smile.

“Now go and enjoy having two great friends back in your life, Harry.” She affectionately ruffled his hair.

The professor again waved her wand, this time dispelling the Silencing Spell. Harry moved towards the portrait, while Professor McGonagall turned in the opposite direction to go to the headmaster’s office, but she stopped when she heard the young wizard’s voice.

“Professor, thanks for everything.”

“My pleasure, Mr Potter.” With her eyes sparkling, the professor nodded goodbye to her student and walked down the corridor.

Harry paused briefly and closed his eyes, letting the good feelings from his new old friends wash over him. He smiled to himself as their images came to his mind’s eye and he recaptured the warm feeling their reunion had created.


Ha rry entered the common room, with a smile on his face, and searched for Ginny and Hermione. He quickly found his two female friends and walked over to them.

“That didn’t take very long,” Ginny said.

“I told Professor Dumbledore I shouldn’t be there,” Harry replied.

Hermione immediately nodded her head. “It’s not appropriate for a student to be part of another student’s punishment.”

“Malfoy would always think you were the reason for his punishment,” Ginny reasoned. “If anything, it would make the situation worse.”

“Right in one, for both of you. Professor McGonagall supported me. When we walked back here, she gave me some good advice.” Harry grinned at the two witches. “Most of it had to do with how good my friends are. I’m not sure, but I think she was talking about you two.”

The girls laughed, and Ginny said, “Prat.”

“Yup,” Hermione replied before Harry could open his mouth. “C’mon, Harry, sit down and tell us everything.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He sat down, and Hermione tapped him lightly on the shoulder. Harry and Ginny’s hands found the other without either looking at what they were doing.

“There wasn’t too much to it,” Harry said. “Professor Dumbledore thought I would want to be there. When I told him I didn’t — for the reasons you two said — he let me come back here. Professor McGonagall walked back with me. She said Dumbledore really was trying. I could see that. He just does things without asking people, so I told McGonagall that. I think she’ll discuss that with the headmaster. It actually ended pretty well.” Harry lowered his voice. “I know I’m not being treated like other students, and I just want to know why. It doesn’t seem that hard, but for some reason Professor Dumbledore doesn’t want to discuss it.”

“Maybe he will now,” Ginny said.

“Let’s hope so,” Harry replied. Suddenly, a wide smile split his face and his voice became quiet again. “Now would be a perfect time to prank Ron and the twins.” He paused. “I have one in mind, if Ginny thinks it’s good enough. I also want to bring in the rest of the group, so no one’s feelings get hurt. Sound good?”

“Tell us about the prank, Potter,” Ginny said in a demanding voice that was offset by her smile.

After Harry provided an overview of his idea, both girls laughed. “It won’t hurt them, but it will draw attention,” Ginny said.

“All we have to do is figure out how to do it,” Hermione added.

Harry said, “Research project,” and Hermione grinned. “Let’s get everyone together after dinner. Maybe we can meet in the Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw common room, so we won’t call attention to ourselves here.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Ginny said. “Now, let’s discuss how we’ll get together with Sammi and Miss Rae again, and we all need to write letters to them. Right?”


Min erva McGonagall rejoined the headmaster where she and Harry had left him. “How is Harry doing?” the elderly wizard asked.

“He seemed to be fine after we discussed what had happened and why,” the witch answered. “Albus, Harry does appreciate what you were trying to do. The specific situation was the problem, not your offer to include him.”

Dumbledore slowly nodded his head. “Good. With the advantage of hindsight, I can understand why he would not have wanted to be included in that meeting. Both of you made good points.”

McGonagall nodded curtly, then she began to speak fervently. “Harry needs a mentor, Albus, not someone telling him what to do and making decisions without talking with him. There is still a chance for you to take that position. You have so much to give to him, and both of you will be the better for working with the other.”

“I’ve been denying what has been obvious since that tragic Halloween night nearly ten years ago,” Dumbledore said quietly.

Minerva gasped. “Harry will carry on in your place when your time is over?”

Dumbledore exhaled heavily. “I have no doubt.”

“Then, it is imperative that you help to prepare him,” she replied immediately.

“Yes, you’re right, dear friend. I shall put much thought into that subject,” the headmaster said.

They arrived at the stairs that led to the headmaster’s office. After the gargoyle received the password, the stairs began to move upward, and the two educators soon entered the office. The headmaster waved his wand and a comfy chair appeared to the left side of his large desk.

Professor McGonagall frowned at the chair, and with a wave of her wand, transfigured it into a straight-back wooden chair.

The door opened abruptly and in strode Professor Snape, his face a neutral mask, and Draco Malfoy, who looked furious.

Fawkes trilled several dissonant notes, causing all present to stare at the phoenix. It was obvious that the bird was staring at the new arrivals. Fawkes moved his gaze to the headmaster and trilled notes that sounded like the world’s most beautiful aria. The headmaster smiled at his familiar for the reassurance he had provided.

“I expect an apology from everyone involved with this farce,” Draco demanded, glaring at the headmaster.

Professor Snape responded first, “Mr Malfoy, I would strongly recommend you hold your tongue until you are asked to speak.”

Malfoy gazed at his Head of House with the same malevolence he had directed at the headmaster, but the boy didn’t say anything. He sat heavily in one of the two chairs in front of Dumbledore’s desk, while Snape took the other chair.

Professor McGonagall and the headmaster settled into their chairs, and the headmaster began the meeting. “Mr Malfoy, your Head of House has brought you here at my request, so we can discuss the consequences of your recent actions.”

When Albus Dumbledore spoke again, his voice chilled the air in the office. “Draco Malfoy, you attacked a student who essentially was unarmed. Not only did you do this, you had four accomplices to assist in the ambush of Mr Potter. We know you and Miss Parkinson cast the Stunning Spells, since we checked everyone’s wands. Further, the Weasleys saw you surrounding a comatose Mr Potter, before Stunning you and the others. If not for their fortuitous arrival, you may have done even more damage to Mr Potter. Do you have anything to say in your defence?”

Draco’s reaction startled everyone present. The blond wizard looked at the floor for several seconds. When his eyes returned to the headmaster, they looked puzzled, almost confused.

“Sir,” he said quietly. “I did not make any plans to hurt Potter.” He paused. “I don’t know how the idea was given to me, but I strongly feel someone,” he glanced in the direction of Professor Snape, “did something.”

Snape looked livid, with his pallid skin turning a blotchy red, but he didn’t say anything. His coal black eyes drilled into Draco.

“What did he do, Mr Malfoy?” the headmaster asked softly.

“I don’t know, sir,” the boy replied, shaking his head. “I honestly don’t remember anything specific. I just have a vague feeling the idea was somehow planted in me. I have no memory of it, so a pensieve wouldn’t confirm it.”

Snape fidgeted slightly in his chair and roughly exhaled a lungful of air. “Headmaster, obviously the boy has been well coached by his father. Isn’t it convenient that nothing he said can be proven?”

“Mr Malfoy, Professor Snape has made a relevant point,” Dumbledore said after several seconds. “There is no way to corroborate your vague feelings.” He looked at Professor McGonagall who subtly nodded her head. “I’m afraid that based on your actions and your intent to do more damage to a Hogwarts student, you must be suspended . . .”

Draco interrupted, yelling, “I didn’t plan it. He could have Imperio’d me or planted the thought through Legilimency.”

The headmaster shook his head. “You are grasping at straws now, Mr Malfoy. You are suspended from Hogwarts effective today. Your parents will be notified to pick you up immediately. Until that time, you are restricted to Slytherin House without your wand. I would recommend that you use the time until your parents arrive to pack your clothes and supplies. As I was saying when you interrupted me, you may reapply during the summer to be considered for re-admission as a first year student. An in-depth interview with Professors Snape, McGonagall, and me will be required.”

“First year? What if I go to school somewhere else or hire tutors?”

“You will only be considered for admission as a first year, Mr Malfoy,” the headmaster repeated. “This time may be beneficial to you for more than academics. We will need to hear from you by July 1st next year, if you want to be considered. If we do not hear from you by that date, we will assume you are pursuing your education elsewhere.

“Professor Snape will take you back to Slytherin House, and he will contact your parents so they can pick you up immediately. Your wand will be returned by owl post.

“Professor, please advise the four other students that their punishment will be extended as is for the rest of the school year. They, too, have the alternative of seeking their education elsewhere, and their continued education at Hogwarts will be determined by their behaviour during the school year and an interview with the three of us. If they pass, they will continue as second years.”

Draco didn’t react to his Housemates being allowed to re-enter as second years. His eyes looked dead, as Professor Snape guided him from the chair and out the door.


Hermi one, Ginny, and Harry decided to leave early for dinner, so they could stand outside the Great Hall and invite their friends to the “prank” meeting. Since Susan and Hannah arrived first, the two friends quickly agreed to the trio’s request to meet in their common room. As the others arrived, word of the meeting was conveyed, as subtly as they could. So, the group wouldn’t leave at the same time, Hermione suggested they stagger the departures once Susan and Hannah had left the hall, then meet in the Entrance Hall and go downstairs to the Hufflepuff common room.

Everyone said they were interested in hearing about the plan, including Percy Weasley who was well acquainted with the Weasley rules for pranking. As dinner came to a close, the members of the group departed sporadically, so they inconspicuously mixed with the other students who were leaving the hall. Soon a dozen students from all four Houses had assembled in the Entrance Hall, then with Susan and Hannah leading the way, they went down to the dungeon entrance to the ‘Puffs’ common room.

When they entered the brightly decorated room, the few students already there looked up in confusion. But once they saw Harry, understanding replaced confusion, followed by whispered conversations. The group sat in the chairs and couches by the fireplace, while Harry cast an area Silencing Spell.

Ginny looked around the group. “Everyone, the handsome redheaded prefect is my brother, Percy.” The fifth year nodded his head as the group turned in mass towards him. “Well, the twins and Ron tried to prank me at the end of summer, but their timing was horrible, and they got Harry instead.” Ginny smiled evilly. “Weasley rules require that we prank them back . . .”

“And that’s why you got us together,” Su finished, with an equally wicked smile on her face.

“Right in one,” Harry said. “We need to figure out how to do the prank we’ve come up with. Here’s what we had in mind.” Everyone in the group leaned forward as Harry explained how they were going to retaliate. When he finished, Hermione took over after the laughing had calmed down.

“We need to find the charms, figure out how to do the transfiguration, and how to deliver the spells to the three gentlemen in question.”

Daphne’s sarcastic, rhetorical question caused the group to laugh. “You mean you don’t want Harry and Ginny jumping up and casting the spells at them?”

Percy, still grinning, responded, “Not quite. Part of the best planned pranks is that no one can identify who did them, even when it’s obvious, as in this case, who did it.” Percy added, “It also helps to keep from being punished,” which brought more laughter from the friends.

“When do you want to pull the prank?” Susan asked.

“We’d like to do it at breakfast in three days,” Harry replied, while eyebrows rocketed upwards among the group. “We can always move it back, if that isn’t enough time.”

Blaise suggested, “It would be most effective to assign a group to each part of the prank, don’t you think?”

“Excellent idea, Blaise,” Harry enthused. “There are twelve of us, and there are three parts to the prank. I’m pretty sure I know how to get it delivered so the prank can’t be traced back to us. Let’s divide up.”

After the groups were formed, Padma and Hermione simultaneously said, “Library,” and the eleven first year and one fifth year students automatically fell into their groups and began sharing their thoughts on their part of the project.

At the breakfast, three days hence, twelve students from four different Houses casually, some would say innocently, walked into the Great Hall with smirks on their faces, which grew even bigger when they saw the three Weasleys eating breakfast. Hermione, Ginny, and Harry took their usual seats by Ron, and down from where the twins sat with their mates. Percy took his usual spot at the end of the table closest to the professors. All wore their normal expressions.

Five minutes later, Ron’s red hair began growing and curling, until he was wearing a five inch Afro around the edge of his head, while being completely bald on top. The students around Ron began to snigger, then laugh more loudly. That caught the attention of the other tables, and the laughter increased several-fold. Ron looked around frantically, his surprised expression quickly changing to anger.

“Hey,” George yelled, as his school clothes and robes turned into a puffy clown’s suit in neon pink, which clashed horribly with his red hair.

As Fred laughed at his brother’s attire, his mirror image began laughing, too. Fred’s face morphed from freckles to white-face, a bulbous bright red nose, huge red lips, and garishly highlighted eyes.

As the three brothers stared and pointed at each other, amid the tumult their transformations had caused, three simultaneous pops were heard, and all three boys now looked exactly the same.

A pink clown suit, with gigantic red boots.

Bright, bushy tomato red hair, but with none on top of their heads.

And a clown’s white-face complexion, red nose, painted lips, and highlighted eyes.

The noise grew louder, as students laughed, razzed the three, clapped, and cheered. Ron tried to sink under the table, his anger and embarrassment causing his ears to turn such a bright red it looked like steam would soon come from them.

The twins rose as one from the bench and bowed in tandem to their admirers, then turned simultaneously towards Ginny and Harry and bowed again. When the twins turned back to the cheering students, they discovered the last part of the prank.

“Thank you, thank you . . .” they stopped and doubled over with laughter. They sounded exactly like Goofy from the Disney cartoons. While well known in the wizarding world but not to Muggles, Walt Disney was a Squib, and his entire life had been based on trying to capture the magic he couldn’t perform himself.

With the final part of the prank revealed, the students rose as one, clapping, whistling, stamping their feet, and pounding the tables in appreciation of whoever had pulled the prank on the school’s number one pranksters and their fuming brother.

Professor Dumbledore standing up at the head table finally brought an end to the ovation, and the students returned to their seats, though the hall was filled with chattering and urgent whispers. The professor walked to the Gryffindor table and stopped close to Ron and the twins. He wore a large smile

“A most inventive prank, I must say, and no doubt in response to something you three did?”

The twins looked innocent, while Ron’s ears rapidly turned red again. George laughed, Goofy-like, and said, “Well, garsh perfesser, we didn’t do nothin’. Hee-yup.”

When he regained his composure, Albus Dumbledore said, “I think the entire school should have the benefit of seeing and hearing the three of you today, so I’ll expect you to attend each of your classes.”

While the headmaster had been speaking, Harry whispered something to Neville, who was seated next to him.

Dumbledore’s gaze moved from the three Weasley clowns to Harry and Ginny, who had composed their faces in as innocent an expression as they could muster. “Does anyone have any idea how long this particular prank may last?”

Neville Longbottom turned a red bright enough to rival the clowns’ garish make-up, but he cleared his throat and said shakily, “Sir, I understand that pranks like this usually last about 12 hours.”

Dumbledore quickly hid his surprise when the normally shy Neville responded. “That is, indeed, good news, Mr Longbottom. Five points to you for interesting outside research.”

Neville gulped and squeaked, “Thank you, sir.”

Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Percy bit their lips to keep from laughing out loud. Harry did notice that the twins and Ron were looking at Neville in a curious manner, so he shook his head, and the twins responded with thumbs up, indicating they now knew Neville had not been part of the prank. Ron just glared.

Breakfast soon ended, and the Gryffindors followed the clowns en mass, until differing classes caused them to break up. The twins revelled in the extra attention, talking loudly and often in the Goofy voices, and occasionally doing pratfalls.

Lavender and Parvati teased Ron unmercifully. “Well, Parv, I think Ron looks much better in this style.”

“I agree, Lav. It’s obvious he finally is paying attention to his appearance. It’s quite an improvement.”

As the Gryffindors giggled, Hermione brushed up against Ron, immediately gaining his attention. “Want to clown around, big boy?” Hermione asked in a breathy, sexy voice.

Seamus exploded in laughter, followed immediately by the other Gryffindors. Harry tried to figure out whether they were laughing at Hermione’s line, the fact that the normally prim and proper Hermione had said it, or Ron’s furious reaction to the teasing.

It’s probably all of them, Harry finally concluded.

Both Ginny and he continued to watch Hermione and Ron, though they couldn’t hear their exchanges. Finally, Hermione shrugged her shoulders and dropped back to join Ginny and Harry. Ron walked by himself.

Later that evening, as eight o’clock approached, the Gryffindor students in the common room began turning around to view the three Weasleys. The twins had literally dragged their younger brother from his dorm room, telling him to lighten up and enjoy the fun.

Sure enough, three rapid pops sounded at 8:02, and the three Weasley wizards were returned to their previous status. The Lions cheered and applauded the final act of the prank, especially when the twins and finally Ron stood up and took a bow. The twins turned and nodded at the three masterminds, apparently having enjoyed the prank as much as the other students who had seen and heard them.

Ron sat down at the table, with Hermione, Harry, Ginny, and Neville. “Blimey, Harry, Ginny, that was bloody brilliant, but you shouldn’t have made such a public spectacle of us. Ginny’s was just at home.”

Hermione opened her mouth, then snapped it shut. Harry caught the action and smiled at his friend.

Ginny whispered, “It wasn’t just us. We had some great help.”

Ron looked directly at Percy, who was conspicuous by his presence in the common room. Usually, he spent his entire evening in the library, in the company of a curly-haired fifth year Ravenclaw prefect.

“I think I know who you mean.”

Ginny winked at Harry, who thought, What he doesn’t know won’t hurt the other people.”


Towards the end of dinner the next night, Professor Dumbledore rose from his chair and looked out at the assembled students. Within seconds the chatter that had filled the hall ceased, and the attention of the students turned to their headmaster.

“Normally I would treat the matter about which I am going to speak as a personal one, between the student, parents, and myself. Alas, this particular situation demands to be brought to your attention for several reasons. For one, I do not want to see a repeat of what recently happened, for the next punishment handed out will be even more severe. Second, the best way to stop rumours is to tell the truth — and the whole truth — at the beginning.” The headmaster glanced briefly at Harry.

“Draco Malfoy has been suspended for the remaining school year.” Dumbledore paused as the whispers reached a crescendo, then subsided as the headmaster waited. “As most, if not all of you know, Mr Malfoy was the leader of a group of five students who ambushed Mr Potter earlier this term. Mr Malfoy’s parents have taken Draco back home. I do not know what their plans are at this time. He may be home schooled or seek to transfer to another magical institution or do nothing to further his education. It is his family’s decision to make.

“If Mr Malfoy applies for reinstatement to Hogwarts prior to July 1 of next year, he will need to pass an extensive interview with Professors Snape and McGonagall and myself. He must convince us that this event was a one-time anomaly and that he will be able to function properly in an educational environment. If we deem Mr Malfoy ready to return to Hogwarts, he will re-enter as a first year.” Numerous gasps and whispered conversations sprang up and quieted just as quickly after the headmaster held up his hand. “We hope that his time away from Hogwarts and what he found to be a difficult time of transition will bring Mr Malfoy the perspective to be a positive force at whatever school he attends.

“As for his four cohorts, they will continue in the same manner they have been the past several weeks. When the school year ends, each of them will have the opportunity to apply as second year students at Hogwarts. Our decision to allow them to remain at Hogwarts will be based on how they behaved during this school year and passing the same type of interview I mentioned for Mr Malfoy. Except for the students in Slytherin House, no other students at Hogwarts should see Misses Parkinson and Bulstrode, Mr Crabbe, or Mr Goyle. If you do, please immediately inform a prefect or a Head of House, whoever is most available to you.

“Lastly, a few words meant to preclude any questions you may have.” Professor Dumbledore’s eyes bored into the students seated in front of him. “I will not tolerate students attacking each other at Hogwarts. The damage to the student could have been worse had the four Weasley brothers not come to Mr Potter’s defence in such a timely manner.”

A smattering of applause began immediately, primarily from the Gryffindor table. A second later the entire school joined in, including Slytherin, and seconds after that, the students stood, cheering and whistling, with comments containing ‘clowns’ and ‘go Weasleys’ being heard above the joyful noise. Harry noticed even the twins were blushing a Weasley red at the prolonged acknowledgment. Ginny’s grip on his hand increased, and he saw her cheeks were unashamedly wet from the proud tears that had leaked out.

When the ovation quieted, an obviously shaken Dumbledore resumed. “Yes, yes, good show, gentlemen.” His eyes moved over the hall, but this time they contained the unmistakeable glint of pride. “You make this old wizard quite proud by your spontaneous acknowledgment of the Weasleys’ action. You will learn, and this is a case in point, that oftentimes doing the right thing is more difficult than doing what is easy. I am glad to see that you agree with that philosophy.

“Another point needs to be made while I have your attention. No student lodged a complaint against any of the five students involved in the attack, and no student was involved in the decision-making process or the decision itself. I hope I make myself clear on these points. I and your professors were the only ones involved in this process.” The headmaster surveyed the room again.

“To end on a more positive note, with the exception of this lone incident — and even it brought positive actions — this year has gotten off to an excellent start. I am very pleased and very supportive of the direction some of you are taking and encourage you to continue it. I hope you enjoy the rest of the evening.”

The headmaster began to sit down, but the spontaneous applause that greeted his announcements stopped Albus Dumbledore and he stood up and gazed at his students with an incredulous look on his face. The professors joined the students in a standing ovation, shouting, ‘Hear, hear’ and ‘Well said.’

Minerva McGonagall leaned towards Dumbledore. “If this isn’t a statement for how the students want Hogwarts to run, I’ve never seen one. They want to be proud of the school and each other. The path is now open to you, Albus.”

At first the elderly educator looked surprised by his deputy’s remark, then a wide smile spread across his bearded face. “I hadn’t thought of it in that context, but as usual, you are correct. It is a statement of what they want. Thank you, Minerva.”

Finally the cheers died down, and the students departed amid even more chattering than usual. As Harry and Ginny, hands entwined, walked down the corridor from the Great Hall with their friends and classmates, they saw that many small groups had formed and they overheard the students talking about what had just happened at dinner.

“You started this, Harry.” Susan and Hannah joined Ginny and he.

“Thanks. But I don’t think so, Susan.” Harry stopped, as did the rest of the group, having heard Susan’s comment and Harry’s response.

“If Daphne and Tracey hadn’t dropped by Ron and my compartment on the train ride up here, I wouldn’t have had the nerve to ask them. Slytherins? They’d curse me and have me for breakfast.”

Daphne moved forward. “Silly boy. We’d already eaten breakfast. We would have had you for lunch.” The friends started laughing, and it grew louder after Harry responded.

“See? I would have been snake food the first day here.” He waited for the laughter to calm down. “Susan, you and Hannah were easy to talk with. The Ravenclaws had so many questions and theories. So, I had almost nothing to do with it. Each of you did. And I wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for these redheads . . .”

“Especially the smallest one, Harry?” Anthony asked, pointing at their clasped hands.

Harry blushed, but it was nothing compared to the crimson that bloomed on Ginny’s cheeks. “Ginny’s my best friend. I think she understands me better than I understand myself.”

“Keep believing that, Potter,” Ginny said and squeezed his hand.

The conversation continued for a while longer, before the first years finally, reluctantly returned to their common rooms.

Ginny squeezed Harry’s hand. “Letters for Miss Rae and Sammi?”

“Yes, Miss Weasley.”

Along with Hermione, they went to their dorms to fetch their writing materials, and soon they were sitting at a table composing their letters. About fifteen minutes later, Ginny looked over her first letter.

Dear Miss Rae,

It was a pleasure to meet Harry’s all-time favourite teacher. It is now obvious why he feels that way. I’ve had some teachers where it is nothing but a job for them, and a few where teaching comes naturally. You are that second type of person, and I feel jealous that Harry had you for a teacher, even if it was for a short time. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could have you as a teacher sometime in the future?

I can only imagine how you and Sammi felt over those six years. I know it had a great effect on Harry and figure you must have felt the same way. I’m so happy you three were able to get together and find out what really happened. From listening to what Harry says about the Dursleys, it seems that type of behaviour was typical for them. It’s so hard to imagine why they would treat a boy like Harry that way.

But that time is over, and you, Sammi, and Harry are back as friends. I hope you will consider Hermione and me as your friends, too. We really enjoyed meeting you at the Grangers’ house, and we hope we can meet again soon.

Bye for now.

Ginny Weasley

Harry read the letter he had just finished to Sammi.

Hi Sammi,

I was going to write ‘you won’t believe how good I feel,’ but then I figured you knew exactly what I’m feeling, at least I hope you do. I’ve thanked Ginny and Hermione (and her parents) lots of times already, because we never would have gotten together without them.

Sammi, it’s funny. It’s like now I know I can trust my judgment about people. Especially as I got older, I wondered how I could have been so wrong about you and Miss Rae. I really thought you didn’t care enough about me to keep your word. Now I know you both were thinking the same thing. So, for all of us, finding out what really happened lets us know we were right about each other and that we really were good friends.

I should have known that the Dursleys were stopping the letters and phone calls in both directions. When your parents came over to my aunt and uncle’s house, I knew something was wrong, because Aunt Petunia never acts that nice towards anything that has to do with me.

Ginny and Hermione and I have talked about getting together with you and Miss Rae again. Maybe we could meet at your house or hers. Something to think about anyway. Classes have been interesting, but there isn’t any juicy news to pass on. I hope your school is going well and that you are being treated better.

Write back and tell me what’s happening.

Your friend,

Harry Potter


The next morning, a large black crow flying with the postal owls into the Great Hall drew the students’ and professors’ attention, including the first years at the Gryffindor table. Harry’s mouth fell open when the crow landed in front of him and offered his leg to the shocked wizard. Harry quickly untied the letter and gave the crow several bites of sausage and a small piece of toast. The bird devoured the food, but instead of flying away, he waited, as if expecting an immediate response.

Without looking up, Harry could feel dozens of eyes closely watching him, undoubtedly curious as to what the unusual postal bird had delivered. He glanced around the hall and confirmed the other students’ interest in the envelope and he immediately felt heat being generated by his irritation and a feeling of self-consciousness.

“It’s not a big deal, Harry,” Ginny whispered. “They’re just curious because it is really rare for a crow to deliver mail.”

“Yeah, it would be to me, wouldn’t it?” he whispered grumpily.

“Of course, Mr Potter,” she replied brightly and squeezed his hand.

Harry snorted a laugh. “Thanks, Miss Weasley,” and returned the hand squeeze.

“You’re welcome. Now open the envelope. I’m curious, too.”

The wax seal on the envelope showed it had come from Gringotts. Harry opened the envelope and extracted the letter, holding it so Ginny could read the message at the same time.

When they both finished, Harry said, “He’ll never let me do that.”

“You won’t know if you don’t ask,” Ginny softly chided him. The crow squawked.

Harry looked between his friend and the crow, a small smile on his face. “You’re both right.”

Harry got up and walked to where the headmaster and Professor McGonagall were seated at the head table.

“Good morning, Harry,” Dumbledore said quietly. “Is there something with which I can assist you?”

“Good morning, Headmaster, Professor McGonagall. Yes, sir, there is. Griphook has asked if I could meet him soon at the bank.”

The headmaster’s eyes narrowed briefly, but just as quickly the warm twinkle returned. “Did he indicate why he needs to meet with you?”

“No, sir.” Harry shrugged. “I thought we covered everything during our last meeting.”

“Harry, I am not comfortable with you going to Gringotts, for the reasons we’ve discussed previously. If another alternative could be arranged, I would much prefer that.”

Harry’s expression flashed from disappointment to anger to resignation and finally a neutral mask, as he nodded to the headmaster and returned to the table, feeling the eyes of many students on him. Before Harry could sit down, Professor McGonagall was standing next to him.

Her voice was so low Harry had to lean closer to hear his professor’s words. “Tell him to use the same method you and Mr Weasley used. I’ll take care of it and will meet him at 6 o’clock tonight.”

Harry smiled and nodded his head. “Thanks, Professor.”

Harry quickly wrote the information on Griphook’s letter, tied it to the crow’s leg, and watched as the bird launched from the table and flew out of the hall.

Minutes later the students began to leave for their first class. For the Gryffindors, that meant Potions. As they walked down the corridor towards the Entrance Hall, Harry and Ginny soon found themselves surrounded by all of the Gryffindor first years, his Quidditch team mates, and the group of friends from the other Houses.

After several questions about what had happened at breakfast, Harry stopped. “I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you anything.” After the expected groans, whinging, and begging, Harry smiled. “I can say that you’ll know what it was about really soon. Trust me.” He grinned, as the others laughed at the ‘trust me’ request. Ron shook his head and moved a few steps away from the group.

The other students split off for their classes leaving just the first year Gryffindors and Slytherins, as they made their way down to the dungeon Potions classroom. Theodore Nott immediately claimed the seat in the first row furthest from the door. All the other students intermixed in the middle of the room. Snape, as usual, was not there, preferring to make a dramatic entrance each time.

A minute later, the door to the classroom noisily opened, and Snape entered in a swirl of black, his robes billowing despite no breeze being present. As the Potions Master approached his desk and lectern, he said, “Take out your books and turn to page 88. Read the two pages that describe how the potion is made, then we will discuss it.”

With a casual wave of his wand, the instructions for the day’s potion appeared on the board. Harry quickly looked around the room and surmised from the expressions he saw that most of the students were wondering the same thing he was.

Has Snape returned to his cold personality?

Their concern proved to be unnecessary, as the professor again showed he could teach when he wanted to and was helpful to any student who needed help. The class went smoothly, even enjoyably, and when Harry and Ginny turned their potions in at the end of the period, Snape quietly asked them to stay after class.

Once the other students had departed, Harry and Ginny approached their enigmatic professor. When they stopped by his desk, he closed the remaining distance. Harry felt Ginny move subtly, placing her hand on her wand, just as he had just done.

“Keep an eye on Nott,” Professor Snape whispered. “I’ve heard rumours, but nothing I can act on at this point.”

“Thank you, Professor,” Ginny said.

“We’ll keep that in mind, sir,” Harry added.

Snape nodded his head, turned away from the two students, and disappeared into his office. Harry and Ginny exchanged puzzled glances and walked quickly out of the classroom and on to Defence. By this point in the class, no one, including Anthony, would duel Harry, and Ginny had progressed to the point where most students didn’t want to duel her, either. As a result, they duelled each other, when the lesson called for that.

Professor Lupin had the class using a Freezing Spell first as an offensive weapon, then defensively. By the time, the class was over, the floor, desks, and students were soaked. As Harry and Ginny were casting Drying Spells on themselves and their belongings, Professor Lupin approached them.

“Would you two remain after class is dismissed?” he asked.

Harry looked at Ginny, who nodded. “Sure,” he said.

When the professor released the class a few minutes later, Harry turned to Hermione, Ron, and Neville. “We’ll be a few minutes late to lunch.” Hermione and Neville nodded, while Ron stared for a moment, then walked out with Seamus and Dean.

Harry and Ginny busied themselves drying the remaining wet spots in the room and saying goodbye to their friends in Ravenclaw. Remus had already moved over to the couple, by the time the last two students, Padma and Su, left the classroom.

“It has occurred to me that I have not kept my promise to tell you more about your parents, Harry, nor have I done anything to assist you in your extra-curricular studies. I apologize for both of these oversights.”

Harry blinked rapidly, not having anticipated either of these subjects or an apology from his parents’ friend. He tried to ignore the cold feeling that had filled his heart by concentrating on the warmth generated by Ginny holding his hand.

“You don’t owe me an apology, Professor. You’ve been busy with all the Defence classes. You’re doing a great job with our class.”

“Thank you, Harry, but still I should have been more proactive.” Remus took a step back and ran a hand through his already thinning, grey-streaked hair.

“I have been looking through the pictures and letters you collected. The memories are harder since Du . . . er . . . Professor Dumbledore has the only pensieve,” Harry mentioned, trying to make the professor feel better.

“Let’s try to get together after dinner in a few days,” Remus suggested. “You could bring the pictures with you.”

“That would be great,” Harry immediately said.

Remus smiled. “Good. I’ll confirm after our next class. Oh, great prank, by the way. If you ever need help or some ideas, I may know of someone who has experience in that area.”

“No names, right, Professor?” Ginny said with a smile.

“Exactly. Now go to lunch you two. I bet your friends are wondering why I kept you after class.”

“Professor Snape did, too,” Harry said.

“Really? Can you tell me why?” Remus asked.

“Sure,” Ginny replied. “He told us to watch out for Nott.”

“Good for him. I’ll keep my ears open, too,” their professor promised. “Have a good lunch and stay alert.”

“We will. Thanks, Professor,” Harry said, and the two first years left the classroom.


The rest of the day passed uneventfully, and the first years found themselves at dinner as the bells in the castle’s ancient clock tower rang six times. Harry looked up at the head table and noticed that Professor McGonagall was no longer seated there. His attention was diverted when the large wooden doors to the Great Hall opened loudly and Griphook boldly walked in.

A gasp chorused through the hall, then it was followed by nearly sheer silence, broken only by the staccato sound of the goblin’s shoes as he walked confidently towards the Gryffindor table and Harry Potter.

I thought I was going to meet Griphook in the Room of Requirement. Doesn’t matter, I guess. I can’t believe Professor McGonagall would show up Dumbledore like this. This is great. I wonder what Dumbledore will say.

The student’s silence broke all at once as if someone had held up a large sign that read, ‘Chatter.’

“That’s a Gringotts goblin!”

“They never meet customers outside the bank.”

“Who is here to see?”


“Good evening, Mr Potter,” Griphook said with a slight bow.

Harry nodded his head in return. “It’s nice to see you again, Griphook, but please call me Harry.”

“As you wish . . .”

“Mr Potter,” Dumbledore said with his hall-filling voice. “I take it you know this goblin?”

Harry stood up from the table. “Yes, sir,” he replied, blushing at the very public conversation he was having with his headmaster. “This is Griphook, from Gringotts Wizarding Bank. Griphook, this is the Hogwarts Headmaster, Professor Dumbledore.”

Griphook bowed and said, “A pleasure, Professor Dumbledore. Sir Ollivander asked me to extend his best wishes to you.”

Dumbledore looked nonplussed. Finally, he asked, with a strident tone in his voice. “Griphook, who invited you and how did you get into the school?”

“That would be me,” Professor McGonagall appeared out of nowhere but was now standing next to the headmaster. “Since Mr Potter could not visit the bank, I followed your suggestion and invited Griphook to come here so he could talk with Mr Potter.” The corners of the Transfiguration Professor’s mouth briefly turned upwards, then resumed their usual tight, straight line. “Gentlemen, the Room is ready for you.”

Griphook bowed slightly. “Thank you, Madame.”

Harry tried his best not to smile. “Thank you, Professors.” He took Ginny’s hand. “Let’s go.”

“Really?” she asked, a blush beginning to show on her cheeks.

“Really,” Harry replied. “Griphook, do you remember . . .”

“Miss Weasley? Of course, I do. It’s nice to see you again.”

Ginny smiled nervously. “And you, too, Griphook.” Ron snorted, but apparently Harry was the only one to hear it.

As the trio turned to leave, Harry saw the goblin look back towards the head table, nod at Professor McGonagall, and issue a smile at the headmaster that could only be described as victorious.

They walked through the halls discussing how Griphook had arrived and his trip through the school with Professor McGonagall, who disappeared when she and Griphook reached the door to the Great Hall. Soon the trio had reached the seventh floor corridor and saw a door in the middle of the usually blank wall.

After entering the room, which was configured like a small conference room, Harry cast several spells.

“Very good, Harry,” Griphook said. “Would you mind if I added several of my own?”

Harry’s grin almost matched the predatory smile that dominated the goblin’s face. “I wouldn’t mind at all, Griphook.”

After they were seated at the table, Griphook opened the briefcase he had been carrying and took out a small stack of papers. “Harry, I have two topics to discuss with you tonight. The first is mundane, but the second will require some thought on your part, though I will advise you as best I can.”

“Thank you, Griphook,” Harry replied, as he laced his fingers through Ginny’s.

Griphook passed a single sheet of paper to Harry, who moved it between Ginny and himself so they could both read it.

“This is a summary of all of your holdings, broken down by category for your educational trust fund, the Potter liquid assets, and the other Potter holdings, which would include real estate, furniture, and other artefacts that can’t immediately be turned into cash. We’ve shown the values separately and in total at the start and end of this quarter.”

Harry ran his index finger down several columns, then across the bottom row, until he reached the far right side of the page. He looked at Griphook and smiled. “Thanks for showing the numbers and the percentages. It looks like the overall portfolio grew by about five percent for the quarter.”

“That’s right, Harry. That equates to about 20 percent annually, which is not bad considering we have to keep the majority of your liquid funds in money market funds. We tried to find a loophole so we could move some of those funds into oil futures and to short stocks in the financial industry, but our lawyers couldn’t find any way to get around the restrictions your parents set. In their behalf, they were looking out for your best interests, which we respect.”

Harry sat silently for several minutes. “The restrictions won’t be released until I’m 17. Is that correct?” Griphook nodded. “Am I right in thinking if you would have placed some of the money in the investments you mentioned the portfolio would have grown faster?”


“The six years will probably go by quickly.” Harry grinned. “Besides this is more money than I could ever spend. Thank you for taking care of it.”

“You’re welcome, Harry. We should be able to do slightly better next quarter, as interest rates are rising. Do you have any more questions concerning your assets?”

“No, Griphook.”

“Next, I wanted to remind you of your hereditary seat in the Wizengamot. As you may recall, you cannot take the family chair until you turn 17, but you may select a proxy who can observe what is happening, the coalitions formed, potential laws being discussed, and even state the feelings of the House of Potter, though we would suggest extreme caution in doing that, so as not to show your cards too soon.” Griphook looked at Harry. “Do you know what I mean by that term?”

“Yes, you don’t want me to show what I think about something,” Harry said.

“Exactly. You would gain leverage that way. If the existing members are unaware of your positions on issues, they would be willing to trade something of value to gain your support. Regardless, we do feel you should select someone to represent you soon.”

Harry thought for several moments. “Could you represent me?”

“Thank you, Harry, but no, I can’t.” The boy looked disappointed, almost hurt by Griphook’s response. “It’s not that I don’t want to. I do. But goblins are restricted by law from participating in the Wizengamot.”

Harry’s expression moved from disappointed to angry. “Dumbledore is the head of the Wizengamot?”

“That’s right.”

Harry fell silent again. Finally, he looked at Ginny. “I didn’t want to do this, because it could create problems, but I’d like your father to represent me.”

Ginny leaned forward. “Really? You mean that?”

Harry smiled at his best friend. “Yes. I trust your father. I just hope it wouldn’t put him in a tough position with his job at the Ministry.”

Griphook waited for Ginny to respond, but when she remained silent, he spoke. “I think Mr Weasley is an excellent choice, Harry. He will protect your interests. He knows the inner workings of the Ministry and probably has an understanding of how the Wizengamot operates. Further, I believe he knows how to play the games that are part of these organizations. He is an excellent choice in my opinion.”

“Thank you, Griphook,” Harry said. “Ginny, are you okay with this?”

Ginny looked at him, with wide, shining eyes. “I think Dad would be honoured to represent you.”

Harry turned to Griphook. “What do we need to do?”

The goblin shuffled through the remaining pages. “We need you and Mr Weasley to complete these forms.”

“I’ll see if I can fire call him,” Harry said.

He walked to in front of the fireplace. “Room, I need a huge favour. I need the Floo network connection temporarily expanded to include the Weasleys’ home, The Burrow, so it can be used for calling and travel. Thank you.”

Harry took a pinch of Floo powder and threw it into the fireplace. Once the green flames were visible, Harry kneeled down and clearly enunciated, “The Burrow,” and put his head in the fire.

“Harry! Is everything okay?” Mrs Weasley’s voice rose an octave in just four words.

“Everything and everyone is fine, Mrs Weasley,” Harry quickly replied. “Is Mr Weasley available? I have a favour to ask him. You, too.”

She looked at the boy curiously but quickly left to get her husband. In less than a minute, both were standing in front of the hearth. “Hello, Harry. Molly tells me everything is fine, but you have a question for us.”

“That’s right. Do you remember when we were at Gringotts with Ginny, Griphook, and Ragnok?”

“Yes, of course, lad.” Mr Weasley leaned forward slightly, an intent look on his face.

“The House of Potter has a seat in the Wizengamot, and I’m too young to use it,” Harry explained.

“And you need someone to represent you,” Arthur said quietly.

“I’d like you to represent me, Mr Weasley,” Harry replied. “I can’t think of anyone I trust more and who would do a good job for me.”

Arthur turned to his wife of many years. After several moments, his gaze returned to the boy’s head in the green fire. “I’m honoured by your offer and would love to represent you, son. You have my solemn oath I will do the very best I can do for you.”

“I believe you, Mr Weasley,” Harry whispered, feeling an amazingly strong connection stretching between his surrogate father and himself. Harry had to shake himself to break the warm feeling that had enveloped him. “We have tonnes of forms to complete. Do you two want to step through?”

“You go, Arthur . . .” Molly said.

“Ginny’s here, too,” Harry quickly added. “Please.”

“Oh, alright,” she recanted. “Give me a minute to clean up.”

Soon the fire flared again, and Arthur and Molly Weasley stepped through. Seconds later, first Ginny, then Harry were engulfed in one of Mrs Weasley’s maternal hugs, followed by Mr Weasley hugging his daughter and ruffling his seventh son’s already unruly hair.

Mrs Weasley and Ginny moved away from the table and were talking a mile a minute. Harry noticed there wasn’t another place to sit in the room, so he asked, “Room, may we have a couch please?”

Molly, Arthur and Ginny stared, open-mouthed as an exact duplicate of their couch from home appeared in the corner of the Room.

“Gosh, I’m sorry, but could we also have a tea service and biscuits for five, please?” Harry asked, looking slightly embarrassed.

Several seconds later, Mimsy popped into the Room, appearing next to Harry and holding a tea service. The elder Weasleys gasped. Molly began to get up to help the elf, but Harry saw her movement and shook his head. Molly sat down again, but she had a confused look on her face until Ginny leaned over and whispered in her ear. Finally, Molly nodded and smiled at Harry.

“Harry Potter, here is your tea and biscuits,” Mimsy said in her high-pitched voice. “Cans I get you anything else?”

“No, Mimsy. But I would like you to meet my friends and guardians.” Harry proceeded to introduce Mr and Mrs Weasley and Griphook. Finally, he asked, “Do you remember . . .”

“Mistress Ginny? Of course, I do, Harry Potter,” Mimsy huffed. “How is you, Mistress?”

“I’m fine, Mimsy. It’s nice to see you again,” Ginny greeted her with a smile, while her parents stared at their only daughter.

Mimsy curtsied and popped from the Room.

Tea was poured and biscuits eaten, as Harry and Mr Weasley signed numerous documents wherever Griphook pointed, and Mrs Weasley and Ginny talked and laughed in the corner of the Room.

Almost an hour later, all the forms had been explained, signed, and notarized. Griphook provided copies to both Harry and Mr Weasley. “You will be advised well in advance of the next meeting, Mr Weasley. While we at Gringotts feel you will do an excellent job representing Mr Potter, we also want you to know our counsel is always available to you on Mr Potter’s behalf.” The goblin bowed deeply.

“Thank you, Griphook, for everything you and Gringotts are doing for Harry, and by extension, for my family. This is but one example.” Mr Weasley extended his hand, and Griphook grasped it firmly and shook it.

The goblin turned to Harry. “Is there any other service I may provide this evening?”

Harry smiled. “No. Thank you for all your help on this and for doing such a good job on my funds with the bank.”

Griphook smiled what Harry now thought of as his ‘banker’s smile.’ “In six years, you will see what we can do without any restrictions. Then, we’ll really have some fun.”

Harry returned the predatory grin. “Can’t wait. Griphook, may your gold flow at an ever-increasing rate.” Harry bowed, then extended his hand to the goggling goblin.

Griphook energetically shook Harry’s offered hand. “Where did you learn that saying, young sir?”

Harry smiled. “I read a lot. I figured if we would be working together it would help if I knew more about your culture.”

Griphook smiled. “It will be my pleasure to ensure that your pockets are always filled with gold, Harry.”

He turned and nodded to each of the Weasleys. With a pinch of powder, Griphook called out “Gringotts,” entered the green flames, and instantly disappeared.

Harry waited several minutes, then said, “Room, please close the Floo network connection to Gringotts but keep the one to The Burrow open. Thank you.” When Harry heard a ‘whooshing’ sound, he assumed the connection had been severed.

Harry turned to find each of the Weasley’ staring at him.

“How did you find this room?” Mrs Weasley asked.

“How does it work? Where is its brain?” Mr Weasley wondered.

“Can I have one of these rooms, too?” Ginny grinned at her best friend.

Harry spent the next half hour answering all of their questions and swearing them to secrecy at least three times each. After a round of hugs and several goodbyes, Mr and Mrs Weasley stepped into the green flames and were Floo’d back to The Burrow. Several minutes later, Harry closed down the Floo Network Connection and thanked the Room for everything it had provided.

Once they left the Room, the door disappeared, leaving the usual blank wall. Harry took out the Marauders Map and scanned the corridors between the Room and Gryffindor Tower. About half way between the two locations, he saw the name Theodore Nott in an alcove on the right side of the hallway.

“We could sneak around Nott,” Harry said tracing a route, “and Stun him. Or we can go back to the dorm by the same route and leave him waiting there. Percy may be interested if Nott’s out after curfew.”

“Ooh, you’re getting more like a Weasley everyday, Mr Potter,” Ginny said with a sunny smile. “Let Prefect Percy deal with him.”

Ginny and Harry returned to the Gryffindor common room with no trouble. At nine o’clock, Percy just happened to patrol past the alcove where Theodore Nott was still waiting for Harry and Ginny.


The next morning, the student body wondered if another Slytherin wizard had replaced the record-breaking Draco Malfoy. The arrival of the postal owls stopped most conversations, as the students looked up see if their familiar was part of the flock. Harry and Ginny spotted Hedwig at the same time.

“Oh, good,” Ginny exclaimed, “letters from Miss Rae and Sammi, I hope.”

Hedwig glided in with her wings outstretched, closing them when she landed in front of her owner and his best friend. Ginny fed the owl, while Harry untied a surprising three letters. Harry passed one to Ginny, kept one for himself, and gave the third to Hermione.

“Thanks, Harry,” she said. “It’s from my mum. She’s probably writing about . . . oh, well, never mind.”

Tearing open the envelope, Harry found a three page letter from Sammi and started laughing. He held the letter up for Ginny and Hermione to see, saying, “I think she’s written about the entire six years.” The girls chuckled, but Ron turned away, apparently not interested in who wrote the letters or what they were about.

He didn’t seem that interested when I told him about Miss Rae and Sammi, and how the Dursleys kept us apart. Harry shook his head and exhaled heavily, then started devouring Sammi’s letter. He was about a third of the way through, when Ginny tapped him on the shoulder.

“You should read this,” she said and held out the letter for him.

Harry took Miss Rae’s letter and passed Sammi’s to his friend. “She is discussing each year,” he said with a smile.

As Harry read the letter, one fact became abundantly clear. Miss Rae desperately missed teaching. I guess she was able to hide her feelings from herself until she saw us at the Grangers’. Seeing Sammi and me again, plus meeting Ginny and Hermione, probably brought back all of those feelings. Taking care of her parents probably limits what she can do. I bet she doesn’t have much of a life.

The clatter of students getting up from the tables and moving towards the double doors brought Harry out from his thoughts. Ron had already departed with Dean, Seamus, Lavender, and Parvati, but Hermione, Ginny, and Neville had waited for him.

“C’mon, Harry,” Hermione said, nervously looking from him to the doors and back again. “We don’t want to be late for Charms.”

Harry handed Miss Rae’s letter back to Ginny and put Sammi’s letter into his book bag. Ginny slid her hand into his as they walked out of the Great Hall and down the corridor leading to Professor Flitwick’s classroom.

After a minute or so, Ginny gently bumped into Harry with her hip. “A Knut for your thoughts,” she whispered, knowing something had caught Harry’s attention.

He smiled. “You always know, don’t you?” The petite redhead grinned back at him. “I was thinking of two philosophies from the Potter book.”

“Which ones?” she asked.

Harry straightened up and assumed a serious countenance and tone of voice. “You are the result of the experiences and talents of all of the Potter Lords of the Manor who preceded you. For the most part, your ancestors have admirably handled their responsibilities. It is appropriate for you to feel that you will handle whatever responsibilities accrue to you in a manner fitting a Potter.

“Here’s the second one. While the Potter family has never sought fame, position, or power for their own ends, your ancestors’ contributions have created a better society for all to live in. It is a service we humbly have provided without question or desire for recompense. Take strength in that knowledge.

“Would you stay with me after McGonagall’s class?” Harry asked. “I want to talk with her.”

“Sure.” Ginny look at her friend, expecting more information, but none was forthcoming since they had just arrived at the Charms classroom.

The class went by quickly, as it always did, and the Gryffindors soon found themselves walking through the Hogwarts hallways to Transfiguration, where they would be practicing invertebrate to vertebrate transformations. Professor McGonagall handed out boxes of small garden snakes, along with the strong statement that these snakes were harmless. Her implication that no squeamish reactions would be tolerated was obvious to the students, especially the wide-eyed Seamus who shared a box with Dean.

When the class ended, Harry and Ginny lagged behind, after telling Hermione they would be at lunch shortly.

“Professor?” Harry asked.

“Yes, Mr Potter, how can I help you and Miss Weasley?” The professor remained in her teaching persona.

“I need your advice on whether to suggest something to Professor Dumbledore,” he explained partially.

“And what would that be, Potter?” Professor McGonagall asked, with a hint of light showing in her grey eyes. When Harry shuffled his feet, no longer looking at her, the professor softened her voice. “Just ask me, Harry. I doubt the earth will stop rotating on its axis.”

Harry looked up with a shy grin. “We need to help Miss Rae. She’s a wonderful teacher, and she’s wasting away caring for her parents. They can’t afford any other way, so she’s been doing it for six years now. She even quit mid-year when she was my teacher. We wrote to her and Sammi, and Miss Rae said she still misses teaching. I was thinking that she would be perfect for the Muggle Studies position since I heard the professor is retiring at the end of the year.”

Harry’s face had turned increasingly red as he expressed his thoughts without breathing. McGonagall’s eyes lit up, and Ginny had turned away to hide the wide grin that covered her face.

Professor McGonagall asked softly, “You really care for Miss Rae, don’t you, Harry?”

Harry nodded, while a haunted look crept into his eyes. “She was the only adult who cared. She treated me like I was worthwhile, not a ‘freak’ like my relatives called me.” Ginny hissed in reaction to the comment. “Miss Rae taught us so much during that semester. She even went to the public library to get books on King Arthur, Merlin, and Camelot for me after I’d read all the ones in the school library. She’s special, and I want to do something to help her.”

“Have you considered what to do with her parents?” the professor asked gently.

“Yes. They can come with her. They, uh, don’t understand things anymore. I figured they could stay in Miss Rae’s living quarters with monitoring wards or maybe even have their own room at the school hospital . . .”

“The house-elves could take turns watching them while she was teaching,” Ginny added enthusiastically.

“Excellent suggestions. We’ve never had a Muggle teach Muggle Studies, but there’s a certain logic to having one teach the course. However, the Code of Secrecy must be considered. Have you thought of that?”

“Yes,” Harry answered. “The parents of Muggle-born students learn about our world, so this wouldn’t be any different from that. I guess some kind of binding oath could be made, if you wanted something stronger.”

“I don’t think Miss Rae would say anything,” Ginny added.

“I don’t think she would either,” the professor said. “I cast a spell so I could hear your conversations whilst you were inside. Miss Rae does appear to be a natural teacher. It flows in her blood. I got the feeling she had been an excellent teacher and could still be if she were able to return.” Their professor paused for several moments. “Let’s discuss this with Professor Dumbledore after dinner tonight.”

“That would be great!” Harry took a step towards his professor, then hesitated.

McGonagall waved her wand and whispered a spell. The door closed and locked with a squelching sound. She kneeled, and both children launched themselves into her open arms.

When they finally broke the embrace, both children whispered, “Thank you, Professor.”

Standing up, Professor McGonagall said, “You’re doing a very good thing. You both are to be commended. I’m quite proud of you. Come to the Headmaster’s office at seven o’clock tonight. Is that everything?” she added with a smile.

“That’s it,” Harry promised.

“Go and get some lunch, then,” and the professor squeezed both of them on the shoulder. “Oh, the password is ‘cockroach clusters.’” Both students made a face.

Between classes, homework, and dinner, seven o’clock arrived quickly, and Harry and Ginny found themselves checking the map, even though the twins accompanied them to the headmaster’s office.

“Are you sure you weren’t caught doing anything?” Fred asked.

“Such as pulling a prank on your superiors?” George added.

Ginny smiled sweetly at the duo. “There’s nowhere in the rules that says we can’t get ahead of you in the prank wars.”

“Maybe this is one now,” Harry said. Then he looked quickly to his left, and the twins jumped, with their wands pulled out.

When nothing happened, Ginny and Harry started laughing and were eventually joined by the twins.

George complained, “We never were that bad as firsties.”

“We had respect for our elders,” Fred finished.

“Harry, what they’re trying to say,” Ginny said with a wide smile, “is that they are over the hill.”

“You wound us, GinGin,” Fred murmured, holding his hand to his heart.

“And we thought you were the nice one,” George said, shaking his head.

“Here we are,” Harry interjected. “Thanks, guys.”

“Yeah, thanks for the entertainment,” Ginny added.

“Hope your meeting goes well,” Fred said.

“Whatever it’s about,” George added, looking hopefully at the two younger students.

“We’ll let you know, if the headmaster approves it,” Ginny replied. “See you later.”

After the twins departed, Harry gave the password to the gargoyle — ‘cockroach clusters’ — and watched as the statue sprang to the side.

“Going up these stairs always makes visiting Dumbledore more dramatic,” Harry said.

“I wonder if he had them installed for that reason,” Ginny pondered.

“Good question,” Harry replied.

Before they were halfway to the large oak door, the unmistakable voice of Albus Dumbledore invited them in, as the door open in front of them.

“Good evening, Miss Weasley, Mr Potter.” The headmaster greeted them with a warm smile and twinkling eyes. “I’ve been looking forward to finding out what it is you want to discuss with me.” He gestured to the two chairs in front of his desk.

Instead of sitting down, Harry felt like he was being pulled towards the headmaster’s familiar, who had just crooned several uplifting notes.

“Hi, Fawkes,” Harry greeted the crimson and gold-coloured phoenix and scratched the top of its head. “How are you today?”

The bird responded with several more beautiful notes, while Harry continued to stroke its feathers.

“Fawkes rarely responds to people that easily, Mr Potter,” Dumbledore said. “You should consider yourself fortunate.”

Before Harry could reply, the door opened again and Professor McGonagall strode in. “Forgive my tardiness . . .”

“No apology is needed, Professor,” Dumbledore said in a kindly voice. “We had not started yet.” He turned to the two students. “Shall we?”

The Transfiguration Professor conjured a straight-backed wooden chair and placed it to the side of the headmaster’s large mahogany desk, while Harry and Ginny sat in the overstuffed chairs in front of the desk.

Harry blinked several times when three sets of eyes turned to him. Clearing his throat, he launched into his thoughts about a possible new Muggle Studies Professor. Dumbledore asked questions that were similar to those Professor McGonagall had asked, except for one.

“Harry, beyond the Code of Secrecy concern, I have one overriding worry, and that is the safety of Miss Rae’s parents while she is away from her quarters.” Dumbledore’s voice sounded calm and reasoned to Harry.

“I agree, sir, that’s why Miss Rae’s life has become so limited,” Harry answered. “For their safety, I hoped wards could be used that could report to Madame Pomfrey if they had gotten hurt or sick.” Dumbledore nodded but didn’t say anything. “Ginny suggested asking several of the house-elves if they would watch her parents while Miss Rae was teaching. Last, I wondered if a room could be constructed in the hospital wing for them to stay in while she was out. If you have other ideas, that would be great.” Harry looked at the headmaster expectantly.

Albus Dumbledore sat for several moments, digesting the information Harry had presented. The boy looked at his redheaded friend, who mouthed ‘good job,’ and squeezed his hand.

“Each of these suggestions has merit,” Dumbledore finally said. “I think each would provide for the safety of Miss Rae’s parents. More important to me, it is obvious that you think highly of this teacher and have put a lot of thought into your recommendation.”

“If I may, Headmaster?” Professor McGonagall asked. “I observed Miss Rae while they were at the Grangers’. She appeared to be a person to whom teaching is like breathing, and her interactions with these two, Miss Granger, and their Muggle friend showed she generated respect while forging personal relationships. I was most impressed with the young lady.”

Both Ginny and Harry smiled widely at their professor, as did the headmaster.

“If I may, let me take your suggestion,” he nodded at Harry and Ginny, “and your recommendation,” a nod towards his deputy, “and think about the ramifications before coming to a decision whether it makes sense to interview her. It should take me only a few days to do so. I will contact you should I have additional questions. Did you have any other subjects to discuss tonight?”

Harry said, “No, sir,” while Ginny shook her head.

“In that case, thank you for taking your time to make this most excellent presentation. Rest assured I will give it due consideration and will endeavour to respond to you soon. A good evening to both of you, then.”

Harry and Ginny got up and both said, “Thank you, sir,” and smiled at Professor McGonagall.

“I’ll accompany you back to your common room.”

Professor McGonagall, Ginny, and Harry walked in silence down the corridor leading from the headmaster’s office.

I wonder if Dumbledore will consider Miss Rae, or if he was just being polite so I wouldn’t get mad. It’s hard to tell with him. I hope it can work out. I think she can teach the Muggle way of life better than any witch or wizard.

As they turned into the corridor that led to Gryffindor Tower, Professor McGonagall said, “Harry, Ginny, you should be pleased with your suggestion. The headmaster looked like he will give it full consideration. Did you notice most of his questions had to do with the implementation of the suggestion?”

Both students looked blank initially, then both started smiling.

“Thanks, Professor, I,” Ginny looked at her friend, “we didn’t notice that. It means he’s seriously thinking about it, then?”

“Exactly, Miss Weasley,” McGonagall replied. “That is why Professor Dumbledore wants to think about it for a day or two, before deciding whether to bring Miss Rae in for an interview or not. I’m sure those same topics will be discussed if they do meet.”

Harry looked like he was lost in thought. Finally he looked up. “If the headmaster does interview Miss Rae and wants her to teach here next year, maybe she and her parents could move into the castle this school year. That way she could learn about magic, our world, and how it’s different, so she could use that in her teaching.”

Both Professor McGonagall and Ginny stared at the small boy for several moments, before wide smiles appeared on both of their faces.

“Excellent, Mr Potter!” his professor said. “I’ll inform the headmaster of your idea.”

“We can help teach her about the wizarding world,” Ginny said excitedly.

“Even the professors could help out,” Harry added.

McGonagall smiled at her two students. “Let’s hold off creating schedules and assignments until the headmaster makes his decisions.”

Harry and Ginny both laughed. “We will,” Ginny promised, as Harry gave the password to the Fat Lady.

“Goodnight, Professor McGonagall,” they chorused, while they climbed through the opening.

Entering the common room, they headed in the direction of Hermione’s usual table to tell her the great news. Harry noticed Ron glaring at them, then heard the redhead whisper in a public fashion. “He spends more time with the professors than Dumbledore.”

Ginny apparently did not hear Ron’s remark and continued walking towards Hermione’s table. Harry decided to ignore his roommate’s not-so-subtle comment.

He half-listened to Ginny tell their friend of the meeting with Dumbledore and McGonagall about the possibility of Miss Rae joining the staff. Mainly, he tried to figure out why Ron would make such a comment.

Maybe he feels left out, like I’ve been ignoring him or something. I know what we can do.

Harry ambled over to where Ron sat with Seamus, Dean, Lavender, and Parvati. After a brief exchange of greetings with his Housemates, Harry asked Ron, “I wanted to see if you’d like to go flying after History tomorrow.”

Ron’s eyes blazed at the invitation, so much so Harry took an instinctive step back. “Why would I want to do that?” the redhead asked angrily. “You just want to show off again with your Nimbus, which is so much better than the Cleansweeps the poor Weasleys own.”

“Ron, I just thought you’d like to go flying. There’s nothing else to it.” Harry still couldn’t understand why Ron had reacted with such venom. The Gryffindors at the table shifted their chairs away from the redhead.

“Yeah, you have everything handed to you on a silver platter. The broom, getting Ginny up here, special lessons, your houses and bank accounts . . .”

Everyone in the common room gasped.

“Ronald Weasley, if you don’t shut your mouth immediately, I’ll do it for you.” Ginny strode angrily towards her youngest brother, her eyes blazing, and her wand aimed at his face.

“And she’ll have to fight us to get the first hex off, Ronniekins . . .” George said in a low voice.

“You’re way out of line, little bro,” Fred cautioned coldly.

“I strongly suggest you stop talking, Ronald, so you’ll stop embarrassing yourself and your family,” Percy added. “You owe Harry an apology.”

The four siblings were standing no more than a metre from their rapidly reddening brother. Harry had dropped back from what had become a family discussion, trying to ignore his feelings of hurt and confusion.

Ron’s freckled face had turned a blazing red from the comments made by his brothers and sister. His eyes landed on Percy, and he lashed out. “It’s always Harry this and Harry that, doing things that other students can’t. He had a bloody goblin come to him, because he has so much bloody money.”

The Gryffindors gasped again, and Harry could see many of them shaking their heads in disgust at Ron’s continuing outbursts. The room turned stone silent when Harry spoke.

“Do you know the one thing I don’t have, Ron?” Harry’s voice was cold and barely above a whisper, but it filled every corner of the common room.

The redhead shrugged.

“I don’t have any parents. I would gladly trade everything I have if they were still alive. Then I’d have a loving family like you and your brothers and Ginny have. Are you saying you’d prefer your parents to be dead, so you could inherit The Burrow and their bank account?”

Ron stared at Harry for several long moments, as the other students held their collective breath. Finally, he spit out, “You just don’t get it, do you?” Ron turned on his heel and disappeared up the stairs, as the entire room stared at his departure.

The four Weasleys turned to Harry. Percy spoke first, “Please accept our apologies for Ronald’s outburst. What he said was both inconsiderate and unconscionable.” He turned to the twins. “We should talk with him.”

Ginny immediately said, “It’s probably best to let him cool off first. He gets too stubborn, if you talk with him too soon.”

“You’re right, GinGin,” George said, and the three brothers returned to their respective tables.

“Hey, mate,” Seamus said, “Ron’s been angry for a couple of days now.”

“None of us know why, though,” Lavender added.

“On a more positive note, everything is set,” Parvati said.

Harry forced a smile. “Thanks.” The four Housemates nodded and Harry returned to Hermione’s table.

Ginny asked quietly, “Are you doing okay, Harry?”

He looked up, startled by her question. “I’m fine.” He looked at Ginny. “Well, except for feeling numb. Um, could we not talk about it for a while?”

“Harry, it would be better . . . no, you’re right,” Hermione said.


Harry , Hermione, Neville, and Ginny sat at their usual table in the back left section of the library, adjacent to the stacks. Most of their friends had joined them, sharing insights whenever any of them had questions on a subject.

As the evening approached eight o’clock, the students from the other Houses began to depart, leaving just the four Gryffindors at the table.

“We should call it a night,” Harry suggested.

Ginny and Neville quickly agreed while Hermione looked around uneasily.

“C’mon, Hermione,” Ginny urged. “You can study in the common room, if you have anything left.”

Hermione sighed. “Okay. I guess I could do that.”

The other three helped Hermione return the large stack of books she had accumulated and waited for her while she checked out three others to ‘study further.’

Neville looked at Hermione as they started walking down the corridor. “Do you always hang your book bag from your left shoulder?”

Hermione looked at him quizzically. “Yes, I do. Why?”

Neville grinned. “You’re going to tilt to that side by third year, maybe sooner.”

Ginny and Harry hid their chuckles behind their hands, while Hermione huffed at Neville’s joke, then smiled at him.

“Why thank you for thinking of my posture, Mr Longbottom,” Hermione said in her haughty voice.

Hermione’s unexpected response caught Neville off-guard, and he spluttered a reply, “Well, uh, sure, Hermione.”

The four students entered the common room at the stroke of eight o’clock, surprised by how quiet the room was.

Two seconds later, a resounding “Happy Birthday, Hermione!” broke the silence, and the Gryffindors stood and cheered for the first year witch.

Lavender, Parvati, and Ginny crowded around the birthday girl, and they were soon joined by the group of friends from the other Houses. Hermione turned and found Harry, who was standing off to the side with Neville, a big smile on his face.

“Oh Harry,” she cried and launched herself at the defenceless boy. Harry felt his body freeze as if he had instantly become a statue.

It’s Hermione. For Merlin’s sake, just relax. He shyly wrapped his arms around his bushy-haired friend.

While hugging him tightly, Hermione whispered, “I know you’re behind this. Thank you so much. I . . . I thought no one knew, or if they did, they didn’t care. Thank you, Harry.”

Hermione finally released her vice-like hug on Harry and stared into his eyes. After a moment’s indecision, she kissed him softly on his cheek.

“You’re a great friend, Harry Potter,” she declared, before wiping away her tears and re-entering the scrum of friends who were waiting for her.

The next thing, Harry knew Ron was protesting loudly, as the twins — one on each side of him — pulled the lanky redhead up the stairs. Percy followed the trio.

“You didn’t hear what Ron said?” Neville asked.

Harry shook his head.

“‘Now he even has girls kissing him in the common room,’” Neville informed Harry. “Percy and the twins had enough, I guess.”

“Neville, do you know what is bugging Ron?” Harry asked.

Neville shrugged. “It’s not too hard. How many brothers does Ron have?”


“What’s the one thing his family doesn’t have a lot of?” Neville asked.

Harry squeezed his eyes closed and whispered, “Money.”

“Right. Who joined our year unexpectedly?”

“Oh, Merlin. Ginny, who is with me a lot . . .”

“. . . and.”

“I get attention, even if I don’t want it,” Harry said in exasperation.

“There’s more, but you get the point,” Neville said. “His reaction isn’t right, but . . .”

“It’s understandable,” Harry concluded. “How’d you get so good at this stuff?”

Neville grinned. “If there’s one thing my gran is very good at, it’s watching people and figuring out how they will react. She’s taught me how to do that for as long as I can remember. It does have its uses.”

“That’s for sure. Thanks, Neville,” Harry said. “I’ll talk with Ron once things have calmed down a bit.”

The two boys rejoined the party, and someone shoved a bottle of a room-temperature beverage into his hand. Harry took a sip and his eyes widened. “What is this? It’s great,” he exclaimed.

The students born into wizarding families smiled, and Ginny said, “It’s butterbeer. It has just a little bit of alcohol in it.”

“It’s a little like root beer,” Hermione said.

“But not as sweet or fizzy,” Harry added.

Both he and Hermione looked around and noticed the pure- and half-blood students were looking at each other as if they had begun to speak another language.

Hermione smiled. “Just think of root beer as the Muggle equivalent of butterbeer.” The others nodded their understanding.

Harry grabbed Ginny’s hand and wandered over to the twins, who were with their usual group — Lee Jordan, Alicia Spinnet, Angelina Johnson, and Katie Bell. Looking around, Harry caught Percy’s eye and beckoned him over.

Once everyone was together, he said in a low voice, “I think it’s time to prank the Dursleys.”

The twins immediately got a devilish gleam in their eyes, Percy began to consider appropriate pranks for the Muggles, and Ginny laughed in a manner that caused chills to run down Harry’s spine.

Lee and the Chasers looked confused, so George gave them a quick explanation of who the Dursleys were and why they should be pranked.

Harry continued. “This may be a good way to bring Ron back.”

The twins shook their heads, while Ginny said, “Harry, you’re too nice sometimes.”

Fred added, “Ron’s been acting like a git for a week now.”

“But he’s our git,” Percy said softly.

“You’ve got a point there,” George said, while the others nodded.

“Maybe we can all think of how to prank them and get together sometime in the next couple of days,” Harry suggested.

Both twins rubbed their hands together, like demented scientists, while Percy and Ginny just shook their heads at the twins’ antics. Harry laughed, and he and Ginny started to return to the first year group, when they heard Oliver Wood call out.

“Harry, come over here for a minute.” The Quidditch captain gestured to where he and the other team mates were sitting. Harry and Ginny quickly joined them.

“I’ve scheduled our first practice for tomorrow,” Oliver said, his eyes gleaming. “We have the pitch from 3:30 to five, so meet here around 3:00 and we’ll walk over together.”

When the meeting was over, Ginny pulled Harry off to the side. “Thanks for including Ron in the prank. He’d feel even worse if he saw all of us talking, and he was excluded.”

“Neville told me some things that made a lot of sense. Besides Ron’s family, right?”

“Right you are, Mr Potter.” Ginny smiled.


Har ry, Ginny, and the other first year Gryffindors were walking back to the Tower after another stupefying lesson in the History of Magic.

“I need to splash some cold water on my face, so I don’t fall asleep at practice,” Harry said to Ginny.

“Why don’t you just keep your head under water?” Ron didn’t bother to lower his voice.

“Weasley, cut it out,” Seamus barked. “We’re getting sick of your mouth.”

“Ron, Ginny was going to watch us practice,” Harry said. “Why don’t you join us?”

“Always acting like the big man, aren’t you Potter?” Ron spit out the last word. “C’mon Dean, let’s get out of here.”

“No one likes the way you’ve been acting, Ron . . .” Dean shook his head.

“Fine! I see he’s got to you guys, too.” Ron’s face had turned a blazing red. “You’ll find out what a fake he is.” The redhead stormed off, leaving eight stunned Gryffindors staring at his departing backside.

Harry’s mind had gone blank, when Neville’s quiet words pulled him back. “Forget what I said yesterday. He doesn’t deserve anyone trying to help at this point.”

“Thanks, Nev.”

I’ve got to do something. I can’t stand this much longer, and I bet somewhere Ron is feeling awful, too. I wonder if the Potter book has anything that would help.

“Harry,” Ginny said softly. “You can’t help everyone. I’m not sure Ron would listen to anyone at this point.”

Harry exhaled heavily. “I guess you’re right,” Harry replied. “I was just hoping with practice and the prank he would get over this.” He lowered his voice. “It just hurts, you know?”

Ginny squeezed his hand. “Yeah, I know.”

Harry rubbed his temples to ease the dull headache that had moved up his neck and now covered his head, hoping the tension would ease some. As usual, the headache had set off his stomach. At least the roller coaster is moving slowly, so it’s not too bad.

As soon as the group entered the common room, Ginny pulled Harry over to a chair by the fireplace. “You need a neck and shoulder massage, Mr Potter. I’ll sit in the chair and you sit on the floor in front of me.”

Once they were positioned, Ginny began to knead the tight muscles at the base of Harry’s neck. After a minute in which he seemed to fight her, Harry finally gave in and relaxed.

“That feels good, Ginny,” he said in a sleepy voice.

While working his neck muscles and moving up into his scalp, Ginny began to whisper to her best friend. “You can’t fix everything, Harry. Ron is a git at times. He always has been, and I’m afraid he always will. The thing to remember is that as personal as it seems at times, he really isn’t mad at you. Something else set him off. You probably caused him to think of whatever is bothering him, so he’s taking it out on you. He does that at home. We just ignore him. After a while, he comes to his senses and doesn’t want to be left out any longer, so he apologizes and things go back to normal. Lots of things have changed for him over the past couple of months. Let him figure out what’s going on and don’t beat yourself up. Okay?”

Harry turned around and gazed at the redheaded witch. “How’d you get so smart?” A small lopsided grin formed on his face.

“Try growing up the only girl with six older brothers,” she replied. “You learn a lot just watching.” Ginny grinned and said in a superior tone, “And now you get to benefit from my vast knowledge, Mr Potter. Now turn around. I’m not done with you yet.”

“Aren’t I the lucky one,” Harry said but he quickly turned around.

Ginny flicked his ear. “And don’t you forget it, Potter.

About fifteen minutes later, Harry had relaxed so much he felt like a puddle of warm goo. Oliver Wood’s room-filling command startled everyone. “Time to leave for practice. Everyone get your broom and meet back here.”

The six other team members jumped up and hurried to their dormitories, with Harry being the slowest by far. Ignoring the closed curtains around Ron’s bed, Harry grabbed his Nimbus from the warded drawer in his trunk and returned to the common room. Ginny was already with the group, having added a jumper and heavier cloak to what she had been wearing, since the mid-September weather had become a bit chilly in Northern Scotland.

“Let’s go, everyone,” Oliver called out.

The conversations that had started as the group walked down to the Entrance Hall came to an abrupt stop when the Gryffindors saw Professor Snape in an intense conversation with Theodore Nott, though the words could not be heard clearly since the two Slytherins were on the far side of the hall.

Their furtive expressions immediately turned to shock, but while Snape quickly assumed an authoritarian appearance, Nott looked scared. Snape’s voice cut through the hall. “I don’t want to see you doing that again, Nott. Return to the common room immediately.”

Nott mouthed something that couldn’t be heard and scuttled off. Snape turned to the group and said with a nod, “Have a good practice, Gryffindors.” Then, he swept away, too.

“What was that about?” George asked.

“They both went through several emotions in just a few seconds,” Fred said, his eyes narrowed in concentration. “They looked like we caught them doing something.”

Katie scoffed, “C’mon guys. They were in the Entrance Hall. Who would plan something sneaky here?”

“That’s a good point,” Alicia said.

Oliver quietly said, “We could discuss this further if you’d like.” His voice grew in volume and power. “Or we can go practice Quidditch.” Without waiting for a response, he marched towards the doors.

The others followed him, but Fred said quietly, “Well, I wanted to discuss it further. Snape recovered quickly, but Nott looked scared.”

Ginny looked at Harry, who nodded his head. “Uh, Professor Snape told Harry and me to watch out for Nott. That evening coming back from the headmaster’s office, we saw Nott waiting for us on our way back.”

The group reacted with gasps and competing comments. Harry added, “We saw him before he saw us, so we were able to get around him with no problems.”

George said, “Still, we don’t want either of you going anywhere on your own. Got it?”

“Yes, Dad,” Ginny said sarcastically, while Harry just laughed.

Harry quickly learned that the one downside of playing Quidditch on an Oliver Wood led team was that the captain tended to hold very long meetings in which he would discuss plays and strategies in stupefying detail. Harry remained alert while Oliver explained the responsibilities of the Seeker, and let the rest of it wash over him.

Finally they moved out to the pitch and kicked off, except for Oliver, who had the balls — the Quaffle, the two Bludgers, and most importantly, the Golden Snitch — in a box, which he sat in the middle of the pitch. He released the Quaffle and Bludgers, which Harry paid only vague attention to, since his total focus was on the Golden Snitch.

As soon as Oliver released the small sphere, Harry flattened on the Nimbus and raced at the Snitch as it moved from the captain’s hand. It had travelled less than 20 metres when Harry’s fingers wrapped around it, and he brought his broom to a halt.

“Did you see that?” Fred screamed.

“I’ve never seen anyone catch a Snitch that quickly,” George responded.

“We are so going to win the Championship this year!” Katie crowed.

“Harry, you looked like a blur, when you took off.” Angelina smiled broadly.

Ginny stood on the bench in the stands, whistling and clapping, a huge grin on her face.

“Uh, Harry?” Oliver finally spoke with a wild grin on his face. “You can’t do that.” Harry’s face fell. “You need to give the Snitch time to take off, before you can chase it. Great catch, though.”

Harry nodded, his face so red he could feel the heat from his blush.

George and Fred slowly flew by Harry. “Don’t worry about it,” George said.

“That was brilliant flying,” Fred added.

Harry’s surprising capture of the Snitch energized the team, and they had a great practice. Even Oliver seemed satisfied when he called an end to it. Ginny came down from the stands and joined the team.

“George, may I use your broom so Harry and I can fly for a bit?” Ginny asked.

“Sure, GinGin,” George agreed, “but with one requirement. I will stay in the stands just to make sure there are no unsuspected visitors.”

Ginny looked at Harry. “No problem, Big Brother.”

George handed Ginny his broom and retreated to the stands, as the other team mates left for the castle. Harry and Ginny kicked off effortlessly. Harry flew around the stadium at half-speed, since he already was used to flying his broom. Ginny went screaming from one end of the pitch to the other at ever increasing speeds, then she began adding high-speed turns, rolls, and dives until she felt comfortable on the broom.

They met in the centre of the pitch, about level with the top of the stadium. Without a word, they began flying in concert with each other. To an observer, their flying looked like a ballet where the two dancers were so attuned to each other that every move was instinctive, done without direction and flowing from their shared emotions.

At times, their paths and manoeuvres mirrored each other with climbs, descents, rolls, and corkscrews. Other times, their movements were in counter-point — coming together, moving apart, intertwining in an aerobatic dance.

Finally, they ascended several hundred metres above the pitch and began carving large, lazy circles, flying in opposite directions. The flying became faster and more intense, as the circles became increasingly smaller and they passed much closer to each other, until they met in the middle, side-by-side and slowly rotating, green eyes and brown eyes locked together. The raven haired boy briefly glanced down and the redhead nodded in answer. Seconds later, their brooms were screaming downward, almost as a single entity, in a vertical drop.

When the flyers saw the individual drops of dew on the blades of grass, they effortlessly changed course, mere millimetres from the ground, so their brooms paralleled the grassy surface and their soles skimmed along the tops of the grass.

Breaking away again, Ginny curved to her right and Harry to his left. Then they swung back and met again as they landed next to each other.

Ginny exploded off the broom and launched herself at her best friend, wrapping her arms around his neck and chastely kissing him on the cheek.

Both children froze as the spontaneous action became a reality. A heartbeat later, the warmest feeling Harry had ever experienced flowed through him, and he kissed Ginny on the cheek. Their smiles lit the stadium.

He whispered, “You’re the first person I’ve ever kissed.” Harry heard a small gasp, then he felt Ginny’s arm tighten around him. “You saved me, Gin. I hope you know that. I’d still be lost if you hadn’t helped me. No one understands me like you do. I . . .”

“You two are amazing flyers!” George yelled as he approached them from the stands. “Did you two rehearse that last flying sequence? It was incredible, like you each knew what the other was going to do.”

Harry and Ginny started laughing, and Ginny said, “That’s how I felt.”

Harry added, “Me, too. Thanks for letting Ginny use your broom and for watching us, George.”

Her older brother winked. “And I won’t even tell the others about the kisses. But . . .”

Ginny scowled. “Don’t even think about it, George.”

When he started backing away in faux fear, all three children started laughing. Ginny hooked her arm through George’s and laced her fingers through Harry’s hand, and the trio returned to the castle.

Dinner that evening went as usual with two exceptions. Ron had managed to turn all of the Gryffindor students against him through his ill-considered comments, so he now spent each meal with noticeable gaps on each side of him. At the end of dinner, Professor Dumbledore asked Hermione, Ginny, and Harry to remain for a brief conversation he wished to have.

When they approached the head table, the headmaster asked, “Miss Granger, have Miss Weasley and Mr Potter told you of their suggestion concerning Miss Rae?”

Hermione smiled. “Yes. I think it is an excellent idea, sir.”

He smiled at the three children. “So do I, Miss Granger. I will meet Miss Rae and her parents next week at their house to discuss the position. If she is interested, I will bring them back to the school. If not, I’ll make sure she does not retain any troubling memories.”

“You’ll let us know what she says, sir?” Ginny asked.

“Better than that, Miss Weasley,” Professor Dumbledore replied with another smile. “If they come here, I will make sure that the three of you have a chance to speak with her.”

“That would be great!” Harry said. “Miss Rae is the reason I can understand about half of what Hermione says. Without her, I’d be totally lost.”

Both witches whacked Harry on the arm. “Prat,” they chorused.

He grinned at both friends. “Yup.”

Harry looked at this headmaster. “Thank you, Professor.”

“You’re most welcome, Harry.” He spread his arms to encompass the three students standing in front of him. “For all three of you, please continue to share you thoughts and suggestions. The one concerning Miss Rae was most excellent and the board agreed with me. So, thank you. But I shouldn’t keep you any longer. I’m sure that your Housemates are waiting anxiously for your return and will want to know exactly what was discussed in our conversation.”

The trio smiled back at their headmaster. As they turned to leave, Harry moved towards Professor McGonagall and mouthed ‘Thank you.’ He received a small smile and sparkling eyes in return.

Leaving the hall, Harry said, “Just a second. I want to check the map.” After studying the map for several seconds, he said, “All clear.”

Nonetheless, each of them had their hand resting on their wand as the walked the hallways that took them to the Gryffindor common room. The headmaster proved to be prescient. The trio was descended upon by their classmates, with the continuing exception of Ron.

“What did the headmaster want?”

“Are you in trouble?”

“Did he tell you not do so well in class?”

Everyone turned to Neville, then started laughing loudly. When the group finally calmed down, the trio described the content of the conversation in such vague terms no one was quite sure what had been discussed. But that realization came only after the trio was at their usual table studying Charms.

At a few minutes before seven, Harry and Ginny excused themselves and went over to Percy. “Take a walk with us, Big Brother?” Ginny asked.

“Sure. Where are you going?” Percy asked, looking at the packed book bag Harry was carrying.

“To see Professor Lupin in his classroom,” Harry said. He lowered his voice. “These are the albums of pictures he and your family collected . . .”

Percy interrupted, “Our family, Harry.”

Harry smiled at the tall redhead, while Ginny squeezed his hand. “Thanks, Percy. Professor Lupin also borrowed the headmaster’s pensieve, so we can look at some memories of my parents.”

“Let’s go then,” Percy said.

Several minutes and no untoward incidents later, they arrived at the professor’s classroom. “Thanks, Percy,” Ginny said, and her brother waved and turned back down the corridor.

“Come in, you two,” Professor Lupin greeted them. “Would you like some tea?”

With two acceptances, he poured three cups of tea and indicated for his two students to sit at a smallish round table in the corner of the classroom that had the pensieve sitting in the middle of it.

When they were seated at the table, Harry said, “Professor, could we talk about two others subjects before we go through the pictures and memories?”

Lupin looked surprised, but he quickly answered, “Sure, Harry. What is it you wish to discuss?”

Harry looked at Ginny, then back to the professor. “You remember that we told you of Professor Snape’s warning to watch out for Nott?” Lupin nodded. “Well, we found Nott waiting for us by checking the map you made.”

Lupin’s demeanour quickly became serious. “You found Nott? What happened?”

Ginny answered, “We moved to a lower floor and then came up next to the entrance to our common room. We didn’t do anything to him.” Ginny fought hard to keep from laughing.

Harry continued. “We did tell Percy, though, and he caught Nott out after curfew. Cost him House points and a detention.”

Both Harry and Ginny were grinning by that point, and their professor joined them. “That sounds like a just punishment for what Mr Nott had in mind.”

“Well, as the team was going to Quidditch practice this afternoon, we saw Professor Snape and Nott talking in the Entrance Hall. Both looked . . . startled . . . when they saw us. Professor Snape told Nott to go to the common room, like he had been disciplining him,” Harry explained.

“But it didn’t look that way when we first saw them,” Ginny said.

“So, we just wanted to let you know.” Harry shrugged.

The professor frowned. “It may have been a Head of House disciplining a student. It would make sense since Mr Nott had lost House points. On the other hand, it wouldn’t hurt to keep my ears open.”

Thanks, Professor,” Harry and Ginny both responded.

He smiled and asked, “What’s the second issue.”

The young students smiled wickedly. Harry explained, “It has to do with a prank . . .”

The widest smile they’d yet seen from Professor Lupin spread across his face. When Harry finished explaining what they wanted to do, the professor was bursting with ideas. An hour later, the planning was completed, and Remus Lupin escorted the two students back to their common room.

“Thanks for all the great ideas, Professor,” Ginny said.

“We can see that you’re a real Marauder.” Harry smiled at their professor. “Thanks for showing us how to do those charms. It should be easy to do the prank now.”

“When do you think you will do it?” Lupin asked.

“Soon, real soon,” Harry answered.

Walking into the common room, Ginny said, “I’ll tell my brothers we don’t need to have that prank meeting, since we had a real marauder helping us.”


Real soon turned out to be immediately, as Harry and Ginny sat down at an open table in the common room and started work on the project. Half an hour later, Hermione returned from the library and joined her friends.

After watching Harry and Ginny working on their project, Hermione couldn’t contain her curiosity any longer. “What are you two doing?”

Ginny looked at Harry, then turned to Hermione with a smile. “It’s a prank on the Dursleys.” When Hermione’s eyes threatened to pop out of her head, Ginny added a few more details. “It’s all verbal, nothing that would hurt them, just letters and Howlers.”

Harry further explained. “Since I’m never going back to that house, I wanted to do something to,” he grinned, “thank them for all their hospitality over the years.”

Hermione looked askance at the duo, obviously having an internal fight. “Would you read them to me?”

Harry nodded. “Sure. The first is a letter from Hogwarts, asking them to set up a meeting with the headmaster, so my time with them could be discussed.”

“Harry!” Ginny shook her head. “It also says Harry’s doing exceptionally well, despite his upbringing.” Ginny grinned as her male friend’s cheeks took on a rosy hue. “Then, we’ll follow up with a series of Howlers to his aunt, uncle, and cousin, where we’ll try to sound like his mum and dad.

“The first one will be to his aunt in his mum’s voice.” Ginny changed the inflection of her voice. “Why, Petunia? Harry was your own flesh and blood.”

“I’ll do the one that goes to Uncle Vernon,” Harry said. “Dursley, you colossal lump. I’m waiting for you, though I’m sure you’ll go the other direction for what you did.”

Ginny took over. “For Dudley, Harry and I will mimic his parents, saying, we know what you did to Harry.”

“There will be one last Howler, a couple of days later that will be in my own voice,” Harry explained. He picked up a piece of parchment and read. “I know where you are. I’ll always know.” He laughed. “I just wanted you to know that I recently found out that thanks to my parents, I’m fabulously wealthy. Not exactly the drunken layabouts you described, were they? Had you treated me right, I would have been happy to share my wealth with you as a way of thanking you for taking care of me and raising me with love and respect. But that didn’t happen, did it, Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia? Just think what your lives could be, rather than what they are now. I guess you’re getting what you deserve, after all. Oh, don’t even think of trying to get any of this money. It’s all in wizarding currency and kept in a wizarding bank, run by goblins. Not bad for a bunch of freaks, eh? Remember, I’ll always know where you are . . .” Harry’s laugh faded into silence, and he looked up for Hermione’s response.

“Good for you, Harry,” she said quietly.

Over the next couple of days, the prank was put into play. Several days after that, Hermione received a Muggle newspaper article from her parents. Hermione paraphrased what was written.

“The owls attracted the attention of the neighbours, and your relatives stopped going outside, so newspapers and milk deliveries started piling up.”

Harry laughed. “Everyone watches everyone else, so I bet there were threatening phone calls, notes left on the front door, and tonnes of gossip.”

Hermione continued. “It gets worse. Authorities were called and found your three relatives dishevelled, lethargic and sunken-eyed from apparent lack of sleep, and somewhat paranoid. When they were questioned about a second boy,” Hermione looked up, “who fit your general description, they became incoherent, denying there was a second boy who lived with them.” Hermione smiled. “They were taken into custody, quote, ‘for their own protection,’ unquote.”

“Wow!” Harry blew out a lungful of air.

“They must have felt really guilty over how they’d treated you over all those years,” Ginny surmised.

“I think you’re right, Ginny,” Hermione agreed. “But Harry’s new wealth may have had something to do with it, too. Especially since they knew that with a little effort on their part, Harry would have gladly shared his riches with them.”

“Yeah,” Harry grinned at both girls,” but then I wouldn’t have stayed with the Weasleys and met Ginny. I think I came out way ahead.”

Both girls stared at their friend, tears rapidly filling their eyes. Ginny exploded from her chair, landed on Harry’s lap, and proceeded to hug the stuffing out of him. He, in turn, wrapped his arms around the petite redhead and closed his eyes, soaking up the flood of emotions coming from her.

The sound of someone sniffling finally brought Harry and Ginny back to the here and now. They looked up to see Hermione’s not-so-silent tears trailing down her cheeks.

“I need a hug, too,” she said in a very small voice.

Harry turned the chair and Ginny scooted over, so Hermione would have a part of Harry to hug. She kneeled down and wrapped her arms around Ginny and Harry, who reciprocated.

“I finally feel I’m where I belong,” Hermione whispered after several long moments.

“Me, too,” Harry softly replied. “It’s beginning to feel like home.”

“I’m so glad I’m with you guys,” Ginny said.

“What in bloody hell are you three doing?” Ron’s unmistakable voice broke the trio’s embrace.

Ginny sprang off Harry’s lap. “How dare you, Ronald Bilius Weasley?” she yelled, her eyes on fire. “Mucosa Giganticus.”

A split second later mucous bogeys had completely covered Ron’s face, and he desperately tried to remove them by beating himself about the head.

Percy and the twins came over. George said, “You beat us to it, Ginny. I was going to hit him with a Boil Hex.”

“Ooh, good one,” Fred complimented his bookend. “I was just going to Stun him.”

“Silencing Spell,” Percy said. “I know, pretty boring. Guess he’s suffered enough?” His three siblings nodded, so he walked over to his youngest brother. “Finite.”

Neville and Dean took the red-faced Ron upstairs to their dorm, though, Neville’s statement, “Say anything, and I’ll hit you with a Silencing Spell,” and Dean’s disgusted look, let everyone know whose side they were on.


After their last class of the next day, Harry and Ginny wandered down to the lakeshore to take advantage of the unseasonably warm day. The grass was dry and warm, so no blanket was needed. The two best friends sat next to each other and gazed out at the water, framed by forests, rolling hills, and the cerulean sky above.

“It’s just a little bit bigger than the pond at home, isn’t it?” Harry said between chuckles.

Harry’s words startled Ginny, and she looked up with a guilty smile. “I was somewhere else.”

Harry took her hand. “Where?”

Ginny giggled self-consciously and Harry noticed a far-away look in her eyes. “At our pond. I was thinking of when I taught you to swim, and you teaching me wandless magic, how warm the sand was on my feet, and how refreshing the water felt. Mostly, though, I was thinking about the warm, peaceful feeling I had when I was there with you. It was quite nice, Mr Potter.”

Harry felt a glow warming him inside, as he listened and watched his best friend talk so openly about her feelings. “I felt the same way, Ginny, like it was a different world and just ours. Flying yesterday felt the same way. Nothing else existed.”

Ginny turned, so she was looking directly at Harry. “I guess I was thinking about the pond and all that great stuff, because I wasn’t prepared for how dangerous Hogwarts can be.” Harry looked startled by her abrupt change of subjects. “I know, quite a jump in subjects, right? Mum, Dad, and I were shocked when Malfoy cursed you. We didn’t think that could happen at Hogwarts, and I’m not sure about Nott. Are you ready for whatever comes? It’s not our pond or flying by ourselves here.” Her voice had changed from dream-like to serious.

Harry’s response — his expression and his words — surprised Ginny. He grinned. “I’m as ready as I can be. But I know I have so much more to learn. I know I’ll slip back at times, where I’ll feel like everything is crashing down on me, but you’ll snap me out of those moods.” He looked at the redheaded witch, who smiled and nodded her head. “I have miles to go with Dumbledore, but McGonagall, Remus, and Flitwick are great, and it’s gotten a little easier with the headmaster recently.”

“Do you still want to know why you’re being treated differently?” Ginny asked.

Harry nodded his head for several long moments. “I’m doing things because I think I should be. I’d rather know for sure what it is and why. Then Dumbledore’s decisions may make more sense. But there’s other stuff, too. Ron’s attitude really bothers me. I hope we can fix it up so we’re friends again. Nott’s confusing. Next year, I think Malfoy and the other four will be back, so they could create some problems.”

“You really think Malfoy will come back as a first year?” Ginny asked, her eyebrows half way up her forehead.

“Yeah. His pride won’t let him do anything else, and he’ll be much more dangerous. The other four will be a problem, too, but Draco will be the main one.” Harry shrugged.

“What about the group of friends? Do you think they’ll remain together or that we’ll lose some people?”

Harry thought for several moments. “I don’t know. I hope we all stay together for the seven years. I like all of them, and they seem to get along really well.” He shook his head and grinned. “But this is all new to me, so I’m kinda just doing what seems right whenever something comes up. Anything bothering you, Miss Weasley?”

“Very good, Mr Potter,” the redhead replied with a teasing smile. “Ron, in one of his few sane moments recently, mentioned how amazing your change has been since you came to The Burrow. It has been amazing. But I wanted to make sure it is real, and not you trying to convince everyone you’re okay, while you’re still hurting inside.”

Harry looked at his friend for a long time, before smiling at her. “At one time, I would have done exactly that. But I was very lucky. I stayed with a family for just a month, but I learned being truthful and not holding things in was the best way to deal with things most of the time.

“Before leaving for Hogwarts, I made a promise to myself that as much as I could I wouldn’t let the time with my relatives get me down. I try to do the same thing with people like Malfoy and Snape on the first day. It’s like thinking that they are the one with the problems, not me.” He shrugged. “It helps. And it came from being with you and your family.”

Ginny closed the distance between them and placed her arms around his neck, laying her head on his shoulder with a sigh. “You’ve certainly got better with words, Mr Potter,” she said in a teasing voice.

Seconds later, her head started bouncing on Harry’s shoulder as he began to laugh loudly.

“But you’re not a very good pillow,” she added, raising her head, while keeping her arms around the still laughing boy.

When Harry finally calmed down, he reached into the pocket of his robe and pulled out the Marauders Map. Swearing he was ‘up to no good,’ he and Ginny searched the corridors leading from the Entrance Hall to Gryffindor Tower. Both stopped at the same dot.

“Theodore Nott,” Ginny said.

“This time, we teach him a lesson,” Harry declared, all teasing and laughter gone from his voice. “I’ll put on the Invisibility Cloak before we reach his hallway. As soon as you come around the corner, I’ll Silence him.”

“Sounds good to me. If he gets you, though, I’ll hit him with a Bat Bogey Hex,” the spunky witch said.

“We have nothing to worry about then,” Harry said between laughs.

The two first years made their way from the lake to the Entrance Hall and then to the corridor next to the one where Nott had been. Confirming that no one else was around, Harry pulled out the map and verified that the Slytherin was still in the same alcove. Harry put on the Invisibility Cloak and Silenced his feet, before moving around the corner into the new hallway.

Harry walked past Nott until he was about two metres past the alcove, took off his Cloak, hid it in his robe pocket, and snuck back to the hiding place. Nott continued to look down the hall in the opposite direction, so Harry’s non-verbal casting of the Silencio took him completely by surprise.

“Turn around slowly, Nott, with your hands visible and away from your body,” Harry commanded. He quickly took Nott’s wand and called out, “It’s okay, Ginny. Come around.”

Ginny moved carefully around the corner, with her wand aimed chest high. When she saw Harry’s wand pointed at Nott, she smiled. “Good job, Harry.” As Ginny reached them, her expression turned from elation to confusion.

Nott’s eyes were so wide open they nearly bulged out of their sockets. Even stranger, he held his hands together, chest high, in a supplicating manner.

“What’s with him?” Ginny asked.

Harry looked at the Slytherin more carefully. “It looks like he wants to talk. Is that what you think?”

Ginny looked carefully, but she didn’t need to, as Nott was nodding vigorously.

Harry quickly cast, “Finite” and “Incarcerous.

“We only have a minute. I can’t be seen with you. Don’t trust Snape. He isn’t what he seems to be . . .”

The sounds of several people walking towards them stopped Nott, and he looked at Harry pleadingly. Harry waved away the Incarcerous Spell, mouthed ‘Thanks’ and returned Nott’s wand to him, then watched as the Slytherin raced down the hallway and around the corner.

Several seconds later two seventh year Gryffindors passed Harry and Ginny and nodded towards them in greeting.

“That was really strange,” Ginny whispered, after the two students moved out of hearing range.

“They both said to watch the other,” Harry replied quietly. “Who are we supposed to believe?”

Both children stood silently for several moments, before Harry exclaimed, “Professor McGonagall.”

They checked the map, found it clear, grasped each other’s hand, and quickly made their way down the hallways to their professor’s quarters. After stroking the cat’s fur in the picture, the door to Minerva McGonagall’s quarters appeared in what had previously been a solid block wall. Ginny knocked on the door, and in less than a minute, a surprised Professor McGonagall opened the door.

“To what do I owe this unexpected visit, Miss Weasley and Mr Potter?” the professor asked with just a hint of a smile in her eyes.

“It concerns Professor Snape and Theodore Nott,” Harry said, still breathing heavily from rushing down the hallways.

“Please come in, then,” their professor said. “Would you like some tea?”

“Oh, no thank you,” Ginny said quickly. “We just wanted to let you know what has happened.”

“About a week ago, Professor Snape asked us to stay after class,” Harry explained. “He told us to watch out for Theodore Nott.”

Ginny continued, “That same day, we saw on the map that Nott was waiting in a corridor that led to our common room. We snuck by him and told Percy, who caught him out after curfew.”

“Yes, I recall that,” Professor McGonagall said.

“We saw Nott on the map another time or two, but always avoided him,” Harry said. “Today, we got tired of this game, so we, uh, had a conversation with him.”

They both looked at their professor to see how she would react to Harry’s rather lame explanation. She bit her lip and chose not to say anything.

“Nott said to watch Professor Snape,” Ginny said. “And added that ‘He isn’t what he appears to be.’”

Harry finished the explanation. “We heard footsteps, so we let Nott go. He was very nervous.”

Professor McGonagall considered the information for several long minutes, while her two students waited for her reaction to what they had told her.

“Both Professor Snape and Mr Nott said to watch the other one,” the professor spoke as if to herself. “Plus, Mr Nott added that Professor Snape wasn’t as he appeared. It would seem that one of them is lying.”

“Only if they aren’t working together,” Harry added.

McGonagall looked at him sharply. “Very good, Mr Potter. Five points to Gryffindor for creative thinking.” She paused. “I have to admit I am stumped. Professor Lupin shared with me you seeing the same two gentlemen talking in the Entrance Hall. I will report this to the headmaster and see if he can figure this out. He or I may contact you for further information.” The professor’s voice softened. “In the meantime, please be careful, Harry, Ginny. Always use the map and never go anywhere unescorted. I will accompany you back to the common room.” She looked at the antique clock on the fireplace mantel. “It’s nearly dinner time. Why don’t we go directly to the Great Hall?”

“Sure,” Harry replied.

“Thank you for coming directly to me,” their professor said. “We’ll try to get to the bottom of this as quickly as we can. Something certainly is going on. Shall we go?”

Both children nodded, and they walked out of their professor’s quarters, with their hands intertwined.


Draco Malfoy sat at the desk in his bedroom in Malfoy Manor, the memory of his father’s tongue lashing while they returned from Hogwarts again spooling through his brain.

“You snivelling embarrassment to the Malfoy name and position. Let me explain what is going to happen so even you can understand.” His father glared at his only son. “You will be schooled at home in the same subjects you would have studied at Hogwarts this year had you not failed so abominably. You will learn Dark Arts no educational institution would ever teach. Occlumency and Legilimency will be mastered so you can keep your thoughts and memories protected from Dumbledore and Snape, whom I don’t trust, and to enable you to search others’ minds to determine if they are loyal or not.

“Your goal is to pass the interview with the old man, McGonagall, and Snape that will open the gates to Hogwarts and Harry Potter. The very best and most loyal of Lord Voldemort’s supporters will teach you, so you will return to Hogwarts next year as the most powerful student in the school.

“Lastly, once you have met your goal of being reinstated, I will give you a book — more specifically a diary -- that will sever the relationship between Potter and the blood traitor Weasley witch.

“I will not permit the scion of the Malfoy family to be defeated and made fun of by essentially a Muggle-born. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Father,” the blond boy meekly replied.

Lucius Malfoy had been true to his word. The one-on-one tutoring had already enabled them to cover a quarter of the entire year’s material for each class in just the few short weeks Draco had been home. But it was the Dark Arts that drew the boy’s greatest interest, because these were the curses, transfigurations, and potions that would bring him the joy of decimating Harry Potter and holding him up to the school for the fraud he was.

Draco returned to his studies with renewed energy.


Tho ugh he was dreaming, Harry could feel the frustration rolling off of him, almost as if he were watching himself in his own dream. He sat in the same small boat again, his hands tightly gripping the oars. The ocean’s anger at his presence expressed itself through crashing, foam-flecked waves that caused the boat to pitch wildly no matter where Harry directed it. The wind added to his confusion, whipping shards of water that stung his face and made seeing clearly a near impossibility.

Harry could feel the rage growing inside of him. Why am I here again with the ocean so wild and powerful? What can I do to get out of this storm? The oars are useless against these waves.

He saw water-blurred outlines of the jagged rocks at the foot of the cliff, with the two boats still impaled on them and taking a horrible beating. A flash of lightning made the air around the two boats turn an eerie green colour before being washed away by yet another crashing wave. His small boat appeared destined to join them on the rocks, and Harry being such an untrained swimmer, knew he wouldn’t be able to escape their clutches. The ocean was far more powerful than he.

Thunder rolled through the sky, causing Harry to look back to the source of the deafening sound. Instead, his eyes locked on the wild-haired and bearded sea monster as he rose from the water in a terrifying surge of power, the waves having no affect on him. With a trident held securely in his hand, the Neptune-like monster moved like a wave upon the water directly at Harry.

The boy froze for a second, as fear paralyzed him. Then, the primitive survival instinct swept through him, and Harry leaned into the oars with all the strength he could call on. The small boat surged away from the sea monster, who looked surprised by the boy’s action. After a moment’s hesitation, he pursued the boat, which was headed directly towards the deadly rocks.

In seconds, the sea monster, caught up with the boat and he cupped his enormous hands around it, temporarily providing a safe haven for the boy. For the first time, Harry looked closely at the sea creature and was shocked to find that his eyes contained no malice, instead, they showed only hope. The man-like creature nodded his head to the right, as if to indicate that was the direction they should go.

Harry sucked in a deep breath and nodded his acceptance. Immediately, the enormous man powerfully flowed through the water, as if it were a part of him, guiding the small boat on a course that paralleled the rocky cliff, but kept the boat from moving any closer. Long minutes passed as Harry craned his neck to see where they were going, but the storm-blackened night made seeing anything beyond an arm’s length an impossibility.

Finally, another round of lightning filled the sky, and Harry saw that they were now in a small, calm cove, protected from the raging storm. Harry squinted in what he thought was an easterly direction and seconds later the ghost of the nascent sunrise barely could be seen. He looked into shore, which slowly revealed itself in the dawn’s first light. Harry noticed the thunder and lightning had receded with the approach of the new day.

The small boy turned from the shore to the person that had saved him. The giant gestured towards the sandy shore and gave the boat a gentle push in that direction. The man reached out again to offer help and guidance but reluctantly pulled his hand back and let it drop to his side.

Blue eyes locked with green, as Harry started rowing towards shore. The giant watched the boy closely, an internal fight evident on his face and in his eyes. Harry mouthed ‘Thank you,’ and the man smiled for the first time, before turning away and fading back into the ocean’s depths.

Several minutes later, the boat grounded itself on the sand in the cove. Harry jumped out of the boat and dragged it further onto the sand, leaving the oars inside. Looking through the fog that made everything appear fuzzy and ill-defined, Harry finally found a faint path leading away from the shoreline. Walking carefully so as not to lose the trail, Harry could feel that he was walking slightly uphill. Even with the fog thinning slightly, he still could not see anything clearly.

As he crested a rise in the trail, the fog lifted and the most beautiful sight he had ever seen greeted Harry. Ginny stood in front of her pond, a huge, heart warming smile on her face. A second later, the two children sprinted towards each other, ending in a swirling hug.

Still holding each other, Harry asked, “How did you get here?”

He could feel Ginny shrug. “I don’t know. It just seemed to be the place I should be.” She grinned. “Seems I was right.” After a moment’s pause, she added, “There are others here, too.”

Their hands found each other as they broke their embrace. Harry looked at what he thought had been the pond’s empty shoreline. This time, though, several dozen people stood there, all smiling, all generating a warmth that filled his body. Even Hedwig was perched in a nearby tree, with a small rat clamped in her beak. She bobbed her head in greeting.

Harry leaned closer to Ginny. “Thanks for all of this.”

She briefly laid her head on his shoulder. “I thought it would help. You had quite a battle out there.”

When Ginny lifted her head, the young couple walked towards the people waiting for them. They first went to their Hogwarts friends, including Hermione, Sammi, members of the Quidditch team, students from the other Houses, Percy and the twins, but Harry couldn’t see their younger brother.

The group surrounded Harry and Ginny, greeting them with hugs and kind words. After several minutes, the friends’ attention turned to Hermione.

She blushed a rosy pink, then cleared her throat and began speaking. “We have gotten together to give you two gifts. While they didn’t cost anything in the traditional sense, we hope you will see them as priceless. Best of all, these gifts are given willingly from our hearts. For both of you, Harry and Ginny, you have our undying loyalty and friendship. We are here because of what you have done for all of us and each of us, but more importantly, for who you are.”

The two children again were surrounded by their friends, physically but more importantly, by the emotions generated by these gifts. Their school friends finally parted, and the two children saw Professor McGonagall waiting for them, along with Professors Flitwick and Lupin, Miss Rae, and Hagrid.

“During the short time you have been our students,” Minerva McGonagall said, a warm smile on her face, “we have learned that you are true students, who love learning for its own value. This is a quality each of us treasures and we are so pleased that you each have it. Our gift to you is to share all of the knowledge and training we are capable of providing you. Sometimes the gift will be given in concert with other students through your regular classes. At other times, we will assist you in any outside studies that will be of benefit to you. All you need to do is ask.”

Professor McGonagall smiled at her two students. “We are very proud of you and have great hopes for your futures.” Then, she guided the couple to Ginny’s parents.

Arthur Weasley knelt as the children approached, and his daughter and Harry ran into his open arms. Molly Weasley completed the circle surrounding the children by wrapping her arms around them and resting her hands on her husband’s shoulders.

“Harry,” Arthur Weasley began, “you have learned something recently that Ginny and her brothers have known all their lives. The love of their family provides the strongest foundation a child can have. We want you to know that you will always have our unquestioned love and support. You are a part of our family now, son. Nothing will ever change that.”

Molly smiled at her two children, one from birth, the other from choice. “We may argue.” She stopped and smiled. “No, we do argue. But that’s alright, because we always know that when the time comes we will protect each other without question. Carry that certainty with you from now on, Harry dear, as Ginny already does.” Molly pulled him close in the gentlest hug he had yet felt from her.

“Thank you, Arthur and Molly,” a soft voice said.

“We appreciate everything you have done and will do for our son.” James Potter grasped Arthur’s hand and shook it, then clapped him on the shoulder.

Harry had turned upon hearing the voices, moving quickly, instinctively to his auburn-haired mother and hugging her tightly. “I wish you and Dad were here with me,” he whispered, blinking rapidly to stem the moisture that had begun to fill his eyes.

“Harry, darling, we are always with you,” Lily Potter answered, the tears welling then slowly spilling down her cheeks. “We’re here.” She gently laid her hand on his head. “You have pictures and the pensieve memories. But most importantly, we are always here,” his mum said, placing her hand on his heart. “We’ll always watch over you, sweetheart.”

James and Ginny joined mother and son. “Take good care of him, Ginny. We are so glad you two found each other and so soon.”

“Son,” James Potter said, “you have a fiery jewel here. Let Ginny express herself, and there will be no witch equal to her.” James put his arm around his wife and kissed her forehead. “I have first hand experience with someone very similar,” he added with a smile.

“You learned of the many gifts you already have,” his father continued. “Please realize that they were given to you because you let them see your true self. You’ll never have to worry about holding back or putting on a neutral personality again, son.”

“You have a wonderful group of friends, so different, yet so similar in the qualities that matter,” Lily said. “Trust them and let them support you.”

“I can’t believe you found several Slytherins that were worthwhile . . .”


“Well, it’s true, Lils.”

“Don’t ‘Lils’ me, James Potter.”

With the last comment, both parents began chuckling, but it quickly progressed to outright stomach-stretching laughter. When they finally regained a semblance of control, Lily said.

“We’ve still got it. Don’t we, Jamie?” Lily put her arm around her husband’s shoulder.

Harry, Ginny, and her parents had joined the Potters in laughing, Harry having tears streaking his cheeks at the fun his parents were having. He launched himself at his parents, wrapping his arms around their waists and feeling life was perfect when they pulled him close to them.

He finally whispered, “Merlin, I love you, Mum, Dad,” and squeezed even harder.

He raised his head. “I used to be so mad at you, but not anymore.”

His dad sobered quickly. “Harry, whenever you need us, we’ll be there, one way or another.”

“We have a bond, son, that can never be broken.” She kissed her fingertips and placed them on his heart. Harry immediately covered her hand with his, and James covered those of his son and his wife.

Lily pulled him into a quick hug and kissed the top of his head. His dad ruffled his son’s already unruly hair. “You understand who you are now, Harry, where you come from, and the type of life that will be available to you. There will be tough times and times when you doubt yourself. But you have wonderful people supporting you. One of the Potter philosophies fits pretty well. A Potter never quits . . .”

Harry put his hand on his father’s. “He explores all possible alternatives, seeking that which is most effective.”

James stated the next line. “Once found, total effort is expended until the task — however onerous — is completed.” James turned to his son.

“If diligence is exercised in selecting the best alternative and the requisite effort is given, then one can be pleased by the results, even if they are seen by others as a failure.”

James squeezed his son’s hand, as they both said the ending line. “A Potter can learn from any outcome.”

“Harry, there’s one more person you need to talk with,” his mum said softly.

Harry looked confused and glanced back at the group. The person in question stood apart from the others, a hopeful expression on his face. Harry looked at his parents and nodded.

“Then it’s time for us to go, son,” James said, pulling Harry close.

Long moments passed, and the boy next felt his mum hugging him tightly, already recognizing her softer, more rounded body.

When she stepped back from their embrace, her emerald eyes were sparkling.

“We love you, Harry.”

Seconds later, his parents faded into mist and disappeared.

Ginny came over and wrapped her arms around her best friend. They were quickly joined by Arthur and Molly Weasley, whose arms encircled the two children.

Harry finally said, “I have one more person to speak with.”

Arthur Weasley smiled. “Good lad.”

As Harry walked towards the headmaster, a fuzzy image of Professor Snape came into view about twenty metres behind Professor Dumbledore, then flickered away as if it had been consumed by the fog or by his own indecision over whether he wanted to be there or not.

“An impressive group of friends and family, Harry,” Albus Dumbledore said.

“I’m very lucky, sir.”

The headmaster smiled. “I think each of them would say the same thing about knowing you. Would you like to take a short walk with me?”

“Very much.”

“Harry, through the years I’ve slipped further and further away from being a teacher. The headmaster’s position is primarily administrative. Somewhere along the way, I lost why I had chosen this profession.” The professor stopped and picked up a few flat stones. The first one he pitched kerplunked into the water.

“Curve your index finger along the back edge of the stone. See?” Harry held up the stone he held in his hand. He turned and whipped his arm in a flat arc and smiled when the stone skipped three times, before slicing into the water.

“Now, I remember,” Professor Dumbledore said. His next throw skimmed the water three times before turning downward.

Harry took his robes off, since the morning sun had begun to burn off the morning moisture in the air.

“I’ve short-changed both of us, Harry. I can certainly learn new things from you, since your perspective is so different from mine. Modestly, I would hope that you could learn much from me. I would like to propose a new type of relationship between the two of us, where I would act as a mentor to you. I think it would prove beneficial to both of us.”

“I would really like to work with you, Professor,” Harry answered enthusiastically.

“Great. We can discuss the plan in detail tomorrow,” Dumbledore, his smile not quiet masking his look of relief. “Shall we return to the others?”

They turned around and both immediately put a hand up to shade their eyes from the sun. “Looks like it will be a beautiful day, Mr Potter.”

Harry was smiling at his headmaster, when the dream faded into the mists of sleep.


Harr y woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and with more energy than he could remember in ages.

Harry got cleaned up and dressed and went down to the common room to wait for Ginny. Minutes later, she drifted down from her dormitory, sleepy-eyed and with an expression that indicated she had risen much earlier than she would have preferred.

The early morning sun glinted through a window and crossed her path, highlighting her hair in crimson and gold.

Merlin, she looks great in the sun, with her red hair. Sun? Red hair?

The dream came flooding back in a kaleidoscope of scenes, people, and conversations. He joined his best friend at the base of the staircase.

“Good morning, sleepyhead. Nice to finally see you,” Harry’s voice carried a teasing tone.

“Shush, you,” Ginny said with a faint smile. “I’m trying not to wake up entirely until our first class starts.”

“Not a morning person, are you?” he said as brightly as he could, as they walked towards the portrait hole.

Ginny bumped into him with her hip. “Real observant, Potter.”

“I guess you don’t want to hear about my incredible dream, then?” he said casually.

Despite her half-awake appearance, Ginny’s voice showed surprising enthusiasm. “A dream? Do you remember much of it?”

“All of it, and it was in colour,” Harry said. “I almost never dream in colour. Do you want to hear about it?” He held the door open widely so his friend wouldn’t bump into it.

“Of course! I want to hear all of it.” Ginny’s energy level had jumped substantially, and she slipped her hand in his.

While Harry described the dream, Ginny oohed and aahed in all the right places, occasionally asking questions. Harry finished by recounting his conversation with the headmaster. “I think the dream wanted me to try and understand Dumbledore better, that he can be really helpful.”

Ginny’s eyes narrowed in thought. “While you were telling me the second part of the dream, I kept thinking it sounded a bit familiar.” Harry looked at her in surprise. “You know that feeling when you think you know something or have been somewhere but don’t know why?” Harry nodded his head. “Well, that’s the way I felt when you were telling me about the part with all of the people and the pond.”

Harry looked at her for several seconds. “Do you think we both had that same part of the dream?”

“Don’t know.” Then she grinned. “It would be kind of scary to be inside your head, Mr Potter.”

“Thanks a lot, Weasley,” Harry said while grinning back at her. Opening one of the wooden doors to the Great Hall, he gestured with his other arm. “After you, my lady.”

Ginny curtsied. “Thank you, kind sir.”

Both were laughing lightly when they sat at their usual places at the Gryffindor table. Breakfast passed in a normal mode, with sporadic conversations and greetings from their friends in the other Houses. That is, until the headmaster stopped at their table.

“Good morning, Gryffindors,” he said jovially. After receiving several subdued responses, he turned to Harry and Ginny and his voice dropped. “Harry would you come to my office this evening around seven?”

“Of course, sir,” Harry replied. “Could Ginny come, too?”

“That’s not a good . . .” Professor Dumbledore stopped abruptly. After several seconds of thought, and in a lighter tone, he said, “Of course, Miss Weasley may attend if you want her to. Seven o’clock, then? They both nodded. “Excellent! I will see you then.”

Ginny leaned over and whispered, “Harry! The dream.”

Harry grinned. “I was thinking that, too. Wouldn’t it be great if we could create that kind of relationship?”

Despite anticipating their meeting with the headmaster, the day went by quickly for Harry and Ginny, and soon they found themselves approaching the gargoyle guard.

“Darn, he forgot to give us the password,” Harry complained. He turned to the statue, and the gargoyle moved to the side and gestured them forward with a sweep of his arm. “Thank you.”

Ginny curtsied and joined Harry on the revolving stairs that soon delivered them to the headmaster’s office. The door opened without a knock this time, and a smiling Albus Dumbledore met them at the door.

“Please come in, Ginny, Harry.”

The headmaster gestured them towards the usual two seats. But this time, the professor’s chair was not behind his large desk. Instead, it sat opposite the two visitors’ chairs that had been turned 90 degrees. To Harry, the new setting seemed friendlier, and it eliminated the huge desk that separated the headmaster from his guests.

“Would you like some tea?” he offered.

“Yes, sir.”

“Yes, please.” Ginny had taken Harry’s hand as soon as they sat down, and Harry could feel the moisture already forming on her palm. He squeezed the increasingly slippery hand and smiled at his friend.

With a ‘crack,’ a house elf appeared in the office, holding a tray with a tea service and biscuits.

“Mimsy!” Harry and Ginny both exclaimed.

“Harry Potter, Mistress Ginny, how is yous doing?” Mimsy asked, while placing the service on a small table Professor Dumbledore had just conjured.

“We’re doing great, Mimsy,” Harry replied.

“How are you?” Ginny asked.

“I is fine, Mistress,” Mimsy said. She turned. “Is there being anything else, Professer Albydore?”

“No, Mimsy. Thank you very much.”

With another ‘crack,’ Mimsy disappeared.

The headmaster smiled at his guests. “You two have a wonderful ability of making friends with all types of people and creatures. Most impressive.” The elderly wizard sighed. “Ginny, may I assume you are familiar with at least some of the mistakes I have made with Harry?”

Ginny stared wide-eyed at the headmaster. She gulped before answering. “Y-yes, sir.”

“Please don’t be nervous. I hope in time we can develop mutual trust and friendship between us, and that’s why I wanted to meet with you tonight. Ginny, I am pleased that Harry asked that you be invited.”

“Ginny’s a part of me, sir,” Harry said quietly.

Ginny’s head turned quickly to Harry, her eyes blinking rapidly.

“I can see that,” the headmaster said softly. “You both have very old souls.” He paused a moment to let Ginny calm herself from the effect of Harry’s words. “While my intent had been to discuss several ideas with Harry, I can see that it makes more sense to speak with both of you. In some ways you remind me of some very good friends of mine, Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel . . .”

“The alchemist and creator of the Philosopher’s Stone and his wife? Harry asked in surprise.

“The same,” Professor Dumbledore smiled. “I am hopeful that we can start over, which I acknowledge benefits me far more than it does you. On my part, I realize that I need to be more forthcoming, not hold back information, and to discuss topics with you before we come to a decision.”

Harry nodded. “And it would probably help if I stopped blaming you for everything,” he said sheepishly, a small grin showing on his face.

Albus Dumbledore laughed heartily, while Ginny giggled as quietly as she could. “I would greatly appreciate that, Harry. Do we have an agreement to start over?”

Dumbledore extended his hand. Harry leaned forward and grasped it, shaking the much longer hand as firmly as he could.

“Good!” they both exclaimed.

Harry reached for a biscuit, as the headmaster resumed the conversation. “By being transparent in all that affects you, I think we will eliminate the vast majority of communication problems we have had. One of the areas I think I can be of benefit in your training is in teaching leadership. You already have proven to be a natural leader, and I don’t want to change that at all. Instead, I would like to introduce different schools of thought, as well as give you some practical examples where you can observe people in leadership positions and learn from what they do.” The headmaster smiled. “Of course there may be times when the lesson you learn is what not to do.” Both students grinned.

“Would you two like to have special training, in addition to your regular courses?”

Harry turned to Ginny, who smiled. “That would be great. I really enjoyed the little bit we did with Professor McGonagall during the summer.”

Harry nodded. “The lessons I had with the professor during the summer helped me a lot in my classes once school started, and her lessons during school have helped, too. I would really like to continue them.”

“Good. I know Professor McGonagall has enjoyed teaching both of you, so we will continue those lessons. If you’re interested, there are other professors who want to be involved in your special courses. For instance, did you know that Professor Flitwick was a duelling champion and currently carries the highest rating?”

Ginny and Harry’s eyes both grew bigger. “No, he never mentioned either of those,” Harry said.

“He would like to teach you advanced charms and duelling, but not formal duelling. He wants to train you in real world tactics.”

Harry and Ginny had leaned forward in their chairs, smiles lighting their faces. Ginny said, “That would be fantastic. He wants to work with us like that?”

“Yes, he came to me and asked to be considered, because he had heard about Professor McGonagall teaching you. You will find that Professor Flitwick will provide you with another way of analyzing situations. He was in Ravenclaw for a reason, after all.”

Harry said, “We both really like the professor’s class and think he’s one of the best professors here. It would be fun to learn more from him.”

“Another professor also requested the opportunity to work with you one-on-one, and that is Professor Lupin. Harry, he has told me none of our first year students will duel you any more, with the exception of Ginny. That recommends you for special studies in and of itself. But we all know that both of you are using just the more obvious of your talents.

“Naturally, Professor Lupin would work with you on advanced Defence skills and tactics. But he also asked if he could teach you about magic, where it comes from, how it works, how best to use it. You will find Professor Lupin is one of the leading academics in Magical Theory.”

Ginny grinned. “That would be fantastic. Whatever wandless magic I can do is from Harry showing me where my magic is and how to make it work for me. I’d be cursing leaves for not levitating if he hadn’t shown me how it works.”

Both Harry and the headmaster smiled at Ginny’s endorsement. “I think you will find what Professor Lupin teaches you to be fascinating. As needed, we will bring in Aurors or other experts to teach you skills we have identified as useful.”

“Will we have all of these special courses each week?” Harry asked.

“Probably not initially,” the headmaster said. “We know that neither of you are being challenged academically, but the classes and homework assigned still take up a lot of time. So, nothing is set right now. We’ll certainly continue with Professor McGonagall’s class, since Harry has had it since the start of the school year. We can add from there one tutorial at a time.

“A very special pair of tutors also should be mentioned. In fact, I have earlier in this conversation, and they would be Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel. Once you are well into your training, I would like them to meet you and assess where they feel they would be most helpful. They are a most incredible couple, and you two could benefit in so many ways by working with them.

“How does all that sound to the two of you?”

“Incredible,” Harry said. “Thank you, sir.”

“When do we start,” Ginny added with a grin.

“Next week, I think,” the headmaster replied. “The three of us will meet with your three special instructors, and together we will map out a course of study that will fit your needs.”

Albus Dumbledore’s expression changed rapidly, from relaxed and smiling to almost haunted and downcast. “I do have one last topic to discuss with you. But I think it would be wise to bring your parents in to listen to what I have to say. I will fire call them.”

Ginny and Harry’s expressions quickly matched that of their headmaster. Five minutes later, Arthur and Molly Weasley emerged from the headmaster’s fireplace, both with concern evident on their faces, while the headmaster conjured two more chairs.

“What’s wrong, Albus?” Molly asked while wringing her hands. “Why else would you call us up like this?” She and her husband sat in the offered chairs.

“Molly, everyone is fine, but I do have some information I want to discuss with Harry and his family. Initially, I felt it prudent to wait until Harry got a little bit older, but with his intelligence, maturity, sensitivity, and abilities, I need not consider that restriction any longer.”

Albus Dumbledore took off his half-moon glasses and rubbed his crooked nose. When he looked up, the energy and excitement from discussing the special classes had dissolved, leaving a weary man addressing an issue that pained him deeply.

“From our first meeting, Harry knew something was missing from my explanations. He was right. He — and you, his family — deserve to hear it.” Albus Dumbledore inhaled deeply, then exhaled slowly before speaking. “Harry, not long after you were born, I heard a prophecy that involves you . . .”

The End

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