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Before The Final Battle
By abz

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Category: Post-HBP
Genres: None
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Story is Complete
Rating: G
Reviews: 3
Summary: Harry comes back after a year of travelling but will he get back with Ginny? one off chapter. sequal coming soon!
Hitcount: Story Total: 4933

Disclaimer: Harry Potter Publishing Rights © J.K.R. Note the opinions in this story are my own and in no way represent the owners of this site. This story subject to copyright law under transformative use. No compensation is made for this work.

Author's Notes:
hey, i havent writen in ages so i thought id do a one off. im hoping to do a sequal to it. this one is jus about harry and ginny, hope you like it and if you don't tell me and if you do tell me too!!!


Harry Potter was standing next to the lake next to the Burrow; he was in deep thought about a certain red head. He’d broken up with her to protect her but he knew deep down that Voldemort would kill her away, just for being a Weasley but if he ever found out that he loved her, he didn’t dare think about it. It was killing him to be so near to her and not be able to touch her, to kiss her and to hold her, if only she knew what she meant to him, what she could do to him.

He was completely lost in his own thoughts. He’d lost so many people in his life, he wasn’t going to lose Ginny as well or any one of the Weasley’s or Hermione for that matter, he’d make sure of that and the battle was near, the battle that would end all battles, the one where he, Harry would die or Voldemort would.

Harry had been away for most of the year finding and destroying Voldemort’s horcuxes. He’d found them all and destroyed them all, all but one which was the snake, Voldemort always kept her with him so he’d have to destroy her at the time of the final battle. When he came back from his hunt he was unwashed, unshaven and tired. He’d slept for days after he got back to the Burrow, Ginny was still at school and had come back after finishing her sixth year at Hogwarts. He was clean now after 9 months of travelling and not washing. He’d gotten very powerful on his travels; he just hoped it would be enough.

‘Harry? Are you ok?’

He recognised the voice and hoped he’d been mistaken, she couldn’t be this close to him, he couldn’t stand it.

‘Yes I’m fine, just thinking.’

‘Oh good, I’m glad that your ok. Can we talk please Harry?’

‘No, no, no, please go away!’ Thought Harry, he couldn’t take it, he needed to get away, he’d been waiting for this, for Ginny to come and talk to him about him breaking up with her. He didn’t want to trust his own mouth incase he said ‘yes I’ll get back with you’ but he couldn’t not until the final battle had ended and that was presuming he survived.

‘If you want to’

‘Good, well, erm, you know that you broke…’

‘Up with you to protect you.’ Interrupted Harry, ‘you want to know if I’ve changed my mind and if I’ll stop being a hero and get back with you.’

‘Well, yeah. I mean it’s been a year and I’m powerful I mean really powerful, I don’t want to sound big-headed or anything, but I am and I can look after myself.’ Rambled Ginny

‘I never doubted you could.’

‘Then stop this madness and come back to me.’ Shouted Ginny, she was getting angry now, the sadness and anger over the past year was coming out.

‘I can’t. I mean how do you even know if I still love you?’

Ginny looked at Harry and moved closer to him, so close that they were nearly touching. Harry’s breathing quickened and he tensed. He was growing hot and was nearly sweating. Ginny placed her hand on his arm; goose bumps were coming out at her touch. She moved closer still and placed her other hand on his cheek. Harry was getting hotter by the second. Ginny finally moved away from him and smiled.

‘That’s how I know you still love me.’

Harry steadied his breathing and cooled down and moved further away from Ginny who was still smiling.

‘Ok, ok I still love you, doesn’t mean anything, it’ll just get you killed.’

‘It will not get me killed. I can look after myself but you’re too much of a prat to realise that. Voldemort will kill me just for being a Weasley. Don’t you think I’ll be safer with you than without you?’ Shouted Ginny

‘No I don’t, you’re safer without me Ginny, a lot safer.’ Harry shouted back

‘Well you’re wrong Harry, I’m not safer, and how can you protect me, if you’re not with me? Malfoy knew we were going out last year, he would have told him as would Snape. He already knows you care for me, so why not come back to me and let me help.’

Harry thought about this and she was right, he would know, so he had broken up with her for nothing. He looked down at the floor, he needed to get away and clear his head, to think.

‘I need to think Ginny…’

‘No you’re not going anywhere, even if I have to jinx you.’ Ginny got her wand out and pointed it straight at Harry.

‘You wouldn’t jinx me Ginny.’ Said Harry already knowing he’d said the wrong thing. A red jet of light came flying at Harry; he only just managed to get out of its way. Harry got his wand out and pointed it at Ginny, she was smiling again.

‘What did you do that for?’ Shouted Harry

‘Because you said I wouldn’t.’

‘Well, I didn’t think you would.’

‘Well, now Potter you know different.’ Smiled Ginny and she put her wand away, ‘so what now Harry?’
He didn’t have to ask to know what she meant. Harry also put his wand away and sat down, his brain working rapidly.

‘I don’t want you getting hurt.’ He said finally

‘And I won’t, Harry.’

‘But what if you do? What am I going to do then? I’ll have nothing to fight for, no future, and no nothing.’

‘I promise I won’t get hurt, Harry. Nothing can hurt me when I with you. This whole breaking up thing has been hurting me for the better part of a year and I no it has been hurting you too. And when I came back from school and you where here, that killed me, not being able to touch you,’ she put her hand on his, ‘or kiss you.’

She leaned over him and put her mouth near his so their lips were touching, she was shaking and so was Harry. Harry pulled away but Ginny pulled his head back and gently kissed him. She melted and climbed into his lap. Harry started kissing her back and pulled her even closer to him and crushed his lips down into hers and kissed her passionately, Ginny moaned his name and pulled away.

‘So what’s it going to be Harry?’ she said softly

‘Ok, you can have it your way. But I swear if you get hurt or anything…’

‘It wont,’ Interrupted Ginny

Harry smiled at her and kissed her again. Ginny opened her mouth to allow him to play with her tongue. He moved his head so that he was kissing her neck, she moaned softly and pulled his head back up to her mouth and crushed her lips onto his and kissed him passionately her hands going up the front and back of his chest and back and tracing the outline of his six-pack, she also traced the top of his jeans which made his tremble and moan her name, she smiled as she noticed exactly what she did to him. Harry started to touch her stomach and below her breasts, he didn’t dare go higher as he didn’t know if she’d be comfortable with that, he had to stop kissing her before it got out of control but he couldn’t he wanted to carry on for it to go further…

‘Harry we have to stop, I’m not ready.’

Harry moaned and pulled away and just hugged her. He was happy for the first time since he broke up with her.

‘I love you so much Gin.’ He whispered in her ear

‘I love you too Harry’ she whispered back, ‘we have to go back into the house now; dinner will be almost done now. Come on.’

‘Wait, what do we tell your parents and bothers and Hermione?’

Ginny laughed, ‘it’s ok. They all know how we feel, I told them and I told them I was coming out here to get you back.’

‘Oh, so you planned this, did you?’

Harry grabbed Ginny and tripped her up so she was lying on the grass but he was careful not to hurt her. He sat on top of her and started tickling her and she laughed and begged him to stop but he wouldn’t stop. Ginny tried to role him over so that she was on top of him but he pinned her down so she couldn’t move. Harry kissed her and pulled her back up on her feet.

‘That’ll show you not to go planning against me again.’

‘Will it really?’ she said playfully

‘Well it should, for now anyway.’

They both laughed and smiled and forgot about the upcoming battle that would change everything. Dinner was a happy occasion where everyone was talking about Harry and Ginny and congratulating Harry on finally coming to his senses.

‘The final battle is coming Snape, sooner than I would have hoped but coming never the less.’

‘I know my Lord, I can feel it too.’

‘Get all my Death Eaters gathered, we must form a plan and ready everything, we must control this and set the date not them, we must catch them off guard.’

‘Yes my Lord. I will gather your Death Eaters. Where shall we all meet Master?’

‘The Graveyard, Snape that is where it shall all end and Harry Potter shall die along with all the others who oppose me. I will send word to you about the date and time and then you will go to them, you will not hurt them however but you will go to them and tell them. I want them all to myself particularly the Weasley girl and Potter; I want him to watch her die.’

‘Yes my Lord but what of the Weasley boy and the mudblood?’

Voldemort stood up and walked over to the snake sleeping on the armchair next to his chair.

‘Yes, yes, leave them to me too. Oh and Snape take the Malfoy’s and Bella with you. Cissy hasn’t done anything useful lately so take her too.’ He looked at Snape, ‘you have your orders so go and do not fail me Snape, it is vital that we have the upper hand in this battle.’

‘Yes Master.’
Reviews 3

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