
SIYE Time:12:44 on 13th December 2024
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The Best Mistake of My Life
By black_dress

Category: Alternate Universe
Characters:Albus Dumbledore, Harry/Ginny, Hermione Granger, Minerva McGonagall, Remus Lupin, Ron Weasley, Sirius Black
Genres: Comedy, Fluff, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Rating: R
Summary: It may have seemed like a mistake, but was it really all wrong? Or was Ginny just in a serious case of denial? AU Harry never went to Hogwarts and has never met the Weasleys. But what happens when he meets the youngest one? Even if the circumstances aren't exactly ideal. Follow Ginny as she discovers a few things about herself, the person she is meant to be and the person she is meant to be with. Because I think, in whatever universe, Harry is meant for Ginny.
Hitcount: Story Total: 277627
Awards: View Trophy Room



1. Introduction To Innocence by black_dress
2958 words, updated on 2007.02.09 [Reviews - 34] starstarstarstarhalf-star

2. The First Lesson by black_dress
1714 words, updated on 2007.02.12 [Reviews - 20] starstarstarstarhalf-star

3. Books and Bondings by black_dress
1512 words, updated on 2007.02.15 [Reviews - 22] starstarstarstarhalf-star

4. Getting To Know You...Or Not by black_dress
3228 words, updated on 2007.02.17 [Reviews - 20] starstarstarstarstar

5. A Close Encounter And A Hodsmede Trip by black_dress
4114 words, updated on 2007.02.28 [Reviews - 23] starstarstarstarstar

6. Destruction Of Before Mentioned Innocence by black_dress
4805 words, updated on 2007.03.14 [Reviews - 36] starstarstarstarstar

7. Denial by black_dress
5409 words, updated on 2007.04.05 [Reviews - 24] starstarstarstarstar

8. Essays, Fights and Articles by black_dress
6117 words, updated on 2007.04.09 [Reviews - 33] starstarstarstarstar

9. Letters From Home by black_dress
7536 words, updated on 2007.05.18 [Reviews - 23] starstarstarstarstar

10. Caught After the Act by black_dress
4407 words, updated on 2007.06.10 [Reviews - 28] starstarstarstarstar

11. NEWT Nerves by black_dress
4262 words, updated on 2007.08.13 [Reviews - 22] starstarstarstarstar

12. A Complicated Development by black_dress
3672 words, updated on 2007.08.20 [Reviews - 25] starstarstarstarhalf-star

13. Smoothing Things Over by black_dress
3238 words, updated on 2007.08.28 [Reviews - 34] starstarstarstarstar

14. Heading Home by black_dress
5448 words, updated on 2007.10.19 [Reviews - 17] starstarstarstarstar

15. The Weasley Reunion by black_dress
6183 words, updated on 2007.12.21 [Reviews - 36] starstarstarstarstar

16. Late Night Traffic by black_dress
6452 words, updated on 2008.02.13 [Reviews - 36] starstarstarstarhalf-star

17. The First Time Fight by black_dress
7079 words, updated on 2008.04.19 [Reviews - 37] starstarstarstarstar

18. Impending Interrogation by black_dress
7181 words, updated on 2008.07.11 [Reviews - 26] starstarstarstarstar

19. It's Not All Lollipops and Rainbows by black_dress
9911 words, updated on 2008.09.30 [Reviews - 27] starstarstarstarstar

20. Sleepover by black_dress
6615 words, updated on 2008.12.29 [Reviews - 46] starstarstarstarstar

21. Meet the Parents by black_dress
7462 words, updated on 2010.06.09 [Reviews - 56] starstarstarstarhalf-star

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