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A Life That Could Be
By GinnyMarie

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Category: Alternate Universe, Post-HBP
Characters:Harry/Ginny, Harry/Ginny, Harry/Ginny
Genres: Fluff
Warnings: None
Story is Complete
Rating: PG
Reviews: 26
Summary: Harry wakes up one morning to find that he's married to Ginny. He is so confused as to where he is and what happened.
Hitcount: Story Total: 11274

Author's Notes:
Okay, this was the first fanfiction that I ever is also on GinnyPotter. com and I just want to say that I am known as lightningboltgirl on there(just so none of you think that I plagerized this. Its all mine...well the plot is the characters and places and anything else that you recognise are JKs. I hope you enjoy this...Please would mean alot to me. ~Ginny M~


“Harry, its time to wake up,” said a disembodied voice somewhere near Harry’s ear. With a jolt Harry woke up, eyes still closed. He felt someone shaking him and slowly opened his eyes. Leaning over him was someone with a sheet of fiery red hair and smelled of flowers. Although he already knew whom it was that was leaning over him, Harry reached for his glasses.

In front of him stood Ginny Weasley, but it wasn’t the Ginny that Harry knew. It was an older Ginny, a Ginny somewhere in her twenties. Harry slowly got out of bed, confused. He took in his surroundings, wondering how he had gotten there. Just last night he was at the Burrow, in Ron’s room, sleeping under a poster of the Chudley Cannons.

“Good, you're up. Breakfast is ready and Ron’s in the kitchen. Apparently he needs to talk to you about something.” With that, Ginny left the room. As soon as she was gone, Harry went to the wardrobe that was in the corner of the unfamiliar room. Once dressed, Harry left the bedroom. He found himself in a corridor that lead to a staircase. All along the walls of the hallway were wizard photographs. Harry was looking at a picture of him and Ginny, and what he saw of their surroundings, nearly caused him to faint. They were at a wedding, their wedding.

Harry made his way towards the kitchen, still in shock. He was lucky that Ron was there, the sound of him chewing and talking at the same time, leading the way.

“Mori, Garry,” Ron said through a mouth full of food. He swallowed and then continued a bit more clearly. “Hermione and I need to ask you a favor. Can you two watch Elizabeth today? You know how it’s our anniversary, and we want to go to Paris, but we don’t want to take Elizabeth with us.”

“Erm…” Harry trailed off, not sure who Elizabeth was, and what anniversary Ron and Hermione could possibly be celebrating.

“Ron, I thought we already talked about this,” Ginny said, scowling. “I’ll talk slow this time, just for you. We…would…love…to…look…after…Elizabeth…to day. Did you comprehend that time?”

“Yes. I was just making sure. ‘Mione told me to ask you both again.” Ron said with a dark look towards his sister. Then, acting as if nothing had happened, Ron said, “Thanks for the food, sis. We’ll be back around noon to drop her off.” With that, Ron disapparated.

“Gin?” Harry started uncertainly. He was completely confused.

“One second.” Ginny said. “Lillian Molly and James Arthur Potter, get down here this instant!” Harry was immediately reminded of Mrs. Weasley, and then as if on cue, two children came running into the kitchen. Harry knew that they were his and Ginny’s children in an instant. The girl, Lily, had Ginny’s hair and his eyes. James shared the same exact features, making Harry assume the two where twins. “I want the two of you to go make sure that your rooms are clean. Elizabeth is coming over today.” There was a squeal of joy from Lily and a groan from James.

“Does she have to come over?” James asked.

“Yes, why?” Ginny asked her son.

“Because, every time that ‘Lizabeth is here, Lily goes all girly, and I’m left by myself,” he answered.

“I do not go all ‘girly,’” Lily stated defiantly. Harry was looking between the two children that were supposedly his. He was trying to guess how old they were, and thought they were between six and eight.

“Do too.”

“Do not.” This went on for a few minutes until Ginny interrupted.

“That is enough! Go make sure your rooms are picked up. Now!” Ginny yelled at the startled and guilty looking children.

Again, Harry was reminded of Mrs. Weasley. The two children scurried upstairs to get out of their mother’s reach. He looked at Ginny with awe and fear. Deciding that he didn’t want to anger his supposed wife, he would ask Ron what was going on, instead of Ginny.

“Harry?” said Ginny suddenly, stealing him from his reverie.

“Hmm?” he answered.

“Can you take James to the Quidditch shop in Diagon Alley today? This way he won’t be terribly bored.”

“Yeah, sure,” Harry consented without really knowing it. He was going to pretend that everything was normal, that he knew what was going on.

“Good.” Ginny placed a plate of food in front of Harry and went upstairs. A few minutes later, she returned and placed two more plates in the table. James and Lily entered the kitchen and sat down to eat. Ginny then got her own plate and sat next to Harry. Harry knew this was the life he had wanted since his sixth year, but he always thought that he would never have it. This was the life he has missed out on as a kid. Harry hadn't any idea of what was going on, but he knew deep down that he would be able to have this life someday.

“Dad, mum said you were taking to Diagon Alley today. Are we gonna go the Quidditch shop? Oh, can we also go to Uncle Fred and George’s shop? Please,” James said in one breath.

“Oooh, can I go? Can I, please?! I haven’t been to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes in a long time. Please, mum, dad,” Lily said excitedly, looking from one parent to the other.

“No, Lily, you can’t go with your father and James. You get to stay here and play with Elizabeth.” Ginny said with a tone that said it was futile to argue.

“Fine, but can we go flying on the pitch after dad and James get back? Please..” Lily said compromisingly.

“Only if Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione let Elizabeth fly.” At this, Harry held back on saying, ‘Ron would never not let his child fly,’ but seeing as Hermione was the mother of that child, she might have more say in the matter than Ron.

*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ */*/*/*/*/*/*/*

Noon arrived all too fast. The morning had been a blur for Harry. He was kept on his toes, trying to pretend he knew everything that was going on. Harry was in the sitting, room reading an article about the Ministry of Magic’s attempts to let the muggle world know of the wizarding one in the Daily Prophet, when the fire roared to life and out came a little girl with bushy red hair. Harry guessed that this was Elizabeth. A minute later Hermione bustled out of the fireplace, immediately followed by Ron.

“Uncle Harry!” Elizabeth screeched when she spotted him. She threw herself on top of him in a hug. Harry then knew that this was Hermione’s daughter. After she ceased the hug and ran upstairs, he stood up only to be bombarded by a bushy haired woman. Harry hugged Hermione back, hoping she too would cease the hug soon.

“’Mione, Harry needs to breathe,” Ron said. She released him and asked.

“Where’s Gin?”

“Kitchen,” came the short reply. She hurried out of the sitting room, leaving Harry to offer Ron a seat. “How long do you think they’ll be?”

“Well we have to be in Paris at 2:00, so they have around an hour and forty-five minutes.”

“Good, ‘cause I need to talk to you about something,” Harry started. This was the one chance he had of asking Ron what the hell was going on. “Ron, umm…I’m not really sure of were to begin. So I’ll just plunge right in I guess. Last night I wasn’t in this house, I was at The Burrow, in your room, sleeping under a Chudley Cannons’ poster. It was my first night back at The Burrow after Dumbledore’s death.” Harry stopped talking, taking in Ron’s expression of surprise. “Well?”

“I knew this day was coming,” he said vaguely.

“Care to elaborate on that one?” Harry asked.

“Well, I remember that night clearly, ‘cause you were talking in your sleep. Talking about the future, things that you couldn’t possibly know. The next morning I asked you about it and you said you couldn’t tell me. All you said was that everyone would be happy someday. That’s when I guessed that you had had a premonition of sorts. At the time I didn’t actually think that you had jumped into your future body, but I decided to look it up in the library at Hogwarts when we went back.”

“How long am I stuck here?”

“I can’t answer that. Sorry, mate.” Ron said. “But this isn’t your life yet. It will be someday though.”

“Since I don’t know how long I am here, can you tell me about my life?”

“Okay. I’ll start from around seventh year. Yes you went back to Hogwarts and when you get back to the past, you’ll realize that Hogwarts is still the best place for you. We found all the horcruxes and destroyed them. I can’t tell you what they were or where we found them though. Nagini wasn’t a horcrux however. You killed Voldemort in the final battle, which was on the school grounds. I can’t tell you who died, and you should understand why. Hogwarts was closed for a year, so Ginny didn’t go back. You married her in December of 1998 and in 1999 she had James and Lily. Hermione and I got married in July of 1998 and we had Liza. Today is our anniversary we have been married for seven years. Liza, Lily, and James will be in the same year at Hogwarts. Both Ginny and Hermione are pregnant right now. Mum and dad have fourteen grandchildren, so mum is in heaven. Dad is high up in the Ministry, not gonna tell you how high though. Moony is the DADA teacher and Tonks is head of the Auror office. She and Lupin are married. Neville is a Quidditch player for Bulgaria, and married to Luna. They have two sons and one daughter. Hermione, Luna, Neville, and I are the godparents of Lily and James and vice-versa. Everyone is happy, truly happy. There are still Death Eaters around, but they are in short supply. Harry, you mustn’t tell anyone about this future. You are the only one allowed to know about it.” After hearing all this, Harry was in shock. It the future he was married and had two children and another on the way. Neville was an International Quidditch player and was married to Luna. Ron and Hermione finally wised up and got married. That relationship had been in the making since their first year. He was married to Ginny, the love of his life. Harry knew that he wanted this life, that he wanted to be happy. He also knew that the only way to get it was to kill Voldemort.

“Ron, you said his name,” Harry stated, surprised.

“No one fears his name any longer, Harry,” Ron said simply. Suddenly, everything started to fog up. Harry couldn’t see Ron nor could he see the sitting room which they were in. Harry closed his eyes trying to clear them of the fog. When he opened them again, he was lying down, looking into the face of Ron Weasley. Harry saw that he was back in the orange room at the top of the house back at The Burrow. He looked at Ron’s Chudley Cannons’ calendar. It was July of 1997. He was back in his own time. A year from now his two best friends would be married. A year from this coming December he would be married to Ginny. Ginny. He had to find her. He had made a horrible mistake breaking up with her. He loved her so much and he knew that he had to be with her. He jumped out of bed, startling Ron. He got dressed in a flash.

“Harry, mate, what’s up? You were talking in your sleep. A lot.” Ron asked, confused as to what his friend was doing. “What’s going on?”

“I have to find Gin. I have to talk to her.” Harry said, rushing out of the bedroom door. Then he remembered something that he had to say to keep the future the same. “I can’t tell you what’s going on, but I can tell you that we will all be happy someday.” Harry ran out the door and bounded down the stairs in search of Ginny. He checked her room as he ran past it. He continued to the kitchen and found her. She was just getting up from the table and he grabbed her and kissed her passionately. There were gasps all around them from Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Fred, George, Bill, and Charlie. They apparently hadn’t known of the romance between Harry and Ginny. They were locked in a passionate kiss, oblivious to all things surrounding them. Harry pulled away from her and looked into her chocolate brown eyes.

“I’m so sorry, Gin,” He stated after a moment of shocked silence from every Weasley in the room. “I love you so much and I was a stupid git for thinking that you were any safer without me by your side.” She simply nodded and kissed him again, in front of her entire family. Harry knew that he would be able to kiss her for the rest of his life. A life that could be. No a life that would be.


Reviews 26

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