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Limerence by something_like_space [Reviews - 9]
It is the morning after Ginny has finally graduated and Harry feels blissfully happy. A letter arives.
R - Post-Hogwarts, Post-DH/AB - Romance - Warnings: Intimate Sexual Situations, Sexual Situations - Words: 9806
Completed: No - Chapters: 3 - Published: 2019.04.28 - Updated: 2019.05.04 - Hits: 8694
Little Gifts by Moonhunter [Reviews - 17]
The Gryffindor girls are a little disappointed with their men; little do they know what surprises are in store for them!
Live Like You Were Dying by GinnyMarie [Reviews - 12]
"I went sky diving, I went rocky mountain climbing, I went two point seven seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu. And I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter, And I gave forgiveness I'd been denying. An' he said: 'Some day, I hope you get the chance, To live like you were dyin.'" ....What if Harry decided to do those things? How would Ginny react?...songfic to Live Like You Were Dying by Tim McGraw...
PG - Post-OotP - Comedy, Fluff, General, Humor, Romance, Songfic - Warnings: None - Words: 4714
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2006.09.26 - Updated: 2006.09.26 - Hits: 5124
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