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The Dead Do Talk
By lonely_day

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Category: Post-Hogwarts
Genres: Tragedy
Warnings: None
Rating: G
Reviews: 3
Summary: *** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated since 2006 ***

This is a sad story about what happens when Ginny dies in the Final Battle. Harry thinks about everything that happened between the two of them, and Ginny watches?
Hitcount: Story Total: 3071

Disclaimer: Harry Potter Publishing Rights © J.K.R. Note the opinions in this story are my own and in no way represent the owners of this site. This story subject to copyright law under transformative use. No compensation is made for this work.

Author's Notes:
This is my first fanfic. I am planning on making it kind of long, not quite sure how long yet. Please, any comments or suggestions would be loved!!!


"I was standing on top of a low hill, surveying the chaos below me. There were the horrifying cries of dieing people, cries of grief from people who had found a loved one dead, and yet, I felt numb, I guess is the word for it, to everything going on around me. I couldn't see her, and that was all that mattered.

"It was August 23rd, she had turned eighteen only twelve days before. I found it hard to believe, in that moment, that just twelve days ago we had been sitting at the Burrow, all laughing and having a good time. Celebrating Ginny's eighteenth birthday." I said. Today was Ginny's funeral. Mrs. Weasley had asked me very kindly if I would say something to everyone there, and so I was there, in front of her coffin, turned to all her family and friends, talking about her as if I was alone, as I had never done to anyone before.

"As I stood there I knew she was below, wondering what was going on, fore no one, yet, knew that I had defeated him, that Voldemort was dead. For good. All they knew was that the spells had stopped, the death eaters had fled, and we had won this battle, if not the war." I continued.

"I thought that this was it. That Ginny and I would finally be able to get on with our lives. I was hopeful when I saw her at the bottom of the hill calling my name, and looking around. I thought that we would be alright, eventually. Because I knew that for a while we would be dealing with the loss of our friends, and families. I had no clue anyone would have to deal with the loss of her."

"She was calling for me. Desperately. I knew she needed to see me to have hope that it was over, that we would finally live a life free of Voldemort. So, I called to her. 'Ginny, Ginny, I'm up here.' I yelled, and she begun to hurry up the hill." I paused, for the next part was the hardest.

"And that's when I saw it. A hooded man, or it could've been a woman, I have no way of knowing, was off in the shadows of a tall tree, his wand aimed at her. I knew instantly that this was the last death eater on the huge field in which the battle had taken place. I looked from the figure to Ginny, and I noticed that she had blood on her, but I knew it wasn't her blood. I had seen the Sectumsempra curse used on Neville Longbottom, who had been standing beside Ginny during part of the battle.

"I took to long looking at her. As I shouted for her to look towards the tree and move, a green flash of light, recognizable as the Killing Curse, hit her in the back. She was dead." I chuckled "And" I thought this next part was horrible, but would make some people smile "All I could think of was my fourth year in Hogwarts when that Moody imposter turned Malfoy into a ferret, because he had tried to attack me from behind. I don't think I've even truly grasped that she's gone yet. Because I still feel like she's here. I feel like any moment now she's going to tell us to all stop our mourning before she hexes us to next Sunday." I finished, I looked up to the sky "Ginny's was one life that was not supposed to be lost that night, as were so many others. I just wish there was some way to bring them all back."

A tear rolled down my cheek as I look away from the gray clouds, and the threat of rain, and turned around to look at the coffin. "We'll all miss you Ginny. You were always so tough, I'm sure you're in a better place now." I went back to my seat next to Fred, and I could see that, for once, their was not a single joke in him. I don't think either him, nor George, will ever be the same.

Fred gave me a sympathetic smile, and I returned one to him. Next Remus Lupin went up to talk, because in recent years, Remus and Ginny had become good friends. Remus started by saying "I'm sure a lot of you remember Lilly Potter? Ginny always reminded me so much of Lilly. Except Ginny was a little more than Lil' ever was. Ginny had so much potential of living a happy successful life, and......" I stopped paying attention, fore there was more to Ginny than 'the potential of living a happy and successful life'.

A little while later, after everyone had gone back to the Burrow to talk, I sat there, watching as some people, I didn't know who they were, lowered Ginny's coffin into the ground. It had started raining now, and I remember thinking 'Ginny loved the rain'.

There was a flash of lightning off in the distance, and a few seconds later all I could hear was the crack of thunder. I remembered one night just a few weeks before. Ginny and I were sitting up in her room in the Burrow, just sitting there, enjoying each others company, and she said "Come on Harry, lets go out there, lets go fly in the rain." she thought of it as an adventure. I told her I would love to, and an hour later we came in soaking wet, much to the disapproval of Mrs. Weasley. I chuckled at the memory.

They finished lowering Ginny's coffin, and one of the three men used a spell to put the dirt on top. They quickly covered it with grass, and they were done. Tomorrow, many would come back here and put flowers and pictures on top of the grave, in front of the headstone, I would be the first to put something there. I stood up as the workers left, and I went to stand in front of the grave.

"Oh Gin," I said "How come life is always so harsh with me?" I smiled "You know, tonight is a very good night for flying. Do you remember flying in the rain Ginny? I miss you already. I keep feeling as if you're right beside me, and any minute now I'll hear you threaten me to stop moping around. but you're not, and I know that you can't be."

"Did you hear everyone today? Everyone talking about how much potential you had, how great of a family you would've had. One person even said you'd be just like your mum. I laughed at that one Ginny, because you and I, we both know you can't cook."

I talked for a long time before I heard someone walk up behind me. I turned around to see Ron standing there. He looked at me sympathetically and said "Mum told me to come and get you. She says you're going to die out here."

"I was just talking to her" I said "You know, I was planning on proposing to her soon?"

"I figured you would. I think she did too." Ron said. It was like we were both afraid to say her name.

We walked back to the Burrow, the whole way talking about all the wonderful times we had shared with Ginny.
Reviews 3

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