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Reviews For The Forgotten Girl

Reviewer: piltad Signed Date: 2008.09.11 - 05:42PM Title: AFTERMATH

Hmm well another great chapter though I do think that with you telling us it will take until 6th year from them to get togerher is kinda making it a slow read still think that you shouldn't of told us anything about the future.

Reviewer: Huskers Signed Date: 2008.03.09 - 10:42AM Title: AFTERMATH


I'm really begining to detest Molly. A nicely written chapter.

Reviewer: bookish327 Signed Date: 2008.02.13 - 03:46PM Title: AFTERMATH


No Review

Reviewer: MIssGinny Anonymous Date: 2006.05.17 - 04:07PM Title: AFTERMATH


another really good chapter!! cant wait to read more

Reviewer: harrypassion Anonymous Date: 2005.08.28 - 10:21AM Title: AFTERMATH


this was very good part of the story I have only one question How do you go from July 10 in one part of the dairy entry to July6 in the next breath

Reviewer: GemFire29 Anonymous Date: 2005.07.26 - 05:07AM Title: AFTERMATH


wow.. I liked this chapter and I just remembered that Ginny is going to learn that to be an animagi soon. Cant wait till the next chapter.

Reviewer: GemFire29 Anonymous Date: 2005.07.26 - 05:07AM Title: AFTERMATH


wow.. I liked this chapter and I just remembered that Ginny is going to learn that to be an animagi soon. Cant wait till the next chapter.

Reviewer: MWags Signed Date: 2005.07.17 - 10:04PM Title: AFTERMATH

I can't wait to see Ginny's impressions of the trial and to see if Harry and Ginny's connection was the reason that Harry abruptly woke up early the morning of the trial.

Reviewer: MWags Signed Date: 2005.07.16 - 10:37PM Title: AFTERMATH


Well, another greate chapter. It is July 16th and the post office didn't deliver the 6th book yet. Luckily, I had a new chapter to read from the Forgotten Girl while I reread the OOTP. I am reading along with your story so please post soon.

Reviewer: aryell Signed Date: 2005.07.14 - 07:41PM Title: AFTERMATH


Whoa Ginny has a temper!

Reviewer: amulder Anonymous Date: 2005.07.13 - 09:03PM Title: AFTERMATH


I *do* like your Ginny. She is a real firebrand. She *feels* so strongly, and it is well conveyed. You don't seem to like Molly much, the way she's written here. thanks for sharing.

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