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Sum of Us
By Katieay

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Category: Post-OotP
Genres: Fluff, Songfic
Warnings: Dark Fiction
Story is Complete
Rating: G
Reviews: 14
Summary: SONG FIC Harry is frustrated, Ginny talks him out of it with the very expected consequences.
Hitcount: Story Total: 4623


A/N My very first song fic! Please be kind if you're going to review ;o)

The song is by Matchbox Twenty


Something is wrong with the sum of us
That I can't seem to erase
How can I be the only one
Without a smile on my face

Harry Potter watched as his fellow students chatted normally within the Great Hall, seemingly ignoring the fact that a war was raging just outside these walls. That families were being ripped apart and friends were being lost as they sat there and complained about the amount of homework they had to do.

He didn’t understand how anyone in the wizarding world could even pretend to relax right now. The Ministry was in dissarray, there was no support coming in from international sources and the Order… the Order was being systematically ripped to pieces.

Without a word to his friends, who were bickering as if today was any other day, Harry Potter got up from Gryffindor table and left the Great Hall in disgust.

Well now, you're laughing out loud
At just the thought of being alive
And I was wondering
Could I just be you tonight

She was there in the common room. All alone, but for the parchment she was holding in her hand and grinning at. Harry felt a writhing jealousy crawl up inside him as he watched her. Ginny Weasley was the only other student alive at Hogwarts who knew first hand what Voldemort was capable of, and here she was relaxed and grinning at a stupid piece of parchment.

She looked up, meeting his steady gaze. Her eyes twinkled at him, and her grin spread further across her face as she waved at him. Somewhere, through the jealousy and anger he felt, Harry was amazed at her. She never stopped smiling.

You show your pain like it really hurts
And I can't even start to feel mine
Well, I'm standing in place
With my head first and I shake, I shake
I see your progress stretched out for miles and miles

“Hi Harry!” Harry gritted his teeth at her cheery tone and friendly smile. Ginny Weasley, with her constant optimism, would get far in the world. As long as she survived the war.

“What are you doing back from dinner so soon?”

She pulled him out of his thoughts of the future, something else to be angry at her for. Harry liked to dwell on the future, wonder if he’d have one, for it got him through the present and was better than thinking about the past. The future didn’t give him nightmares.

He walked over to the table and slumped into the seat across from her. He didn’t look at her, because he knew that if he did he’d have to notice how pretty she was. Trampling down these thoughts, Harry answered her, looking into his lap.

“I wasn’t hungry,” he mumbled.

“Oh? How come?” Ginny asked with polite curiousity.

“Oh gee, Ginny, I dunno. Having the Darkest wizard of all time out for your blood can really mess with your appetite.”

Harry had snapped, he actually felt something loosen inside of him as he glared at her. What a foolish girl she was, to ask such a stupid question. Harry gasped inwardly as she looked at him, nothing but hurt written across her face. In his head, he’d sounded just like… no it couldn’t be. Harry Potter would never sound anything like Tom Riddle, would he?

As fast as the hurt had appeared on her face, it was gone again. Replaced again by something Harry had mistakenly seen as optimism. He realised now, that they were so close and alone in the common room, that it was a mask. She looked pale and worn. He wondered why he had been allowed to witness it. He was sure that she wouldn’t drop that mask for anyone else, though he wasn’t sure why.

You're laughing out loud
At just the thought of being alive, yeah
And I was wondering
Could I just be you tonight

As if she could read his mind, she cleared the tension in the room by simply reaching out and taking his hand.

“I’m sorry. That was a really dumb question.” She smiled at him, a real genuine smile and Harry once again felt the jealousy build up inside him.

How did she do it? How could she smile when the world was at war? Amongst the negative emotions was something that was fighting to get out of him. It was light, and breezy and it felt lovely when it had landed with a soft plop at the bottom of his stomach. At the simple touch of her hand on his.

“No.” Harry finally found his voice, though it came out more as a squeak than an actual word. “I’m sorry for snapping at you. It’s just driving me nuts, you know? Everyone’s acting as if nothing bad has happened, as if there’s not something dreadful happening even now, as we speak.”

“Harry,” she squeezed his hand lightly. “We all feel it. Believe me, we do. Not as much as you, of course, but we do.”

“I don’t know what to believe anymore.”

“You have to believe me, otherwise you’re standing all on your own when the time comes, or you think you are. You need us Harry, if you’re going to win.”

“Can I ask you something?” Harry wondered if she knew she was still holding his hand and he was afraid to move his in case she moved away from him.

“Of course you can.”

“How do you stay so bloody cheerful all the time?”

Ginny looked as if she wasn’t sure if she should laugh or be supremely offended and Harry cringed at how blunt that had sounded.

This is the sound that I make
These are the words I chose
Somehow the right thing to say
Just won't come out
Just won't come out

“I- I mean… what I mean is…” Harry felt deflated.

He didn’t know what he had been trying to say to Ginny, they had never been very close. Though in the last two years, since the Department of Mysteries, he had felt more able to talk to her than before. He had put it down to her being over her crush on him.

“Well, this is something that my mum used to say when we were little. You have two choices in coping with life. You can cry, or you can laugh. I always chose laughing and I guess it stuck. I’m really not cheerful about what’s going on, Harry, I
don’t think anybody is, apart from a few Slytherins.”

“It’s just you’re so… I mean… you’re Ginny and Ginny is there for everyone to boost them up.”

“Thanks very much,” she said wryly.

“Arrggh, you know what I mean. I don’t mean to be offensive.”

“I know you don’t.”

Ginny removed her hand from his with a blush, and Harry had to resist the urge to snatch it back. This wasn’t very good at all. With a jolt, Harry realised she was packing up her things. She sent him a small smile and it hit him directly in the chest, making his heart beat faster. What was going on?!

“Good night, Harry. Sweet dreams.”

“Yeah, g’night.” Harry watched her move towards the steps before he realised that she was leaving him. He jumped from his chair. “Ginny?”

“Yes, Harry?”

He tried to ignore the fact that there were tears in her eyes and her bottom lip was trembling badly.

“Will you… will you stay? And talk to me?”

Ginny tipped her head to one side, studying him thoroughly before giving him her answer.

“Yes.” They smiled at each other as they took a seat on the couch. Now that he had her here, Harry had no idea what to say. He felt like his tongue had swollen about four times and that he had a whole box of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans stuck in the back of his throat.

He wondered when and how Ginny Weasley had gotten so far under his skin that she turned him into a stammering, tactless git.

And you're laughing out loud
At the thought of being alive
And I was wondering
Could I just be you tonight

They sat together on the sofa facing the fire, and it turned out that Harry didn’t have to make conversation after all. Ginny entertained him with stories of when Ron was little, and the silly things Colin Creevey had said about Harry for the last six years.

Students came, chatted to the pair for a while before moving on up to bed. Hermione had had to physically drag Ron away, causing Harry and Ginny to share a look and stifle their chuckles.

Harry watched the youngest Weasley closely as she laughed over the teddy bear into a spider story. He felt lighter just sitting nearer to her, and the weight shifted a bit on his shoulders when he heard her laugh. She was dangerous.



“You’re staring.”

“Oh, right, sorry.”

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat as she scrutinised him. He felt like the world’s biggest idiot. He felt the warmth spread across his face and he squirmed more in his chair. He had a horrible urge to kiss his best friend’s little sister. She had no idea how she’d helped him and he had no idea how to thank her for it. If he was Ginny, he would say it bluntly, but with kindness. His eyes would sparkle at her and make her knees go weak. But he wasn’t.

He realised he was still staring and that they had moved closer to each other. He realised that his body was tingling all over as it leaned forward without him being able to control it.

And I was wondering
Could I just be you tonight

He realised that she was leaning into him as well, that her face mirrored absolute shock and delight before he was so close to her that the only part of her face that he could see were her eyes, which he would happily drown in.

And I was wondering

He realised that his lips were finally touching hers. That she was sighing, and putting her hands on the nape of his neck. That his eyes were closed and they were the only two people left in the world.

And I was wondering

He realised that in the course of one evening, the girl he had pretended not to notice for the last six years had completely stolen his heart. And given him something extra to fight for when the time came.

Yeah, and I was wondering

Ginny was the first to pull away, looking at Harry searchingly. Her cheeks were flushed and there was an emotion in her eyes that Harry could never even begin to describe.

“Harry, if this is some…”

He knew what she wanted to say, what she was thinking and he put his index finger on her lips. She thought that it was something he had decided to do at the spur of the moment, that it was a thank you, that it hadn’t meant anything.

“It’s not, Ginny.”

“But what if…?”

“Do you trust me?”

Harry didn’t know quite where he had gotten the ability to speak around her again, but he was grateful for it just the same.

“Of course.”

Harry’s heart soared when all he saw on her face was sincerity, though he wasn’t sure if she’d gotten his meaning.

“No, I mean… do you trust me not to hurt you?”

“I trust you not to intentionally hurt me.”

Harry brushed a stray hair off her forhead and tucked it behind one ear, not missing the fact that she had emphasised the word ‘intentionally’. He sighed and felt a pang of regret as he thought of the way he’d treated her.

“Well, that’s a good start, isn’t it?”

He sent her a grin, trying to lighten the mood, and was relieved when she smiled back and the smile turned into a laugh.

“Yes, Harry, it’s a very good start.”

I was wondering, yeah
Reviews 14

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