
SIYE Time:7:37 on 10th December 2024
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For Your Love
By LisaRene

Category: Post-OotP
Genres: Drama
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Story is Complete
Rating: R
Summary: Harry and Ginny struggle to make sense of their friendship and where it might lead amidst a swirl of friends, relationships, classes, emotions, and overcoming the darkness within. A story about friendship, love, and everything in between. 7th Year. H/G
Hitcount: Story Total: 228620



1. Prologue & Coming Home by LisaRene
3928 words, updated on 2006.08.08 [Reviews - 15] starstarstarstarstar

2. Finding a Place by LisaRene
4803 words, updated on 2006.08.14 [Reviews - 10] starstarstarstarstar

3. Birthday Girl by LisaRene
3801 words, updated on 2006.08.22 [Reviews - 9] starstarstarstarstar

4. Princesses and Dragons by LisaRene
5521 words, updated on 2006.08.28 [Reviews - 11] starstarstarstarstar

5. Discoveries by LisaRene
4277 words, updated on 2006.09.04 [Reviews - 12] starstarstarstarstar

6. In the Wildflowers by LisaRene
3514 words, updated on 2006.09.12 [Reviews - 14] starstarstarstarstar

7. The Real Me by LisaRene
5909 words, updated on 2006.09.19 [Reviews - 15] starstarstarstarstar

8. Real Life and All That by LisaRene
4687 words, updated on 2006.09.25 [Reviews - 17] starstarstarstarstar

9. First Impressions by LisaRene
4589 words, updated on 2006.10.02 [Reviews - 14] starstarstarstarhalf-star

10. Starting Over by LisaRene
5424 words, updated on 2006.10.10 [Reviews - 14] starstarstarstarstar

11. In the Village by LisaRene
5667 words, updated on 2006.10.16 [Reviews - 23] starstarstarstarstar

12. Hey Jealousy by LisaRene
5662 words, updated on 2006.10.23 [Reviews - 22] starstarstarstarstar

13. Beautiful by LisaRene
5360 words, updated on 2006.10.30 [Reviews - 21] starstarstarstarstar

14. Awakenings by LisaRene
5477 words, updated on 2006.11.07 [Reviews - 19] starstarstarstarhalf-star

15. Seeing Clearly by LisaRene
5724 words, updated on 2006.11.13 [Reviews - 23] starstarstarstarstar

16. A Dream of You by LisaRene
4345 words, updated on 2006.11.18 [Reviews - 19] starstarstarstarstar

17. Never Enough by LisaRene
5032 words, updated on 2006.11.25 [Reviews - 18] starstarstarstarstar

18. The Three of Us by LisaRene
5148 words, updated on 2006.12.02 [Reviews - 21] starstarstarstarstar

19. Balance Shift by LisaRene
5693 words, updated on 2006.12.11 [Reviews - 22] starstarstarstarhalf-star

20. A Burrow Christmas by LisaRene
4963 words, updated on 2006.12.17 [Reviews - 20] starstarstarstarstar

21. Secrets by LisaRene
7180 words, updated on 2006.12.24 [Reviews - 13] starstarstarstarstar

22. Part of Me by LisaRene
6909 words, updated on 2006.12.30 [Reviews - 27] starstarstarstarstar

23. Darkness by LisaRene
5085 words, updated on 2007.01.07 [Reviews - 15] starstarstarstarstar

24. Draco's Confession by LisaRene
6452 words, updated on 2007.01.14 [Reviews - 18] starstarstarstarstar

25. Moving On & Epilogue by LisaRene
5227 words, updated on 2007.01.20 [Reviews - 36] starstarstarstarstar

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