Reviews For The Forgotten Girl
Reviewer: piltad Signed Date: 2008.09.11 - 04:07AM Title: THE HOWLER AND HAIR RIBBONS Well from the feelings Ginny is getting I am assuming your going to start getting into some big action and get away from cannon while I liked you playing in cannon I won't lie I am excited to see what you come up with all by yourself. Reviewer: Huskers Signed Date: 2008.03.08 - 10:11PM Title: THE HOWLER AND HAIR RIBBONS I'm actually begining to think Mira is Ginny from the future. Reviewer: Scorcher Signed Date: 2007.03.25 - 10:24AM Title: THE HOWLER AND HAIR RIBBONS oh wow there is something wrong with Ginny afterall: She can't draw! wohoo! Reviewer: MIssGinny Anonymous Date: 2006.05.16 - 06:24PM Title: THE HOWLER AND HAIR RIBBONS another great chapter! cant wait to read more Reviewer: Irile Anonymous Date: 2005.05.25 - 11:30AM Title: THE HOWLER AND HAIR RIBBONS I love your story, and can't wait to find more about Mira. For some strange reason I don't like the idea of Mira being Ginny from the Future... but is your story and I really love it.
Please update soon, this is one of the bests stories I've ever read. I also loved Summer of the serpent and life is but a dream. Reviewer: starpikmin Signed Date: 2005.05.24 - 10:02PM Title: THE HOWLER AND HAIR RIBBONS Thanks for updating! I really like your series, but this particular story is my favorite! I'm also looking forward to a new chapter of facing Future.
I can't wait to find out who Mira is. I mean, I have an idea,but is a little far-fetched. I think mira is Ginny from the future. I always associated Mira with Mirror, don't ask me why,
Anyway, great chapter as always! It's interesting to see how things are evolving for little Ginny! Thanks! Reviewer: rondastarr Anonymous Date: 2005.05.24 - 07:12PM Title: THE HOWLER AND HAIR RIBBONS I just wanted to let you know that this is one of my favorite stories. I greatly look forward to this being updated. I thought I would review and let you know how much I like it. Update again soon. Reviewer: dolphingirl79 Anonymous Date: 2005.05.24 - 04:10PM Title: THE HOWLER AND HAIR RIBBONS another homerun keep up the good work. Reviewer: LS Puffin Signed Date: 2005.05.24 - 03:07PM Title: THE HOWLER AND HAIR RIBBONS thank god, i thought you were dead! please, i need more! | |||||||