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Harry Potter and Godric's Legacy by hermyd [Reviews - 180]
** Winner of the November 2010 Dumbledore's Silver Trinket Award for Best Completed ** Post OotP. AU. Harry is fed up with Dumbledore's interference and sets out to do things his way, with help from some unexpected sources. When he learns the second half of the Prophecy, and finds his power, he won't allow anything to stand in his way. And he finds help from unexpected sources.
R - Alternate Universe, Post-OotP - Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance - Warnings: Death, Disturbing Imagery, Mild Sexual Situations - Words: 111774
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 15 - Published: 2009.10.23 - Updated: 2010.11.29 - Hits: 145658
Harry Potter and Love's Curse by Griffin C Gregory [Reviews - 7]
What if Harry had left the Dursleys to live with the Weasley's when he was eight? Love's Curse will follow that idea along with several others. This is the first story in a planned trilogy and will follow Harry's years at Hogwarts. The full summary will be included right before the prologue.
PG-13 - Alternate Universe, Pre-OotP - Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fluff, Romance, Tragedy - Warnings: Dark Fiction, Death, Mild Language, Spouse/Adult/Child Abuse, Violence - Words: 7296
Completed: No - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2015.09.01 - Updated: 2015.09.04 - Hits: 4328
Harry Potter and the Affairs of State by Nuvisionary [Reviews - 56]
** Winner of Adulthood in the “Potter’s Affairs” Challenge ** Somehow the idea of slipping into the pages of history is just not something Harry can do yet. It's not that he minds getting his affairs in order so he can go on with his life - it's that everyone else cares.
Harry Potter and the Alchemist’s Apprentice by Maraduar Mo [Reviews - 48]
As Dumbledore's funeral brings about a new era in Harry's life, how will he cope with the grief of his beloved headmaster, the break up with the love of his life, and the hardships that the Dark Lord has set up. But with all this, hope still shimmers as an old friend of Dumbledore returns to guide Harry through his crucible.
R - Post-HBP - Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance, Tragedy - Warnings: Dark Fiction, Death, Extreme Language, Sexual Situations, Violence - Words: 23487
Completed: No - Chapters: 10 - Published: 2007.06.03 - Updated: 2016.02.20 - Hits: 59291
Harry Potter and the Arts of Healing by Nuvisionary [Reviews - 174]
Finishing a war doesn't mean we all just come home and pick up where we left off. Harry needs to understand picking up the pieces doesn't mean he has to do it alone. And like everything in his life - it won't be easy. Alas, it will be worth it.
R - Post-DH/AB - Action/Adventure, Angst, Comedy, Drama, Fluff, Romance - Warnings: Disturbing Imagery, Mental Abuse, Mild Language, Mild Sexual Situations, Spouse/Adult/Child Abuse - Words: 212984
Completed: No - Chapters: 32 - Published: 2008.10.09 - Updated: 2011.05.07 - Hits: 191402
Harry Potter and the Bond of the Gryphon by Serpentspawn [Reviews - 57]
*** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated since 2005 ***
The Skyflames, more commonly known as the Gryphons, have existed for thousands of years, product of the Sky Goddess, Kyrama, and the Fire God, Pyrama,'s eternal love and courtship. However, they were hunted for their highly magical body parts. In retaliation to this obscenity her children were faced with, Kyrama forced a Bond between a greedy and cruel bounty hunter and a young Gryphon kit. Kyrama's touch ensured that man and Gryphon would live together in some semblance of harmony...or so she thought. Something went terribly wrong about five hundred years ago, and the Gryphon Bonded went into hiding; their glorious city went with them. Only one egg was left abandoned on the site that the City of the Bonded used to stand, fated....
PG-13 - Post-OotP - Action/Adventure, Drama, General - Warnings: Extreme Language - Words: 65505
Completed: No - Chapters: 9 - Published: 2004.09.04 - Updated: 2005.02.25 - Hits: 47535
Harry Potter And The Broken Wizard by Seeker_Quill07 [Reviews - 14]
Harry's past is slowly breaking him, with the resurrection of Voldemort the future looks even more dark. Will Harry succumb or will help come from friends he never expected to have? Sirius dead in third year. Neville is the BWL. Voldemort didn't keep all his hopes on just Horcruxes. How will our heroes solve this new mystery? h/g r/hr
PG-13 - Alternate Universe, Post-OotP, Pre-OotP - Action/Adventure, Angst, General, Tragedy - Warnings: Death, Mental Abuse, Mild Language, Mild Sexual Situations, Negative Alcohol Use, Spouse/Adult/Child Abuse, Violence - Words: 18834
Completed: No - Chapters: 6 - Published: 2022.01.24 - Updated: 2022.02.07 - Hits: 16571
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