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Reviews For The Forgotten Girl

Reviewer: piltad Signed Date: 2008.09.11 - 08:25PM Title: HOGSMEADE

Well I will say hope that Harry's kiss really affects Ginny I don't know you turned me against her lol

Reviewer: Huskers Signed Date: 2008.03.09 - 11:46AM Title: HOGSMEADE


Nice work.

Reviewer: bookish327 Signed Date: 2008.02.13 - 05:25PM Title: HOGSMEADE


No Review

Reviewer: Scorcher Signed Date: 2007.03.25 - 04:46PM Title: HOGSMEADE


finally something stupid that ginny does that I could notice.. I'm not sure if there's been more of these or if you did not mean it to seem like it but it's kind of funny that Ginny is mad at Harry for not seeing that Cho is really in it when she goes for an act like:

"I just . . .well . . ." he was stammering and I stopped short, looking at him with interest. Never, ever, had I seen Michael at a loss for words.

"It’s just, when I saw them," he looked at me and smiled rather sheepishly, "they just reminded me of you." He gave a small shrug. "You know, vibrant and colorful and, well, full of life."

How do you get to a girls knickers 101: If you normally are very open and good with words especially with ladies, act sheepishly and awkward a bit. She'll think you're so adorable..

haha! excellent! more of these!

Reviewer: MIssGinny Anonymous Date: 2006.05.17 - 11:10PM Title: HOGSMEADE


uggghhh boys!

Reviewer: oopy922 Anonymous Date: 2005.10.30 - 09:25PM Title: HOGSMEADE


its so sad. poor ginny i cant wait to see what happens! great job!!!!

Reviewer: lavenderdusk Anonymous Date: 2005.10.24 - 01:00AM Title: HOGSMEADE


Again, a good chapter! I love this story and the whole universe. A small little typo problem: " Centering, it turned out, was a spell designed to channel excess sexual and which was supposed to generate an aura of cool detachment and sexual allurement." Needs to have "energy" > added.

Reviewer: C Anonymous Date: 2005.10.20 - 12:42AM Title: HOGSMEADE


Haha. My friend and I call the little puffball clouds stereotypical clouds. I love the story. Thsi series is my very, very favorite. =D

Reviewer: ashlyn Anonymous Date: 2005.10.17 - 07:39PM Title: HOGSMEADE


i love your story!!!! update soon!!!!

Reviewer: moonlight Anonymous Date: 2005.10.16 - 03:41PM Title: HOGSMEADE


Sorry that was me trying to review this one. I have always like this stry, tosee Gin as little girl growing in to the woman we see later on is wonderful

Reviewer: Gemfire29 Anonymous Date: 2005.10.16 - 12:46PM Title: HOGSMEADE


Fantastic!!! Im always soo fascinated on how you can possibly manage so many stories.. but Im happy that you do of course.. lol Ive gone to the length of wanting to knwo exactly how Sandlewood smells like.. It was really bothering me.. So I managed to adctually get Sandlewood Incense. they smell really nice actually lol

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