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Reviews For The Forgotten Girl

Reviewer: I Love Ginerva Signed Date: 2012.05.01 - 11:04PM Title: HARRY ARRIVES


*sigh* I know it has to happen, but I really dislike the Ginny/Micheal (and later the Ginny/Dean that I'm sure is to come) elements... guess I'll just have to suck it up...


Reviewer: piltad Signed Date: 2008.09.11 - 07:52PM Title: HARRY ARRIVES

I don't know personally I think you should of broke of right now from cannon I don't like the way you have Ginny talking to me your getting me to turn on her your really playing a fine line. To me I am thinking she is kinda being a b***h about it.

Reviewer: Huskers Signed Date: 2008.03.09 - 11:15AM Title: HARRY ARRIVES


I wish you'd given her a form different than a cat. And I like the events between Harry and Ginny that are not part of cannon. This story really does have so much more potentail than you've given it so far. You really do need to leave cannon behind and set your own path.

Reviewer: bookish327 Signed Date: 2008.02.13 - 04:37PM Title: HARRY ARRIVES


No Review

Reviewer: iluvginny Signed Date: 2007.04.15 - 11:44PM Title: HARRY ARRIVES


ok i love this story but i don't understand. when harry was in the hall after hte bath in GoF he addrested ginny by her name and yet harry or ginny never said anythign to eachother about that, i thought that she would have told him all of it by now. i meen what mida said before was one of the things stoping her but after she told her to fuck off i thouhgt she would disregaurd what she said about waiting for harry to come around and tell him, since it's aperent he dosen't look at her as his "best freinds little sister" anymore

please cath me up to speed a little bit or just tell me if ill find out later or something pleeeeease??

Reviewer: MIssGinny Anonymous Date: 2006.05.17 - 10:07PM Title: HARRY ARRIVES


ohhh another lovely chapter!! i loved the last part especailly!!!

Reviewer: BrowneyedWeasleyGirl Signed Date: 2006.02.13 - 09:43PM Title: HARRY ARRIVES



Reviewer: rondastarr Anonymous Date: 2005.09.07 - 11:39PM Title: HARRY ARRIVES


great chapter. I like the way your bringing Harry and Ginny together and all the little side adventures that we can imagine taking place between the lines of the book :)

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