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The Potter Chronicles
By Mirloc_C79

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Category: Alternate Universe
Characters:All, All
Genres: Action/Adventure
Warnings: None
Rating: PG-13
Reviews: 4
Summary: *** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated since 2006 ***

Harry and Ginny are secretly approached by friends they thought they knew well and offered top secret jobs, but with one catch. They can't let the other know what they are really doing for a living.
Hitcount: Story Total: 3371

Disclaimer: Harry Potter Publishing Rights © J.K.R. Note the opinions in this story are my own and in no way represent the owners of this site. This story subject to copyright law under transformative use. No compensation is made for this work.

Author's Notes:
We would really like some feedback on this one, please read and review. Thanks!!


“I'm sorry?” Harry Potter asked glaring at the tall man beside him. “What exactly are you on about?”

“Now Harry, I know it sounds horrible, but it really isn't that bad.” replied Kingsley Shacklebolt.

“Last I heard you were an Auror, not an Unspeakable, so why are you coming to me about this and not someone like that Croaker chap?” asked Harry struggling to remember the name of the one Unspeakable he knew.

“Actually I am an Unspeakable on loan to the Auror Department, specifically I am a hit wizard. When I heard that they were going to recruit you, I offered to speak with you, and to be your controller.” Kingsley said smiling.

“So, let me see if I have this straight, yeah? You want me to work in the Department of Mysteries as an Unspeakable where I will be killing rogue Deatheaters and perhaps stopping the rise a the next Dark Lord. I am not allow to tell anyone what I do or where I may be during my time away from home, which incidentally could be at any moment in time; you are truly mental, you know that right?” Harry closed his eyes and took a steadying breath.

“I know how it sounds Harry, but just take a moment and listen...”

“You just don't get it do you.” Harry said cutting of Kingsley with a snarl. “ I love Ginny Weasley and we are going to be married in a few months time. And you stand there telling me I am not allowed to tell her what I am doing for a living, or where I'll be at any given time? I can't, no I won't do that to her, she means far to much to me. She waited, Kingsley for a year not knowing where I was or what I was doing, and it damn near killed her.”

“Well Harry, the decision is of course all yours.” Kingsley absently fondled the handle of his wand. “But all I can tell you is I will be the only person giving you direction, you'll be outside of everything, no politics, no ties to any agenda. There are a load of Unspeakables but they are not all hit wizards. It may not seem like it, but it's all for the greater good. Let me know what you decide.” Kingsley said as he was walking towards the door. He paused with his hand on the handle and turned to Harry. “If you decide not to take this position...” He left the rest unsaid, but Harry felt the chill in Kingsley's words.

Harry frowned, struggling with the rights and wrongs. “So I'm supposed to start my marriage out on nothing more than a series of lies then? And what about Ginny yeah? She's rather perceptive, I'm not sure I can keep the wool over her eyes forever.”

Kingsley laughed ”There is always a way Harry, always a way.”

************************************ **************************************** ******
“Ok, who are you and where is my friend Tonks?” Ginny said is disbelief, her wand already sliding into her hand.

“Ginny, what are you talking about. Do you want to do it or not?” Replied Tonks.

“The working in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophe I can handle, it's the part about being a secret hit witch that is a bit disturbing.” Ginny said as she shivered at the thought.

“It will be exhilarating, you will learn to be an Obliviator not that you will have to do that very often, but it will be an awesome cover for being hit witch.” grinned Tonks.

“It sounds great except for two things, I can't tell Harry and I will be killing people for a living.” Ginny glared at Tonks.

“Well, it is totally your decision to make, I love it personally, it's a great job really. The guilt isn't as bad as you think, you actually feel better for taking the scum out and making the world a better place.” Tonks said trying to comfort the young witch.

Ginny sighed “I know, I just hate to start a marriage out with lies and deceit.”

“I gotta go Gin, but let me know when you come to a decision.” Tonks replied as she stood. Her hand covered Ginny's and her voice became cool and professional. “And Ginny, I don't think I have to stress the importance of you not saying anything about this.”

****************************** **************************************** *************
Kingsley was walking around the private gym in the Department of Mysteries, finishing up the final touches when he heard the door open. Harry walked in wearing a plain gray sweat suit and trainers.

“You ready for me?” Harry asked with a smug look on his face.

Kingsley laughed “The real question is are you ready for me?”

“Sure am, what are we going to be working on?” Harry asked.

“Today, we are testing your endurance, knowledge of spell work and potions, plus any self-defense training you may have had. After that we'll set up a training program to work on the areas you are deficit in, and building on your natural strengths and talents. No doubt we will need to work on some cardiovascular, strength training, self-defense, spell work and some stealth movement.” replied Kingsley. “But first we are going to work on some stretches.”

“Ok Potter, lets get a move on, lets get started with 10 laps around the gym, nice and slow jogging.”

Harry took off and after about 6 laps he was severely winded.”I don't know if I can...”

***************************** **************************************** *************

“....make it Tonks.” Ginny panted.

“Oh come on you Ginny! Its only 10 laps.” Tonks said. “And by the way, this is just a warm up.”

Ginny groaned, but managed to finish her laps.

“Now lets do some strength training. These are muggle weights, lifting them in a certain way will make you stronger.” Tonks smiled at the look on Ginny's face, knowing she really didn't understand. “I will show you how and I know you think I am barmey Gin, but trust me, it's actually quite exhilarating.”

They worked for an hour and finally Tonks had her finish up with the bench press. “Come on Gin, you can do it, just ....”
********************************* **************************************** *********

“...two more. Lets go Potter, thats the way, all the way up. Do try not to embarrass yourself and the Department.” Kingsley said as he was standing over Harry spotting him and urging him on.

Harry finished and put the bar down. “Wow, that's a lot harder than I thought it would be.” He was definitely going to feel this in the morning.

“It will help to put some meat on your scrawny arse.” Laughed Kingsley before he got serious again. “Ok, we need to work on some hand to hand combat, take a few minutes to cool down, and let your body snap back. You need to know how to physically protect yourself and not rely on a wand for everything.” Kingsley opened a crate and pulled out some padded gloves and boots. “Put these on when you are ready.”

Harry finished a bottle of water and Kingsley showed him how to wear the gloves and foot pads. “First we are going to work on some blocks, I will try and hit you and you need to try and block me, I'll take it slowly at first, I'm just trying to get a feel for what you do know.” instructed Kingsley.

Harry got his arms up and blocked all but 2 of the slow punches. Kingsley corrected his stance and how he held his arms and they continued this in vein for a half hour. After another rest session, they moved onto punches, kicks and throws.

“This is gonna be fun, now you need to stand in front of me, bend your knees a bit and then grab my arms.” Kingsley grinned. “Great, now put your leading leg behind my back leg, twist and raise your hip and pull me backwards to the ground.”

Harry executed the move and Kingsley hit the mat in slow motion the first time, but by the second time he had it down and he hit a little harder than he expected. I'm getting to old for this. He groaned to himself.

“Great work Harry now lets work on....”

***************************** **************************************** *************

“...leg sweeps. They are fairly simple.” Tonks said admiring how well Ginny was doing. “First you need to put your right foot forward forcing me back on my left foot, good, now take a wide left step and bring your right foot inward to support your body weight, then grab my arms and sweep your right foot behind me knocking me of balance and throw me to the ground.”

“Wow, this is a lot of fun.” Ginny giggled while Tonks picked herself up off the floor.

“Your are learning very quickly and are doing a great job Gin.” praised Tonks.

“What's next?” asked Ginny

“I think we will work on some spells and potions after a shower. Then we will do a final test for physical dexterity.”

“Well what are we waiting for? Lets get going.” Ginny said happily as Tonks rubbed what she knew was going to be a nasty bruise on her hip.

Ginny and Tonks emerged from the shower wearing clean sweats, and entered a smaller room set up like a conference room. They reviewed some defensive spells, and studied some potions that wouldn't kill a person instantly, but with just a little on the skin would kill them with in the hour. After that they started the final physical test.

“Come on Gin, you can beat your time!” yelled Tonks across the gym. “Thats a girl and your time is...”

****************************** **************************************** ************

“...3:25:18. Way to go Harry.” Kingsley said as he patted a winded Harry on the back.

“I think you are actually going to be good to train Harry. What do you think?” he asked Harry.

Harry still panting from the final part of the run looked up at Kingsley with a baleful look. “You know what Kingsley? I think...”

*************************** **************************************** ***************

“...I hate you.” Ginny said glaring at Tonks.

“Ah Grasshopper, you have much to learn and little time to learn it in.” Tonks said smiling. “But you are a quick study, so I don't see any issues.”

She helped Ginny back to her feet and smiled. “Ok, here's how it's going to work then.” Tonks explained holding of a sheet of parchment. “Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays is physical training, hand to hand combat and strength training. Tuesdays and Thursdays are magic and potions, allowing your body to recuperate from the strength training.”

“And a personal life?” Ginny groused.

“Saturday and Sunday.” Tonks said. “Besides...”

************************ **************************************** ******************

“ go home at night.” Kingsley said grinning maliciously.

“Like I'll be in any shape to do much more than pass out.” Harry grumbled fingering the ring on his hand absentmindedly.

“Oh, right. And Potter...”

************************** **************************************** ****************

“...the ring has to go when you aren't on your personal time.”

Ginny looked at her wedding and engagement bands now fused on her finger. “Right...” she said weakly. She slid off the rings, and placed them in the locker along with her other personal effects. Pulling on the training gear she focused on the task at hand and not the guilt she felt by removing her rings.

Reviews 4

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