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By The Way I Think I Love You by katlover070 [Reviews - 3]
This is my version of Harry’s 7th year. He defeated Voldemort over the summer, with the help of Dumbledore of course, and was enjoying his 7th year. In this story, he didn’t go out with Ginny in his 6th year, but saw her as a best friend like Ron and Hermione.
G - Alternate Universe, Post-HBP - Fluff - Warnings: None - Words: 2080
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2009.08.21 - Updated: 2009.08.21 - Hits: 4646
Call Me Mum by MyGinevra [Reviews - 6]
Charlie, Molly, Arthur, and the twins find out that Ginny and Harry are dating, but actually it's gone waaaay beyond dating.
Can You Forgive Us? by LillithaWarren [Reviews - 36]
Harry Potter grew up without his parents in his life. Lilly and James Potter died when Harry was just a baby, leaving him with his only living relatives. Or did they? What would happen if James and Lilly were still alive, but in hiding? What if they hid to protect Harry because they knew something about the future that he didn’t? What if they had to hide to keep the future on the right track? That is, until the right time came around.
R - Post-OotP, Alternate Universe - Action/Adventure, Angst, Comedy, Drama, Fluff, Humor, Romance - Warnings: Death, Mild Language, Mild Sexual Situations, Violence - Words: 7401
Completed: No - Chapters: 4 - Published: 2011.07.04 - Updated: 2011.07.26 - Hits: 14210
Can't Handle by MrsHarryPotter_12 [Reviews - 12]
*** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated since 2006 ***
Harry can't handle another one of his loved ones dying. That's why he broke up with Ginny, that's why he is barely able to let Ron and Hermione come with him on his search for Horocruxes. But he soon realizes that he also can't handle not being with Ginny. But as the consequences that he foresaw painfully unfold, he realizes he can't live without her and he has to die if she does. The only questions are: does Ginny die; and if she does how will Harry, by the hand of Voldemort or by his own hand?
PG-13 - Post-HBP - Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fluff, Tragedy - Warnings: Dark Fiction, Death, Sexual Situations, Violence - Words: 5210
Completed: No - Chapters: 3 - Published: 2005.12.29 - Updated: 2006.05.29 - Hits: 15099
Can't Look Away by Amaralicia [Reviews - 8]
"You're beautiful," he tells her, and an embarrassed blush covers his cheeks slightly. I sound like a sappy git, he berates himself. But, he's telling the truth.
* A collection of drabbles all centered around H/G *
PG - Post-OotP, Post-HBP - Fluff, General, Romance - Warnings: Mild Sexual Situations - Words: 1174
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2014.06.10 - Updated: 2014.06.11 - Hits: 4630
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