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Reviews For The Forgotten Girl

Reviewer: I Love Ginerva Signed Date: 2012.05.01 - 04:28PM Title: THE SECOND TASK


No Review

Reviewer: piltad Signed Date: 2008.09.11 - 03:52AM Title: THE SECOND TASK

Hmm well seems like you aren't moving quite as fast paced as you were doing last year which I really wish you were

Reviewer: Huskers Signed Date: 2008.03.08 - 04:22PM Title: THE SECOND TASK


So Ginny sent Myrtle to help Harry. The problem with her getting worried is she knows it will all be fine. She shouldn't do anything.

Reviewer: Scorcher Signed Date: 2007.03.25 - 10:01AM Title: THE SECOND TASK


And now Harry couldn't have managed without Ginny's brilliant idea of sending Myrtle to help him.. right.
And oh dear her life is so hard.. imagine the distress that must come from being behind in you class work and having boys competing and getting mad over quality time with her..

Reviewer: MIssGinny Anonymous Date: 2006.05.16 - 06:14PM Title: THE SECOND TASK


another very good chapter!!! excellent if i must say so cant wait to read more

Reviewer: critmo Signed Date: 2005.05.17 - 08:41AM Title: THE SECOND TASK


I've rushed through this, and I can't help it: With Ginny knowing that she and Harry will get together, everything she does with other boys just feels terribly wrong. I know she's got the right to do what she wants etc., but it still wrenches my guts. And so does what's going to happen with Dean (re-read it this morning). I understand she's going to be hurt when it comes to Harry and Cho etc., but at least Harry isn't doing it intenionally.

Reviewer: sillymin Anonymous Date: 2005.05.09 - 09:32PM Title: THE SECOND TASK


I love it when there's more! Keep 'em coming, I'm really not looking forward to these all ending though.... keep chasing those plotbunnies, don't let a single one get away from you!! Good job as always!

Reviewer: Sibling Creature Anonymous Date: 2005.05.09 - 11:10AM Title: THE SECOND TASK


*smiles* I was waiting for the George/Gabrielle scene... after the dream sequence I wanted to see the reaction to seeing it in real life so to speak. I'm still not loving the Ginny/Michael stuff, though it does give me something to look forward to in a scene after a certain quidditch match ;-)

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