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Cause And Effect
By musicbaby13

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Category: Post-OotP
Characters:Harry/Ginny, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley
Genres: Fluff, Humor, Songfic
Warnings: None
Story is Complete
Rating: G
Reviews: 5
Summary: this is my first story : Harry has been fancying Ginny for some while. What little accident could go a long way.
Hitcount: Story Total: 5138


Cause and Effect

The song : Breaking Free
By: Zac Efron and Vanessa Anne Hudgens

A/N - I don’t own any of this, Ms. Rowling owns all of Harry Potter.

Harry was just sitting by the fire just thinking about anything actually. Well, not actually anything... more like this one particular red-headed girl who, which had fallen for ever since the summer after his 5th year.

Since he had grieved at the death of Sirius, Harry hadn’t been himself, and everyone had noticed. Although, no one wanted to get on Harry’s bad side, though Ginny was willing to take the chance. He remembered that day like it was yesterday...

Ever since Sirius’ death, and the arrival to the Burrow, Harry has been practically locked in that room of his! thought Ginny. True, she was really mad at Harry, but she still had feelings for him. She had told Hermione that she had given up on him, though it was true, but she never stopped liking him though. She just had given up on the fact he would ever like her the way she likes him.

Anyway, Ginny was knocking on the door to see if Harry would answer. Knowing him, he would just ignore me like he did ever since I met him, she thought. Much to her surprise, he said, “Come in”. Ginny came in and closed the door behind her. There was silence for about a minute, then Ginny spoke. " Harry is there something to talk about, I mean, well you've been locked up here and I was beginning to wonder if you wanted some company since everyone else is too bloody afraid to get on your bad side." Oh, I think I should’ve said the last part. Ginny thought. Maybe you will flip on me too now. maybe if I run out.....

Harry chuckled. " Ha, im not surprised that you would take the chance to see if I would flip out. No, im fine I mean if you want, you could sit here with me- if you want of course." Ginny heard the little shaking in his voice, but brushed it away from her mind and sat. From there they sat in silence but then Harry spoke, "Its all my fault that Sirius is dead. If I just listened to Hermione then none of this would've happened"

" Harry, none of this your fault. Sirius would do anything for you cause he loves you. We love you. He would never let anyone hurt you. He would die just to defend you. So don't blame yourself for something that you couldn't control yourself." Ginny said with a soft voice.

"Although Sirius is gone, we still are here to love you, to help you with anything. I'm here for you when you are upset, I shoulder to lean on." Ginny said in a whisper.

Those words touched Harry, He knew that Ginny had given up on him, and he was starting to realize Ginny Weasley, and not just as Ron's sister.

"Thanks Gin. I'm kinda hungry care to come with me for lunch?" Harry said.

"Sure ill race you to the kitchen table. Loser has to do Ron's laundry for a week." said Ginny while she shuddered.

"Your on." Harry said and he took off.

"HEY! No fair!" Ginny yelled.

[ End of Flashback]

Harry smiled and faced the fire while he remembered the look on Ginny's face when Harry beat her and she had to do Ron's laundry. Harry laughed to himself. Then came in Ron and Hermione, bickering with each other about god-knows-what now.

"It's not fair Hermione! just because we're prefects we don’t have to go around the castle looking around for nothing!" Ron said.

"Ron! That’s our job as prefects! we have to make sure that the castle is safe since You-Know-Who is out now and could be-"

Hermione stopped when she saw Harry sitting by himself looking at the fire.

"Go on you guys, I've heard enough bickering from you two ever since we first met. I'm used to it by now. This one is no different from any other." Harry said with a bit of a smile.

"Harry's right you know, why don't you just make up and go off to sneak somewhere to go snog like you always do." came a familiar voice to Harry, which made his heart skip a beat.

Hermione flushed and Ron's ears turned red.

"Haha Ginny, you'll pay for that." Ron said with a sly smile.

" Ooh, im so scared Ron." Ginny retorted with a smile.

How Harry liked it when Ginny smiled. It made his day to see her so happy and care-free when there's a mass murder around and just waiting for the right time to kill Harry. Ginny walked over to Harry and sat next to him. Ron and Hermione didn't say a word after and just left the common room. Harry and Ginny spent a lot of time together ever since Hermione and Ron had finally figured that they had feelings for each other.

"So Harry, what are you doing here, sitting alone on a Saturday?" said Ginny.

"Oh nothing, just thinking." Harry said stilling looking into the fire so he wouldn't have to looking into Ginny's eyes, so he wouldn't have to get lost into them.

"Oh, well, may I ask what it is your thinking?"

"Someone." Harry said with a little smile looking at Ginny.

"Someone?" Ginny asked, with a little confusion in her voice.

"Someone." Harry repeating with a bigger smile on his face now.

" Who is this lucky girl then?" Ginny added with a little disappointment and a little of confusion still in her voice.

" That’s for me to know and you to find out." He said with a sly grin. "But this is as much I could tell you before you do find out. I never felt this way about someone before and seeing her smile makes my day."

" How sweet, well, that girl you fancy is one lucky girl," Ginny said, not looking at Harry.

We're soarin', flyin'
There's not a star in heaven
That we can't reach

How come can't I just tell her how I've fallen for her. How come can't just have the courage to tell her: tell her that I’ve fancied you for a while now. There, that simple. now... I just need to get it into words.

"Harry? Harry!" Ginny said, worried.

"Oh, sorry. I dozed off." Harry said.

If we're trying
So we're breaking free

Ginny giggled. She was about to get up, but then she tripped over the rug and fell onto Harry’s lap.

"You alright there Ginny?" Harry said, looking deeply into her eyes.

"Yea im OK." Ginny said, looking back at Harry, without getting off his lap.

You know the world can see us
In a way that's different than who we are

"Ginny, I just have to say it, oh Merlin, I have no idea how this going to come out --"

"What is it Harry?"

"Well, you know how I said that I was thinking about someone. It's time for you to know who it was."

I don’t like the sound of this at all. Ginny thought

"Anyway, I -- well -- I fancy you. I mean like more than a crush, I mean I like you a whole lot and I didn't know how to say it was all so confusing and-"

"Harry, your rambling." Ginny giggled.

" See what I mean? your personality is rubbing onto me already." Harry said jokingly. Ginny hit Harry’s arm playfully.

With that, Harry leaned in and Ginny met him half-way. They shared a passionate first kiss. They broke apart finally.

Creating space between us
'Til we're separate hearts

“I take it that you feel the same way then. “ Harry said with a goofy smile. Ginny giggled and crashed her lips back on Harry’s. Still in their snogging session, the portrait hole opened, but Harry and Ginny didn't notice.

"Ahem." said Ron. “AHEM.” he said louder than before.

The voice was very familiar and Harry and Ginny sprang apart. Ron and Hermione were giggling and looking at Harry and Ginny in awe.

"What a pleasant site that was. To see my baby sister and best mate snogging." Ron said.

Both Harry and Ginny blushed bright red.

"Just don't hurt her Potter or you'll want to sleep with one eye open." Ron said with a mock-serious face.

"Don't worry, mate you don't have to worry about that." Harry said looking down at Ginny, smiling.

Ron and Hermione were heading up the stair just as Ron stopped and turned around.
"Oh yea Ginny, you know how I said you'll pay for what you said before? Well I have the perfect plan and it Included Fred and George in the making.” Ron said with a proud smile.

“Should we be worried?” Harry said.

“ Ah. No, I don’t think so. But if the subject does pull up, well lets say Ron’s plan had backfired onto himself.” Ginny said with a smile. “ But, now ill worry about this.” She turned back and they both went back to kissing. Some causes come with a good effect.
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