
SIYE Time:1:10 on 14th December 2024
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The Very Secret Diary of Ginny Weasley
By Hettie Hoffleboffer

Category: Pre-OotP
Characters:Harry/Ginny, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger
Genres: Angst, Drama
Warnings: Violence
Story is Complete
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ever wonder what really happened with Ginny, Tom Riddle and his diary? The often amusing and insightful truth unfolds as you go behind-the-scenes of Book Two and expeience the events of CoS through Ginny's eyes. From learning the intracasies of stalking your crush, afternoon teas with Hagrid, and finding out the true author of Harry's Valentine, you'll see that Ginny's first year at Hogwarts is one she will not soon forget--and neither will you!
Hitcount: Story Total: 181105



1. The Diary of Tom Riddle by Hettie Hoffleboffer
2730 words, updated on 2004.07.06 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar

2. The Journey to Hogwarts by Hettie Hoffleboffer
2444 words, updated on 2004.07.06 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstar

3. Hagrid by Hettie Hoffleboffer
2411 words, updated on 2004.07.06 [Reviews - 0]

4. Halloween by Hettie Hoffleboffer
1971 words, updated on 2004.07.06 [Reviews - 0]

5. The First Attack by Hettie Hoffleboffer
1920 words, updated on 2004.07.06 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarhalf-star

6. Slytherin VS. Gryffindor by Hettie Hoffleboffer
2298 words, updated on 2004.07.06 [Reviews - 0]

7. Guilty Secrets by Hettie Hoffleboffer
2572 words, updated on 2004.07.06 [Reviews - 0]

8. Truths Revealed by Hettie Hoffleboffer
1987 words, updated on 2004.07.06 [Reviews - 0]

9. Cruel Fate by Hettie Hoffleboffer
1621 words, updated on 2004.07.06 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar

10. Christmas at Hogwarts by Hettie Hoffleboffer
2423 words, updated on 2004.07.06 [Reviews - 0]

11. Ginny's Decision by Hettie Hoffleboffer
2195 words, updated on 2004.07.06 [Reviews - 0]

12. Valentines Day by Hettie Hoffleboffer
2541 words, updated on 2004.07.06 [Reviews - 0]

13. Foiled Plans by Hettie Hoffleboffer
2230 words, updated on 2004.07.06 [Reviews - 0]

14. Hello Again by Hettie Hoffleboffer
2771 words, updated on 2004.07.06 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarhalf-star

15. Confessions by Hettie Hoffleboffer
2174 words, updated on 2004.07.06 [Reviews - 0]

16. A Fate Too Terrible To Ignore by Hettie Hoffleboffer
3443 words, updated on 2004.07.06 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar

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