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Valentine Memories By The5Potters
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Category: Post-Hogwarts
Genres: Fluff
Warnings: None
Rating: G
Reviews: 5
Summary: *** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***
Ginny Potter's daughter comes home for the summer ready to chat her mother's ear off. When Lily Potter starts retelling her Valentines Day, Gnny is pulled back into a certian Valentines Day when she was sixteen.
Hitcount: Story Total: 4067
Disclaimer: Harry Potter Publishing Rights © J.K.R. Note the opinions in this story are my own and in no way represent the owners of this site. This story subject to copyright law under transformative use. No compensation is made for this work.
Author's Notes: Hope you like it!
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“Mom!” Lily said.
Ginny Potter’s sixteen-year-old daughter rushed to hug her.
“Lily, me dear! How have you been since Christmas?” she asked.
“Simply wonderful!” Lily said smiling and then going straight to the fridge for a muggle Coke.
“Quidditch team still strong?” Ginny asked.
“Oh yes! Wonderful. We’re flying better than ever!” she said and then took a swig of the Coke.
Then, her dad walked in with her trunk.
“I think I am going to levitate this upstairs and then nap. That kid’ll talk your ear off!” Harry exclaimed.
“Alright, dear.”
“Ok, Daddy,” she said.
Her father ascended the stairs.
“So do you want to hear about my boyfriend?” Lily asked her mother.
“Oh, yes of course darling! Who is he?”
Lily went red and managed to mutter, “Remus and Tonk’s kid- Sirius Lupin.”
“Awww, what a sweet boy, darling!” Ginny said putting her elbows on the counter and resting her head on the table.
“We got together on, oh mom this is so romantic, Valentines Day!” Lily said blushing deeper and giggling.
Ginny looked at her daughter. Lily’s red hair and green eyes were beautiful.
“How sweet, Lil!” her mother said.
“I know,” she giggled and flipped her hair.
One more look into her daughter's eyes and Ginny was lost in her own memory of a certain Valentines Day.
Ginny Weasley sat in a chair in the common room sipping some hot chocolate that she had nicked from the kitchens. She flipped her long red hair over her shoulder sighing as it was Valentine’s Day and Harry still hadn’t gotten back together with her. Oh, the worries.
She had been so close with the trio last year. Sure, it had something to do with her going out with Harry, but she liked that. This year, her sixth year at Hogwarts, the trio was so distant. They avoided her and went quiet around her, Ginny knew something was up, and it wasn’t just the sky.
Ginny knew that Harry, Ron, and Hermione had not wanted to come back to school that year. She had listened in to a conversation with a headmistress who wanted her students back. Ginny knew that if Harry Potter didn’t go back to school, then no parents would send their kids to school. Unless of course it was Draco…
Then there was the subject of Draco Malfoy. The once snotty, stuck up, prince acting, idiot, was actually on ok terms with the trio this year. Surprisingly, there were no blood traitor taunts when she passed him in the halls. Ginny was always on the look out, however, because any moment, he could go back to the old taunts and teasing.
Ginny made herself stand up and go over to the window. She looked out. It was snowing yet again. She grinned slightly. Ginny loved the snow. She had always loved it. The white pretty flakes fell so gracefully. In fact, Ginny loved winter. She loved the cold winds that it brought; she adored the snow. In her opinion, the best part of snow was the snowball fights. Even when she was little, her brothers bigger and stronger than her, she had thrown snowballs to start the war.
With one more look at the snow, she got up and went to get her coat on.
Ten minutes later, she was out on the grounds. She ventured out into the grounds a bit. Ginny lay down in the snow and started to make a snow angel. She laughed and rolled around, wanting to stay there and forget the pain of a broken heart. Then, however, the peace of the snow was disturbed. Someone made a noise. Ginny jumped up and pulled her wand out from the back of her jean pocket.
She hadn’t noticed how much snow was falling when she was playing. It was practically a blizzard. Ginny squinted, trying to figure out who it was. She made out the person’s outline, and immediately she knew who is was.
“Gin,” he half shouted, “That you?”
She hesitated for a moment and then responded, “Yeah…”
“What the heck are you doing out here?” he said a bit softer as he came closer to her.
“I saw the snow and I wanted to come out and play around,” she said and paused, “I love the snow, you know.”
“I recall that,” he said chuckling as he came and sat down in the snow.
Ginny glanced at him and sat down beside him.
“At least you remembered something about me. Not that you bothered to remember me,” she said coldly.
Harry looked at her, “What do you mean, ‘Not that you bothered to remember me’?”
Ginny sighed and said, “I-you. You never talk to me anymore, you never acknowledge me. You don’t even act like you and I ever were together. That hurts a lot, Harry. It stings.”
“I don’t mean to exclude you, to hurt you Ginny. It’s for your protection,” he said sadly.
“Protection? What the heck? I’m not a china doll who’s going to get smashed!” she said angrily.
Harry looked seriously at her, “I know you're strong. Heck, your one of the strongest people I know. I just don’t think that you want to be involved with someone as dangerous as me right now, Gin.”
“But I do!” she said getting up and starting toward the Quidditch pitch.
Harry got up and followed her quickly. She furiously walked. He ran to catch up.
“Ginny, you don’t know half the story!” he said when he caught up with her.
“Tell me then. Let me judge whether or not you’re ‘too dangerous’ to be with,” she exclaimed.
He sighed, “Are you sure you want to know?”
She nodded fiercely, “Positive.”
“There are these things, called Horcruxes,” and he launched into the description of those and his mission.
“Am I too dangerous know?” he asked her sadly.
She looked into his eyes and without thinking, kissed him. Surprised, but pleased Harry kissed her back. He eventually broke the kiss.
“I’ll take that as a no?” he said.
Ginny sighed, “I don’t care about that Harry. I-I- I love you. Tom’s just a wall in the way of your happiness and that wall needs to fall.”
Harry was a bit taken aback, but inside he knew what he had to say.
“Ginny, I love you too. It’s one of the reasons that I can’t get back together with you. Everyone I love seems to…get hurt,” he said sadly.
Ginny smiled as he said that he loved her.
“From what you tell me, about some of the events, and about your greatest power, Love is what you need!” she said to him.
“Yes, but….I don’t think if something happened to you, that I could forgive myself, Ginny!” he said sighing.
“Harry, don’t deny yourself. You deserve to be able to have a good relationship. I mean, how many other people do you know that have the actual weight of the world on their shoulders!” Ginny exclaimed.
Harry let a smile creep onto his face and said, “There’s something in it for you too, Miss. Weasley.”
“Oh yes there is,” she smiling.
The grin left his face.
“You’re avoiding the main fact. If you got hurt or- or died, I couldn’t live without you!” he said.
She frowned slightly and said, “Don’t deprive yourself why you have the time to be in love. Who know what tomorrow could bring? You have to understand that you can live. It doesn’t have to be all work and no play.”
He sighed and continued, “Live for today, you mean? I-I Ginny, why most you tempt me to get back together with you?”
“Because I’m good at it,” she said smiling.
“Yes, yes you are. So tempted to just say yes right now…”
“Then say yes you dork!” she said.
He smiled slightly, “You seriously think that I’m not too dangerous?”
“Then…..yes. Gin, will you be my girlfriend again?” he asked happily.
“Hmm let me get back to you on that,” she said.
“Ginny!” he exclaimed.
“Joking! Of course!” she said and kissed him again.
Two hours later they were back in the warm common room.
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” he said giving her some flowers.
“Thank you! I think that I might like Valentine’s Day now,” she said chuckling.
“I hope so,” he said laughing as well.
“Mom, do you want to hear about my Valentine's Day or not?” Lily said, realizing her mother was ignoring her.
“Of course I do, dear,” Ginny said coming out of her trance.
She only half-listened while her daughter told her about the Lupin boy.
Reviews 5
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