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Reviews For The Forgotten Girl

Reviewer: Centurion Signed Date: 2014.03.29 - 01:51PM Title: MIXED EMOTIONS


I'm in the process of reading through your stories and can't help but think that you have made Ginny out to be quite selfish. I mean I absolutely loved her up until somewhere into fourth year when her and Michael started. She knows that she is going to end up with Harry but then she goes and does this stuff with Michael. I know that she is still a teenager but I would think she is more mature than this. All she seems to think about is how Harry is mooning over Cho but then she turns around and gives Michael a hand job which I think is so highly hypocritical that it isn't funny, I thought she was mature. Then there's the thing with not helping him with his anger problems, pretty much saying the consequences are to give him a lesson. I can understand in canon with her not knowing everything but with her in his mind (without telling him even if he does know it subconsciously) she seems to do little to help him. I suppose the thing that is bothering me the most is that she is going pretty far with Michael even though she knows he isn't the one, I would think she would be better than that. I just think that it's kind of like cheating on Harry, he may not know that they are meant to be together but she does yet she goes and not just gets a boyfriends but gets sexual with him. I just hope it doesn't go too much farther. Other than Ginny pretty much cheating on Harry (in my opinion), the writing is fantastic with hardly noticeable grammar and just a few typos. Some stories I just cannot read because the grammar is so bad but I am happy to say this is a very good story for not being beta'ed (at least I don't think it's beta'ed because I haven't seen a mention of one anywhere).I'm going to give it an 7 out of 10 because it has excellent grammar and stuff like that but the Ginny seems... eh in my opinion, I hope you'll make it up when her and Harry finally get together. I know you probably won't see this as you haven't been active in about two years but I feel I had to get my rant off somewhere and where better than a review.

Reviewer: piltad Signed Date: 2008.09.11 - 08:36PM Title: MIXED EMOTIONS

Can't believe you did it still but to me I am fully hoping Harry really hits it off with some girl to get back to at Ginny and the way she is acting which is very odd to me only one other person i know has turned me against ginny and that was A Draco Ginny fic till Harry figured himself out and wanted Ginny.

Reviewer: Artistand Signed Date: 2008.08.29 - 10:00PM Title: MIXED EMOTIONS


No Review

Reviewer: Huskers Signed Date: 2008.03.09 - 12:58PM Title: MIXED EMOTIONS


Unless it's a change to cannon, I don't recal that Harry and Cho's kiss was a good one by the way JKR wrote it. Either way, you're moving forward quickly through old cannon, which is nice. It's tough to read new stuff, but still be stuck in old story. As I've said, you need to move on. Hopefull you do in the sequels to this.

Reviewer: bookish327 Signed Date: 2008.02.13 - 05:42PM Title: MIXED EMOTIONS


No Review

Reviewer: Scorcher Signed Date: 2007.03.25 - 05:10PM Title: MIXED EMOTIONS


Yay.. more of Ginnys greatnes: Now she can get anywhere in the school when ever she feels like it. And what's more, no-one can notice her! Yay!

And it's still funny as hell that she'll give Michael a handjob and then let's Harry have it just for wanting to kiss Cho..

Finally something's not so perfect with her..

Reviewer: MIssGinny Anonymous Date: 2006.05.17 - 11:54PM Title: MIXED EMOTIONS


another good chapter~! ginny should have bot boogey hexed micheal!! and dang harry for hurting her like that with that stupid cho

Reviewer: dolphingirl79 Anonymous Date: 2005.10.31 - 10:43AM Title: MIXED EMOTIONS


poor Ginny. Now I finalyy figured why they came came up with the expression, down, boy, down... Keep up the good work.

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