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Only Girl
By pankie001

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Category: Post-HBP
Genres: Angst, Drama
Warnings: None
Story is Complete
Rating: G
Reviews: 3
Summary: Ginny's heart had been broken into pieces but Daddy will always be there to pick it all up and try to make it whole again. Ginny and Arthur's heartwarming conversation after the break-up. Arthur's POV.
Hitcount: Story Total: 5090

Author's Notes:
Much had been told about everything after Harry and Ginny's break-up except the one that involves the father and daughter. Self-admitted close to my Dad, I have this idea on what really happened between the two of them. Hope you'll enjoy even though it's a little drama.


"Ginny?" I knocked softly on my only daughter's closed door. She had been in her room long enough to have more worries. A shock surfaced in me and her mother when we learned that she and Harry had already broken up. Come on, we didn't even have any clues that they started going out last May. But we cannot blame them for not saying anything about their relationship. After all that's happened, there hasn't any other chance to relay us this terrific news of development between them that I must admit we've been waiting for. We've known Harry for ages now. He's been more than a real son to us. Our raven-haired son. And our little girl. she's been into him ever since we can remember. All we cared was for her to be happy and contented with her life even if we cannot provide her the most comfortable one parents should. But we loved her dearly, and that's what matters most, right? With Harry, we're too sure all her dreams will become a reality. But we don't have the faintest idea what went wrong. That's why, I don't have any plans to stop unless I found the end of this tunnel. Oh, I forgot I'm here knocking on my baby's room and she hasn't answered yet. I must call her again. I knocked once more but still, no response. I tried to twirl the knob and good, it was unlocked. Peeking into the small opening, there she was, sitting on the edge of her bed with her knees up on her chest and arms around them, looking far in the window.

"Ginny?" I repeated a little louder but sweetness is still evident on my voice.

"Daddy!" Ginny said, startled with my presence. She seems lost in her thoughts and feelings, the reason why she's not aware that I just knocked and came in. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you."

"It's all right, Baby." I said as I stride to be near her. "What are you doing here? Everyone's wondering where did the loveliest daughter I have went to." I jest when I noticed the tear-stained face of Ginny, the red-bulging eyes, a tissue in a hand and scattered lousily everywhere in her bed. Clearly, she's been up here, crying her heart out. No doubt about that. My girl. Always showing us a brave front no matter how difficult her life had been.

"Dad, I'm your only daughter," she answered on my joke, trying to paste a fake smile. "Just need some rest. I got a little tired with all the chores Mum asked me to do and all the Wedding preparations going on, she's harassing all of us especially me. She's an expert," Ginny continued, but I know her too well.

"Your physical state of being is tired or the emotional one?" I'm watching my daughter closely.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Daddy," Ginny replied with a smile again, far from being genuine.

"Of course you know what I mean. I gave you some time for yourself and I think it's enough. Do you need somebody to discuss it with? You can tell me everything," I said taking the seat beside Ginny, while she shifts into a more proper position.

"Dad, I'm all right. Don't worry about me. I'm strong, remember?" she said, lowering her eyes.

"I know, You're strong, brave, feisty, and smart. You can handle some of the things that get in your way. Some things but not everything. Sometimes, you have to admit to yourself that you are in need even if you think you're stronger than strong. You have us, your Mum and I, your brothers, Hermione. We love you, Sweetheart." I stroked her hair with my hand then kissed her forehead.

Ginny enclosed my hand with hers. "Thanks, Dad, and I love you all back. But believe me, I can still manage."

"From the first moment I laid eyes on your mother, I realized what I really wanted to do and to have in my life. I told to myself, I will marry that gorgeous red-head Gryffindor and we will have an enormous family with several children whose heads are on fire. Then the rest is history. We became friends, fell in love, got married, and blessed with 6 smart precocious adorable sons," I began, guiding Ginny to lay on my lap, occasionally caressing her hair. "I felt I couldn't ask for more. Then, for more than a year Ron was born, a little angel was brought to our lives. As I held her in my arms, I reckoned, she was the fulfillment of my happiness and my life I've been dreaming of. My only girl. I will forever protect and take care of her for as long as I can. Nobody and nothing can ever hurt my baby. But of course, I know it's impossible. It's a wide humongous world waiting for her arrival and I've learned as she grows up and has to make decisions and choices of her own, perhaps there was no such thing as a complete sheltering. One way or another, she can get hurt. She can stumble and can cause her wounds, can fall in love and can be heartbroken. After all, fall and hurt will make her readier to accept and face what she was destined to encounter." I finished, bent down to kiss Ginny's head and saw my daughter weeping silently.

"Why is everything had to become so unfair, Dad? Didn't I deserve some happiness for more than a couple of days? I've spent all my life waiting for his feelings to reciprocate mine. But why did it has to end so soon?" Ginny cried.

"Baby, come here." I embraced her. "Things happened for a reason. Reasons that most often we find it difficult to understand because it hurts so much."

Sobbing harder, Ginny buried her head on my chest. "Every single word, every single moment, keeps on replaying on my mind." And finally, she begins to tell me the scene I believe she didn't want to remember anymore but her heart is still in agony like a deep fresh wound which is far from its recovery.

"Ginny, listen..." he said very quietly, as the buzz of conversation grew louder around them and people began to get to their feet. "I can't be involved with you anymore. We've got to stop seeing each other. We can't be together."

She said, with an oddly twisted smile, "It's for some stupid, noble reason, isn't it?"

"It's been like... like something out of someone else's life, these last few weeks with you," said Harry. "But I can't... we can't... I've got things to do alone now."

She did not cry, she simply looked at him.

"Voldemort uses people his enemies are close to. He's already used you as bait once, and that was just because you're my best friend's sister. Think how much danger you'll be in if we keep this up. He'll know, he'll find out. He'll try to get to me through you."

"What if I don't care?" said Ginny fiercely.

"I care," said Harry. "How do you think I'd feel if this was your funeral... and it was my fault..."

"So, that's the reason why you hate him?" I asked when she was through with the story.

"No, Dad. I don't hate him. I can never hate him," Ginny answered still in my arms.

"If you don't, how come you're not talking to him or even meeting his gaze? Most of the time I caught him staring at you very fondly but you seemed very distant every time we are all together. Indifference is the word, Ginny." I pulled a little to take a better look on her.

"Because, I'm hurting, Dad! I'm in so much pain! Whether he's around or not, the impact on me of his presence was unbearable. I will never hate him... but I hate myself. I hate myself for being this selfish and immature. As much as I wanted to understand and accept his destined to do, I just can't. My mind is capable but my heart insisted I cannot. I love him so much, Dad, but I felt he deserved someone better." Ginny cried harder than ever. The hardest she did in her entire 15 years of living.

"There's no one better than you for him because he is deeply in love with you. Imagine all the pain he is going through for sacrificing his first real happiness in his life favoring of being with You-know... Vol-voldemort. He has lost so much in him, Sweetheart. His parents, Sirius, Dumbledore. I can't blame him for doing what he reckoned he needed to even if it's against his will and his heart. To protect the love of his life with all the possibility he can. Your safety has to come first before anything else, because I can honestly say I will do the same thing with your Mum if I'm in his shoes," I said, rationalizing the situation Ginny and Harry have been into.

"But, you have quite a point in that stupid noble reason thing. Surely, Voldemort already knows about you two by now. How big the news and gossips were of The Chosen One having a girlfriend? And with Snape and Malfoy at Hogwarts, didn't he think, they immediately updated their lord with the current relationship of The Boy Who Lived? Considering the fact of being an accomplished Legilimens, giving you up for protection, clearly gave away how much he feels for you."

"What should I do, Dad?" Ginny asked me, calming a bit.

"Wait for his return," I replied simply, like it was the easiest to do in the world.

"He didn't ask me to! In fact, when he broke up with me, he even refused to look at me for one last time. He just left me hanging in there by the lake. Too cruel for my taste, huh? In truth, I have doubts if he ever loved me. Wait, how did you know that he's leaving?"

"The same way you found out he's leaving. I'm you father." I smiled at her question, much like I am reminiscing when my girl was just the little girl, with endless questions about everything . "Of course he loves you, Baby. Dare not to have doubts about that. And he didn't need to ask you to wait. You just do it if you really love him. Talk to him and tie the lose ends before he leaves. Do you understand me, huh, Ginny>"

"But, Dad..."

"No buts, Ginevra. You will do it as I told you, all right?" I said rather fiercely this time.

"Ok, ok, just one thing, will that be the last time you call me that? You're very much like him, calling me by my real name," Ginny said with pouting lips.

"Ginevra is beautiful, Sweetheart. We gave you that name because, our little girl should be called with some powerful but lovely name."

"If you said so."

"That's my girl!" I kissed her on her forehead once again and stood up to leave.



"Even if Harry's in my heart for the longest time, you'll always be my first love." Ginny said in sparkling eyes and the genuine smile I missed so much.

"And you'll always be my baby, my only girl." I returned to my previous place to hug her tightly. "But I'm afraid you are Harry's only girl too."

"Do you really think so?"

"Positive!" Giving her a wink after a quick kiss on the cheek. "Come on, let's go downstairs, Mum is waiting for our undying service."

Staring at my daughter always made me the proudest father ever walked in this planet. Ginny will make it through and Harry will come back for her. I'm sure of that. We got up together, realizing that the life ahead of us is beyond our control. But we are in each other, and that is something we can look forward to.
Reviews 3

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