
SIYE Time:2:18 on 11th December 2024
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Titles - A
Challenge Winner A Treatise On The Perils Of Excessive Involvement In The Reading Of Fiction by Torak starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 20]
** Winner of Best Overall in the Peter Pan Challenge **
** Winner of Best Unusual Story Creativity in the Peter Pan Challenge **
When the RoR provides an enchanted library for Ginny to relax in, her dreams take on a strangely literary bent... COMPLETE... for now.
PG-13 - Peter Pan Challenge (2007-4), Post-HBP - Action/Adventure, Comedy, Crossover, Fluff, General, Humor, Romance - Warnings: Mild Language, Mild Sexual Situations, Violence - Words: 12219
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 3 - Published: 2007.08.27 - Updated: 2007.09.04 - Hits: 45546

A Trip to Hogsweade by rufiel starstarstarstar [Reviews - 10]
The barmy little bugger decided to cancel Hogsmeade.
PG - Hogsmeade Challenge (2005-1) - Fluff, Humor, General - Warnings: None - Words: 2073
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2005.01.27 - Updated: 2005.01.27 - Hits: 4513

A True Gryffindor by Phil42 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 21]
A chore that Harry has been given by his Aunt reaps some unexpected benefits. The long-forgotten things he comes across are about to change his life.
PG-13 - Animagus Challenge (2013-1), Animagus Challenge (2013-1) - Action/Adventure, Humor - Warnings: None - Words: 8628
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 2 - Published: 2013.02.13 - Updated: 2013.02.21 - Hits: 10450

A Trunk, Some Magic, And A Girl by The Seeker starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 26]
Featuring Harry's Magical Trunk, in several iterations, our story follows the Fabulous Four, as they prepare to hunt horcruxes, play some pranks, customize a magical trunk, and fine tune a plan to love Tom to death. All in a day's work for our Hogwarts' Heroes. Right? Humbly submitted for the June Challenge and your reading pleasure. ***A sincere 'Thank You!' to all of you who nominated my other story He Didn't Stand A Chance for the June DSTAs for Best Romance and Best Overall. To now have the story make it into the voting round in both of those categories is beyond unbelievable. Thank you!
PG - Harry's Magical Trunk Challenge (2007-3) - Action/Adventure, Humor, Romance - Warnings: Death - Words: 6159
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2007.06.28 - Updated: 2007.06.29 - Hits: 6356

A Tug at the Heartstrings by blue_eyed_heartbeat starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 29]
At Christmastime at home in the Burrow, a year after Harry and his followers defeated Voldemort, Ginny struggles with what she feels is right and wrong, the death of her brother, her deep love for Harry, and day to day life in her last year at Hogwarts.
PG - Alternate Universe, Post-DH/AB - General, Romance - Warnings: None - Words: 21636
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 5 - Published: 2008.07.22 - Updated: 2009.01.28 - Hits: 31047

A Turn for the ... Different by knightwhosaysni starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 34]
*** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated since 2005 ***

An 'ordinary' girl. An 'ordinary' life. A not-so-ordinary boy.
PG-13 - Alternate Universe - Angst, Fluff, Humor - Warnings: Death, Extreme Language, Sexual Situations, Violence - Words: 10584
Completed: No - Chapters: 4 - Published: 2005.03.11 - Updated: 2005.06.25 - Hits: 17096

A Twist in Time: The Soul Bond by allycatdq911 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 17]
Harry Potter and his friends are out to save the world from the Dark Lord. But what happens when one unexpected sacrifice changes their lives forever? Time Travel, Soul-Bonding
PG-13 - Alternate Universe - Action/Adventure, Romance - Warnings: Death, Mild Language, Spouse/Adult/Child Abuse, Violence - Words: 2319
Completed: No - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2010.02.16 - Updated: 2010.02.19 - Hits: 12624

A Twist of Fate by Pink Lizard starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 17]
THIS STORY IS A RE-WRITE OF THE PERFECT VALENTINE'S DAY. Harry loves Ginny, Ginny loves Harry, the problem Ginny's with Dean and none of them knows the other's feelings. (A/n) I re-wrote my stroy: The Perfect Valentin'es day, I hoped to improve it and so please tell if I have. Obviously to do so you must R/R! Love Pink Lizardx
PG-13 - Post-OotP - Fluff - Warnings: Sexual Situations, Violence - Words: 3234
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2005.01.04 - Updated: 2005.01.04 - Hits: 6891

A Twisted Toad by BkRmGrl87 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 3]
Harry has James with him at the office for a "take your child to work day" and he get's more than he's bargained for.
PG-13 - Post-DH/AB - Drama, Fluff, Humor, Romance - Warnings: Mild Sexual Situations - Words: 1482
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2016.10.09 - Updated: 2016.10.10 - Hits: 4200

A Valentine Surprise by hebmit starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 30]
It's Valentine's Day, and Ginny has received a mysterious note from Harry.
G - Post-OotP - Fluff - Warnings: None - Words: 2532
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2003.12.19 - Updated: 2003.12.19 - Hits: 7553

A Valentine Surprise, Revisited by hebmit starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 16]
A companion piece to my story, A Valentine Surprise. The story from Harry's point of view, plus a little more at the end. Harry decides to confess his feelings to Ginny, but needs to find the perfect Valentine gift. Meanwhile, Ron and Hermione are not making it easy on him- This one will be funnier if you read the other story first. H/G, with some R/Hr.
G - Post-OotP - Fluff, Humor - Warnings: None - Words: 6694
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2004.01.13 - Updated: 2004.01.13 - Hits: 5317

A Valentine's to Remember by Lonecall starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 8]
Valentine's Day is coming and Harry desperately wants to show Ginny just how much he loves her, but he's going to need help with this one. Special appearance by Dobby the House Elf. Also contains R/Hr as well.
PG - Alternate Universe - Fluff, Humor - Warnings: Sexual Situations - Words: 4836
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2005.12.07 - Updated: 2005.12.07 - Hits: 5487

A Valentines Day Chocolaty Delight by Myk starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 11]
Harry and Ginny go on a Hogsmeade weekend with a difference, it's one day, not a weekend and it's not in Hogsmeade!
G - Hogsmeade Challenge (2005-1) - Comedy, Fluff - Warnings: None - Words: 2286
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2005.01.15 - Updated: 2005.01.15 - Hits: 4672

A veela in Hogwarts by merlin starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 8]
What would have happened if an unknown part veela from Durmstrang would have got admission in Hogwarts in third year. My version of hp from poa. Please rate and review.
R - Alternate Universe - Action/Adventure, Angst, Comedy, Drama, General, Romance, Tragedy - Warnings: Death, Mental Abuse, Mild Language, Mild Sexual Situations, Rape, Violence, Violence/Physical Abuse - Words: 8158
Completed: No - Chapters: 2 - Published: 2020.01.12 - Updated: 2021.04.25 - Hits: 6076

A Very Hairy Christmas by YelloWitchGrl starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 20]
Things haven't been easy for Harry. He wants to propose to Ginny but several things get in his way, including the twins, her dad and a face full of hair. Things can't get worse... can they? Written for the Christmas Challenge
PG-13 - December Engagement Challenge (2006-6) - Comedy, Fluff, General, Humor - Warnings: Sexual Situations - Words: 6594
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2006.12.24 - Updated: 2006.12.24 - Hits: 7172

A Very Happy Birthday Indeed by opalish starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 15]
HarryGinny fluff. It's Ginny's eighteenth birthday, and has Harry got a surprise for her! Of course, this being Harry, he gets it all wrong... There's some minor RHr as well.
PG - Post-OotP - Comedy, Fluff - Warnings: None - Words: 1884
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2005.02.07 - Updated: 2005.02.08 - Hits: 7172

A Very Harry Christmas by Abraxan starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 13]
Harry had awful Christmases when he was with the Dursleys, but much nicer ones with the Weasleys and at Hogwarts. I wanted him to have an absolutely fabulous one, and so this story was born. Merry Christmas! Remember to read "The Refiner's Fire" and "The Time of Destiny" before reading this otherwise some things might not make sense.
PG - Post-OotP - Action/Adventure - Warnings: None - Words: 7592
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2006.01.03 - Updated: 2006.01.03 - Hits: 8236

A Very Important Secret by Pottermum starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 10]
** Winner of the November 2018 Dumbledore's Silver Trinket Award for Best New Story **
Ginny Weasley loves attending the muggle primary school in Ottery St Catchpole. There she befriends a boy named Harry. AU
G - Alternate Universe - Fluff, General - Warnings: None - Words: 7437
Completed: No - Chapters: 2 - Published: 2019.01.16 - Updated: 2019.02.15 - Hits: 17010

A Very Muggle Christmas by Belle starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 31]
*** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated since 2004 ***

Entry for the SIYE Christmas Challenge. Hermione's family invites all the Weasley's to spend the holidays with them! Do they know what they're getting into?
PG - Christmas Challenge (2003-6) - Comedy, Drama, Fluff, Humor - Warnings: None - Words: 3624
Completed: No - Chapters: 2 - Published: 2004.01.12 - Updated: 2004.01.18 - Hits: 10472

A Very Potter Christmas by Pottermum starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 6]
** Honourable Mention in the November 2017 Dumbledore's Silver Trinket for Best One-Shot **
It's time to decorate the Potter family Christmas tree. Harry loves Christmas, Ginny's going balmy, James and Lily won't stop arguing and all Albus wants is a bloody good snog from his boyfriend - is that too much to ask?
PG-13 - Cursed Child and beyond, Holidays - Fluff, General, Humor - Warnings: None - Words: 3490
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2017.12.01 - Updated: 2017.12.01 - Hits: 4559

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