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Harry Potter, Meet Ginny Weasley By QwayMelqnu
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Category: Pre-OotP, When Ginny Met Harry Challenge (2007-1)
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Fluff, General, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Story is Complete
Rating: R
Reviews: 29
Summary: Ginny finds out that her older brother Ron has somehow befriended 'The Boy Who Lived'. After hearing a little bit about him through Ron's letters, Ginny realizes that she doesn't know as much about Harry Potter as she thought she did. (Rated [R] for the last section, just to be on the safe side.) - Written for the 'When Ginny Met Harry (1-2007) Challenge'.
Hitcount: Story Total: 19062
Disclaimer: Harry Potter Publishing Rights © J.K.R. Note the opinions in this story are my own and in no way represent the owners of this site. This story subject to copyright law under transformative use. No compensation is made for this work.
Author's Notes: I decided to take a crack at one of these challenges. I didn't really start with a plot or an outline, which some people say is a no-no, but it seemed to work out okay in the end (I hope it doesn't jump around too much!). I just went in with the idea that I wanted to make it seem realistic to canon (I may be off here and there, due to the lack of research), and I wanted to be able to fit every single bonus phrase in there somewhere (which I did). I hope you enjoy! - Qway
P.S. I rated this [R] for a subject matter mentioned in the last section, just to be on the safe side.
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“GINEV RA MOLLY WEASLEY you get up this instant! Don’t make me come in there!”
“FINE! I’m up already!”
“Don’t use that tone of voice with me young lady. Breakfast is nearly ready, get dressed and come on down.”
“Alright, I’ll be down in a few minutes.” As much as she knew she had to, Ginny Weasley did not want to get up that morning. Today was the first day of what was sure to be the longest ten months of her life. Her brother Ron left for Hogwarts the previous day and she was now stuck at home, alone, with her parents.
The realization that she was now basically an only-child, came to her the previous evening. Ginny hadn’t thought about what her Mum would be lining up for her this year, but while she ran through her morning routine, she suspected it was going to be something along the lines of double the amount of chores.
“Alright Mum!” Ginny snapped as she slipped her trainers on before heading out the bedroom door. She paused at the top of the stairs gathering herself as much as she could, and despite the fact that she was now as calm as she could ever hope to be in this situation, she whispered softly to herself, “Merlin help me.”
The first few weeks of being the only Weasley child at the Burrow went just as Ginny had expected: Chores, chores and more chores. Occasionally her Mum would insist on spending some “quality mother-daughter time together” but that usually ended up being a lecture on life or a wall-rattling row between the two.
One morning, a few weeks after the torture began, things took a bit of a turn toward the unexpected, and Ginny would be eternally grateful for it.
“Arthur, look, Ron sent us a letter!” Mrs. Weasley said excitedly as she handed the parchment to her husband. “Go on dear, read it aloud.”
Ginny was not looking forward to hearing about how much fun Ron was having or how ‘cool’ it was to be attending Hogwarts so she put extra attention to her bacon and eggs and tried to drown out the cheerful voice of her father.
“’Dear Mum and Dad…’ well at least he remembers us.”
“Tough crowd…moving along then… ‘You’ll never guess who I’ve made friends with. I met him on the train and we’ve been hanging out ever since…Harry Potter!’”
Whatever name Ginny was expecting, it definitely wasn’t that one.
Unfortunately, at that very moment, Ginny was in the middle of quenching her thirst with a cold glass of milk. She promptly lost half the contents of the glass onto her plate and shot the other half out her nose. She made a choking noise and started coughing roughly as Mrs. Weasley quickly got up from her chair and ran to Ginny’s side
“Ginny dear, are you okay?” Her Mum said as she gently patted her on the back.
“Yeah Mum.” Her voice was raspy and she had to talk between coughs. “Just went down the wrong pipe is all.”
Mr. Weasley looked up at his wife and raised one eyebrow before continuing. “’Not only are we hanging out, we’ve both been placed in Gryffindor and we’re bunkmates! Harry’s really cool. Nothing like I expected from hearing all the stories. He’s just about as normal as me except for the scar (I saw it, it’s a lightning bolt like they say) and the fact that he’s been living with Muggles all his life. He didn’t even know he was a wizard till his 11th birthday! Can you imagine?’”
“Arthur! That was him!” Mrs. Weasley interrupted.
“What Molly? Who?”
“At the platform, that black-haired boy we helped through the barrier, that was Harry Potter!” Both Ginny’s parents became mildly excited as her Dad continued with the letter.
Ginny suddenly went pale-faced as she realized that she had come within an arms reach of the ‘Boy Who Lived’. Remembering back to that day, she pictured him in her mind and, to her surprise, he was just as Ron had described: normal. For some reason she had always pictured Harry Potter as a dashing clean-cut boy with stylish robes and an expensive haircut, but the boy she remembered from the platform was…plain looking, like he could be her next-door neighbor.
One thing still held true, though, between her imagined Harry Potter and the real one; he was extremely cute…wait, no, handsome. Sure, he was dressed in baggy old Muggle clothes, but everything else about him was mesmerizing…mysterious. His raven colored hair was disheveled and his glasses looked broken, but all that just seemed to fit the innocence in his voice and nervousness of his actions.
Later that evening Ginny was in bed unable to let sleep overtake her as she remembered, word-for-word, Ron’s description of the boy that often invaded her dreams. At first she wondered how in the world her brother could manage to befriend the ‘Boy Who Lived’, but eventually she came to the realization that, even after all the stories her Mum used to tell her and all the books she had read about him, she really had no idea who Harry Potter was.
Just before she drifted off to sleep, Ginny set herself on a mission. She was a little nervous about whether or not things would go according to plan, but she just had to know; and with this new development of Ron becoming his best mate, she had to take advantage of the opportunity. She needed to find out who Harry Potter really was, and what better source to get that information than from Harry Potter himself!
“Ginny dear, are you expecting a letter from someone?”
Ginny and her parents were once again gathered around the table for breakfast, and as with every other morning for the past few weeks, Ginny was gazing out the window expectantly as she toyed with the food on her plate.
“Er…yeah Mum, I um…I’m waiting for a response to a letter I sent out a few weeks ago.” Ginny turned her eyes to the food on her plate and tried to let the subject die away.
“Oh? Who did you write dear?”
“Umm…Harry Potter.” Ginny mumbled almost inaudibly.
“What was that honey?” Her father joined in the conversation.
Ginny spoke up again, knowing they would eventually find out anyway. “Harry Potter.”
Her parents gave each other knowing looks for just an instant before Molly responded. “That’s wonderful dear. I’m sure you’ll hear from him soon.”
The rest of the meal went by in silence, but Ginny occasionally caught her Mum and Dad smiling and grinning at each other. This wouldn’t normally bother her except for the fact that they would break their eye contact and wipe the smiles off their faces when they realized they were being watched.
Whatever her parents thought her intentions were, Ginny really didn’t care. Her mission was still in full swing. She owled a lengthy letter to Harry at the beginning of October introducing herself as best she could conveniently leaving out the part that she’s had a crush on him for as long as she could remember. At the end of the letter, she innocently included a few questions that would give her a bit of insight on just who the boy-behind-the-glasses was.
Now all she had to do was wait.
When the day finally came, Ginny practically inhaled her breakfast before bolting up to her bedroom with the parchment in-hand. She shut her bedroom door and jumped on the bed, getting as comfortable as she could:
Dear Ginny,
First of all, I just wanted to thank you for your letter. I’m not sure if you believe this but you’re the first person that has ever written a personal letter to me. The only other letter I’ve ever gotten was the one from Hogwarts.
Yes, I do remember seeing you on the platform, and I’m sorry we didn’t have time to be properly introduced. But from what Ron tells me, you already know quite a bit about me, so it was nice of you to let me know a little more about you.
Anyways, I appreciate you telling me about your family, Ron doesn’t talk much about you guys and when he does it’s usually some kind of complaint. From what you wrote, your family seems to be a very interesting lot. Nothing like the gits I grew up with, who never really treated me like part of the family.
I’d love to hear more about the Weasley’s in the future if you feel up to it.
Sorry I don’t have much to write back, I’m not experienced in these sorts of things, but I can at least answer your questions.
First, no, my scar doesn’t hurt, and no it doesn’t shock people who touch it. I actually laughed when you said some people think it does. It might’ve actually come in handy if it were true, though, haha.
Second, yes I grew up in a Muggle home. My Aunt and Uncle are as Muggle as they could possibly be. They know the wizarding world exists, but they pretend it doesn’t, and they refuse to have anything to do with it. I got in trouble for even mentioning it after I got my Hogwarts letter. Which means, yes, I had no idea I was a wizard till I got my letter. My Aunt and Uncle kept it from me all these years.
Third. I’ve never told anyone this, probably because no one has ever asked, but no, I don’t remember my parents at all. I don’t even know what they look like really. My Aunt and Uncle never had any pictures of them and everything they told me about them turned out to be a lie. So no, I can’t remember what my parents look like and I don’t really know anything about them.
I’m not sure why I’m telling you this. I hardly know you, really. But I guess it’s not that difficult to talk about them without really knowing anything about them. Hopefully now that I know the truth about what I am, I can find out more about them.
Well, that’s all I have time for now, I have to get to bed. It was nice hearing from you. Feel free to send more letters if you feel like it. It was definitely a nice surprise the first time.
Harry J. Potter
“He wrote back.” Ginny whispered to herself. Not only did he write back, he was happy she wrote him in the first place. She was on cloud nine now, and no amount of chores would spoil the feeling anytime soon.
When the monotony of everyday life at the Burrow began to catch up again a few weeks later, Ginny decided it was time for another letter to Harry. The first correspondence had gone so well that it was difficult to keep from writing him back the next day, but she thought it would look a little too obvious for her to write him that soon. Besides the fact that she had no idea what she would say.
Today she had the assignment of cleaning Fred and George’s room. When her brothers were attending Hogwarts, it had always been her job to run through their bedrooms and take care of the dust layer that inevitably formed when a bedroom went unoccupied. While cleaning her twin brothers’ dressers, she remembered a particularly funny event that happened back when Fred and George were just starting out as the family pranksters. This would be perfect for Harry’s letter, she thought. Harry enjoyed hearing about her brothers last time, so she figured she could go into a little more detail about their past.
Later that evening Ginny was halfway through her letter when she paused to remind herself just what happened that fateful day back when Gred and Forge were “born”. When she was clear on the events, she continued writing:
…That brings me to Fred and George. No doubt you’ve already experienced a bit of their brand of entertainment by now. I thought I’d give you a little insight into where it all began.
A few summers back, when I was five years old, the Weasley family took a trip to Hogsmeade for a bit of shopping before vacation was over. The last stop on the agenda was a new store called Zonko’s. When we finally all made it inside, I’ll never forget the first words that came out of the twins’ mouths…
“Look at all this stuff!”
I can count on one finger the number of times I saw Fred and George look as happy as they did that day. A few moments later, a flash of red light came from our right and the twins immediately headed for the wizard near the front counter.
“Well, hello boys! My name is Zonko, what can I do for you today?” I remember the owner saying as he pulled out a wand and made another flash of light, this time blue.
“Oh, can you do that again?” George immediately asked.
“Certainly boys, gather ‘round! Might I introduce you to Zonko’s introductory line of Trickster Wands.” He pulled out a display box filled with wands of different colors and shapes. He pulled one of them out and made a swishing motion in the air creating a circle of green light over everyone’s head.
Fred and George both said ‘wow’ in unison and immediately began browsing the shelves. After a good while, Mum and Dad finally told us it was time to go. And when we got back out onto the street I could see Fred and George had two small bags cradled in their arms. I’ll never forget the look they had in their eyes.
A few days later, they pulled their first real “Fred and George” prank. It was right on my birthday. The family was gathered around the table for lunch when my Mum burst in from the yard. You’ve never seen my Mum’s temper, but let me tell you, you don’t want to be in her way when she’s in a mood.
She said, “Who got into the broom storage? I’ve told you boys time and again, you are not allowed to touch a broom until you are given proper lessons!” Everyone knew who it was, but only Percy was stupid enough to speak up.
“You know the last time that was an issue, Mum, it ended up being Fred and George.” The twins were visibly angry for a moment, but they soon had grins on their faces and twinkles in their eyes as they admitted to opening the broom storage.
“Well, I appreciate you boys admitting to it. Just don’t let me catch you getting into the storage again. You lot dig in, I’ll be right back. I have to wash up.” Mum left the room and I looked over at the twins. Since Dad was at work, they were free to do whatever they wanted. And booooy did they. Fred got up to distract Percy by pretending to be mad at him and when Percy wasn’t looking, George reached over the table and put something in Percy’s tea.
In the middle of lunch, Percy burped as loud as I’ve ever heard anyone burp. The whole family looked at him with shock. Proper Percy would never do such a thing! Haha. Next thing we knew he passed gas…loudly. I mean the table rattled a little bit. It was disgusting. You should have seen the look on his face! It was priceless. Everyone except Mum broke out into laughter.
“Percy! I’ll have none of that at the dinner table!”
…and then Percy broke out into hives.
Everyone around the table absolutely lost it, except Mum, who thought Percy needed to be taken to a healer. It was one of the best birthday presents I’ve ever gotten! And though they didn’t intend it that way, I still thanked them for it. The rest, as they say, is history…
Ginny went on to describe the early years of the rest of her brothers and the fondest memories of her parents. She made it a point to describe, what she thought, were some of the defining moments of each and every person. Since he seemed to enjoy it the last time, she wanted to give Harry a better understanding of the family of his best mate, to prepare him for what was in store. When she was satisfied with her rendition of the Weasley family history, she moved on to the next subject she wanted to tackle.
Ginny felt horrible about how Harry described his childhood and how he didn’t know his real parents. She could almost feel his pain each time she read his letter, and she wanted to let him know that he could talk to her about it whenever he needed to. Childhood crush aside, Ginny was a caring person to the core, and she wanted to offer Harry whatever she could give, even if it was nothing more than someone to write to. Near the end of the letter, she had included another set of questions, this time asking more about his life growing up. She hoped his answers would serve two purposes. First she wanted to know more about him and get a little more insight as to what made him who he is today. Second, she wanted to give him the opportunity to talk to someone, since it seemed he didn’t currently have anyone he could vent his feelings to.
When the letter was finally complete, well into the night, Ginny folded up the parchment and packed it into an envelope. She wrote Harry’s name on it and set it on her nightstand, excited once more, about prospect of being pen-pals with Harry Potter. Before she drifted off to sleep, she pondered about how much more there was to learn about him. It turned out the stories she knew about him were extremely broad and exaggerated. The lack of detail about what Harry really had to go through angered her a bit, but she was glad she now had the opportunity to match a personality to the boy she had always dreamed about.
The only problem Ginny had now was that her crush only seemed to grow in intensity. She shocked herself sometimes at just how often she thought about him. A twinge of fear would pop into her mind occasionally about the prospect of actually coming face-to-face with Harry someday. Would he hate her after seeing her in person? Would he think she’s ugly and plain? Or would he be the same person he was in his letters? Ginny kept on willing herself to forget about those thoughts and live in the now. She would enjoy their correspondences for what they were and worry about meeting him later, when it was actually a possibility. And hopefully by then, she would be comfortable enough around him to prevent making a fool of herself.
Dear Ginny,
Thanks again for your letter! I can’t tell you how much you’ve helped me. So much has been going on around here, as I’m sure Ron has told you, that it was nice to relax and read your letter to take my mind off things.
I very much enjoyed the stories of your brothers and parents; I can’t imagine what it’s like to live with so many loving and caring people. Heck, I can’t even imagine what it’s like to live with people that are just happy around me. I especially liked the background on Fred and George. I have indeed experienced their “brand of entertainment” and I have to say, they really are quite the pranksters. They seem to be keeping up with the tradition of getting a rise out of Percy. I hope I’m never on the wrong end of any of their more “destructive” jokes, haha.
One thing I noticed that you didn’t include was more about yourself. I’ve tried asking your brothers about you but they just tell me to ask you myself. Every time I ask them about you, they just get this stupid smile on their face and they tease me. The only bit of information they’ve given me is…well…it’s not very…it’s interesting…but it doesn’t really tell me that much about you.
I’d really like to hear something more about your history. After what I’ve experienced here at school, it must be interesting being the only girl out of seven children. If you can’t think of anything, I’ll give you an idea: Since you’ve been so keen on informing me of some of your brothers’ more embarrassing moments, tell me one of yours. And to make it fair, I’ll tell you one of mine.
About the second part of your letter, I don’t know if I’m too comfortable about answering ALL your questions, but I’ll answer what I can. It’s not that I’m offended or anything, it’s just that there are some parts of my childhood that I’m not ready to relive, that’s all…
Harry went on to describe how he was often used as his cousins’ punching bag. How he was made to do all the chores in the house (this seemed more amazing to Ginny since he didn’t have magic to make the jobs easier). How he was always made to cook their meals only to be given the leftovers. He was treated like a mangy dog!
Ginny was angry and sad at the same time. Here she was idolizing this boy, reading fantastic stories and having fairy tale dreams, while his own family was practically torturing him! She could tell there was a great deal missing from what he was willing to say and it pained her even more to imagine the terrible things he left out.
How could ‘The Boy Who Lived’ be treated like a pile of dirt? Ginny had half a mind to make her way to Hogwarts right then and there and give Harry the biggest, most loving hug she could muster. She wanted to put her arms around him and…
“Oh my…” Ginny whispered to herself as her thoughts suddenly made her blush. She took a few moments to calm down and sighed. “I’m hopeless.”
With the range of emotions she was experiencing, Ginny decided to take a break from reading the rest of Harry’s letter and get some fresh air. It was spring now, her favorite season. She loved to take long walks through the neighboring fields while they were covered with blossoms. She loved how the beautiful smell of fresh air and flowers always seemed to follow her to her bedroom each time. She even noticed that some of her clothes now had a permanent flowery scent on them, even after washing. When she got to her favorite spot, a non-descript hill that overlooked a slight lull in the rolling fields, she lay on the ground and stared up at the cloud-speckled sky above.
It had taken Harry four months to write her back. Ginny was glad that he was still enjoying their conversations, but she had also inadvertently opened up a can of worms. She asked Harry questions that made him uncomfortable, and she felt horrible and embarrassed about it. How could she face him now?
Not only that, her affection for him had only increased with each and every tidbit of his life that he shared with her. Harry Potter was a real person now, not just a storybook hero, and she was falling for him harder than she ever had before. She knew there was now no chance of her holding her composure if she ever came face-to-face with him. She would become the giggling, clumsy girl she always became when she was embarrassed.
“Perfect, Ginny, just perfect. When are you going to grow up?” She muttered to herself.
Off in the distance Ginny could barely make out the voice of her Mum yelling that it was time for dinner. When she got up to head back home, she pushed her worries aside and decided she would get back to reading the rest of Harry’s letter later that night. She knew there would just be more horrible things about his childhood, which would just make her feel worse for asking about it, but she had to give him the courtesy of reading all of it. She asked for it, after all.
Ginny’s ten months of torture were nearly over. In a couple weeks, the Burrow would be full of brothers again and she could get a break from being the housemaid. She was sitting in a chair on the back porch, relaxing after a hard-days work, re-reading Harry’s last letter. Ginny hadn’t written a response yet, but she knew she had to soon. She had finally accepted the fact that Harry really didn’t mind that she had asked all those questions about his childhood. He even said so at the end of it. But there was still that nagging, schoolgirl crush that made it difficult to continue writing him.
Ginny decided at that moment that she would let his childhood history drop. She found out more about him than she ever expected she would, and for now, that was more than enough. There was no point in opening the wound any further. His Aunt and Uncle were the worst 'parents’ anyone could ever have, and Harry still seemed to have turned out to be a decent person, which only impressed Ginny more.
Harry now consumed Ginny’s thoughts and dreams more than ever, and it was difficult to keep her wits about her when he was on her mind, which was one of the reasons it was so difficult to write him back. Harry had asked her to tell him about an embarrassing event in her life, and she couldn’t think of a single significant moment that would be acceptable to tell to the boy she liked.
When Ginny finally got the courage to write her response two days later, she decided to tell him about her milk-spilling incident in response to Ron’s first letter at the beginning of the school year. It wasn’t exactly the most embarrassing moment in her mind, but telling Harry about it would definitely move it up on the list. And by now, her brothers must’ve told him about her childhood crush, so she thought Harry might at least find her story amusing.
This would also be Ginny’s final letter to Harry. There wouldn’t be much of a point anymore when school was out and next year she would be at school with him, which would make letter writing kind of pointless. She decided to keep it lighthearted, telling him about her embarrassing moment and making small talk about the goings on around the Burrow and the rest of the wizarding world. She also told Harry that he didn’t have to tell her about an embarrassing moment if he didn’t want to. Ginny thought he might just end up telling her about another horrible childhood memory, and she didn’t want him to have to relive it if he didn’t have to.
When the letter was complete, an idea popped into Ginny’s head. She didn’t know what made her do it, but she decided to include a picture with this last letter. It wasn’t anything special, like the picture you’d give a boyfriend, but she felt compelled to give Harry a face to match the stories with. It was a picture Ginny’s father had taken of her from the previous summer. Naturally it was a magical picture, so it showed her dancing and spinning through a field of white and yellow flowers while the wind blew her hair and dress in all directions.
Ginny would normally be nervous about sending a picture to a boy she liked, fearing the response she might receive. But she hadn’t asked any questions of Harry in this letter, and she knew, with the end of the school year coming soon, he wouldn’t have a reason to write her back anyways. And hopefully by next year, when she actually started seeing him in person, he would forget about the fact that his best mate’s boy-crazy sister was writing him letters and sending him pictures of herself.
14 years later…
Ginny could tell the sun was starting to rise even though she had yet to open her eyes. She was lying peacefully in her bed, happy that she would be able to sleep in, having taken the day off for a special occasion.
“Happy Anniversary sleepy-head.” Ginny smiled brightly and opened her eyes to see the most wonderful and amazing man in the world, gazing happily into her eyes.
“Happy Anniversary to you too. I can’t believe we’ve already been married a year already.” Ginny rose up from her pillow and planted a passionate kiss on her husband's beautiful lips. When she broke apart she asked, “so what’s on the agenda today Mr. Potter?”
“Well, Mrs. Potter, I’m up and ready already, so the first thing that’s going to happen is you’re gonna go take a shower and brush your teeth. I love you honey, but if I’m going to be kissing you all day, the morning breath has got to go.” Harry laughed as Ginny swatted him on the arm.
“Just go get ready and we’ll start things when you come back out.”
When Ginny was done showering and cleaning up, she walked back into her bedroom and saw that Harry was missing. She figured he just had something to take care of downstairs so she sat on the bed and began brushing and drying her hair.
“I’ll never get tired of your hair, it’s just so beautiful.” Harry was quietly watching Ginny as he walked in the door holding a silver tray. All she did was blush in return.
“Get up on the bed, this is for you,” Harry said as he lowered the tray, showing her that he had made her breakfast. “I’ve made all your favorites.”
“Oh, Harry, this is wonderful. I don’t deserve you.”
“Yeah, you’re right, but you can make up for it later.” He winked.
“Maybe if you’re a good boy.”
Harry sat down near the end of the bed and watched his beautiful wife enjoy her meal for a few moments before bending over to pull something out from under the bed.
“Hopefully this will count for something” He handed her the wrapped package and smiled wide at her reaction.
“Oh, presents already!”
“I figured you might get a kick out of this, I do owe you an embarrassing moment, after all.” Ginny stared at him for a moment with a puzzled face. She didn’t quite understand what he was talking about. “Go on, open it.”
Ginny tore through the wrapping to find a large dark-colored book with a striped design on the front. It was a scrapbook. She immediately opened the cover to the first page and saw a picture of a red-haired woman and a black-haired man holding a tiny black-haired baby.
“Oh, Harry, this is your Mum and Dad isn’t it?”
“Yeah. That is a scrapbook Hagrid gave me at the end of my first year at Hogwarts.”
“But why are you giving it to me?”
“Two reasons actually, open it up to the seventh page.”
Ginny did as he said, but she took her time to look at each of the pictures on the way. The book was full of pictures of Harry parents and their friends. When she finally reached the seventh page she gasped and looked up at her husband.
“You kept this!?”
“Yup, it was the first picture of my own that I added to that book. Actually, at the time you gave it to me, it was the only picture I owned. I had no idea what to do with it when you gave it to me, but when Hagrid gave me the scrapbook, I knew exactly where to put it.”
“Oh, Merlin, I can’t believe you never told me!”
“Well, it was a little embarrassing at the time. Your brothers told me about the crush you had on me and it would’ve been a little awkward to tell you about this.”
“Definitely understandable, I don’t know how I would’ve reacted if you told me you did this.” Ginny’s smile still hadn’t left her face, but now she had the twinkle of tears in her eyes.
“When we moved in, I caught sight of the book and thought back to when you gave me that picture. I didn’t have a picture of myself at the time, which is why I didn’t send you one of myself, so I figured I owed you.”
“Oh, Harry this is the best present I ever could’ve hoped for.” Ginny put the book on the nightstand and set the breakfast tray on the floor beside the bed. In her frantic movements, the towel she had around her fell off as she jumped into Harry’s arms and snogged him senseless.
When they finally came up for air, Harry looked down at her and grinned. “Lose something my dear?”
“I don’t care, I had to kiss you.”
“That reminds me of the second reason I gave you that book.” Harry pushed Ginny off his lap and playfully shoved her toward the dresser.
As Ginny put on some shorts and a loose-fitting T-shirt, she looked up at Harry and gave him a devilish smile. “Oh right, you said something about owing me an embarrassing moment?”
“Yeah, I wanted to write you a response to that last letter you sent me, but you didn’t really leave it open for a reply, and I didn’t really have any worthy embarrassing moments to tell you about.”
“And you do now?”
“Sure do. You know that picture of you in the book?”
“Yeah.” Ginny’s mind was racing trying to figure out where this was going.
“You remember back in sixth year when you were dating Dean Thomas?”
“Yeah.” Dean Thomas? She thought to herself. What does he have to do with this?
“Well when I first started realizing that I liked you… I couldn’t really ask you out or anything… since you were dating someone already…” Harry hesitated.
“Oh c’mon spit it out!” Ginny was now as curious as ever.
“Well you know how teenage boys get when they…like someone.” Harry’s eyes were looking at anything but Ginny.
“Yes, of course. They get all googly-eyed and clumsy.”
“No, I mean how teenage boys get when they… see someone they like…”
Ginny started to realize where this was going now and her eyes popped wide open. “Oh… Right…That.”
Harry glanced back at his wife, and smiled stupidly. “Well, one lonely night in my dorm room, I was flipping through that album, trying to bring myself out of a bit of a depression. Once I got to the section where I kept all your pictures, I lingered on the most recent one I had of you, the one Colin took of you at King's Cross at the beginning of the year...”
"Yeah, and?"
"And, thing led to another..." Harry wiggled his eyebrows.
“Oh, you’re disgusting!” Ginny walked over to him and swatted him on the same spot she had earlier.
“Ow! What? It was a completely normal thing to do at the time!”
Ginny and Harry just stared at each other for a few moments before they both broke into a fit of laughter. Ginny jumped on Harry’s lap and wrestled him to the bed, tickling him on the ribs. Harry’s quick reflexes allowed him to turn the tables and pin her down for her own tickling session. Eventually the couple calmed down and laid beside each other in a loving embrace, looking into each other’s eyes.
“You don’t seem too embarrassed by it. I don’t think it was worthy of our deal.”
“Oh, that part wasn’t the embarrassing part. There’s no way I’d be embarrassed about getting hot and bothered over my future wife.”
“So what was the embarrassing part?”
“Dean Thomas just happened to walk in on me at precisely the wrong moment…”
“Oh my, you're… You’re serious! Wow, that is embarrassing… Consider your side of the deal filled.” Ginny broke into laughter again.
After a few moments of idle chatter and joking around, a brief silence took over the room. Harry looked into Ginny’s eyes and lost himself in her gaze for a moment.
“I love making you laugh.” Harry said sincerely.
“I love it when you make me laugh.”
“There’s something else I wanted to say, Gin.” Harry’s smile shrunk a bit, but there was still adoration in his eyes.
“What is it?”
“Thank you.” Ginny was about to speak up when she was cut off.
“Thank you for writing those letters back then. They were a huge help for me and there’s nothing I could say that expresses how much I appreciate it. You gave me a virtual shoulder to cry on when I answered your questions about my childhood, and you made me realize what I wanted in life by telling me about your family.”
“And what is that?”
“A family of my own that I could love, and that would love me in return.”
“Oh, Harry.” Ginny was tearing up again.
“And now you’ve given me what I’ve always wanted. I am the happiest I have ever been in my life, and with you, I will only get happier. It’s sometimes difficult to put into words how much you mean to me but… I love you Ginny. More than anything in the world.”
Ginny grabbed him and gave Harry the biggest, strongest hug she could give. She pulled back after a few moments and stared right into his emerald-green eyes.
“I love you too Harry Potter.”
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