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Reviews For The Forgotten Girl

Reviewer: piltad Signed Date: 2008.09.11 - 03:38AM Title: STAIRWAY TO PARADISE

Well done like how you play with in the cannon you are truly a master at doing that. Though I will say some spelling and spacing mistakes agian.

Reviewer: Huskers Signed Date: 2008.03.08 - 03:47PM Title: STAIRWAY TO PARADISE


Again, a nice chapter. And, again the same complaints

Reviewer: Scorcher Signed Date: 2007.03.25 - 09:40AM Title: STAIRWAY TO PARADISE

And apparently she's smarter than anyone else. Granted she's got all the right information but she's been putting two and two togheter faster than anyone else including Harry, Snape, Hermione and Dumbledore(all of which are credited of being incredibly clever(well maybe not Harry but still)) with Sirius and now with Moody.

I understand her eagarness to help her love but she doesn't think too higly of Harry if she doesn't think that he can take care of himself or that she thinks he can't manage without her help. The only good thing that's pulling Ginny to Harry seems to be his eyes and the fact that he saved her (You wrote youself that there are more handsome and more clever and smarter boys in Hogwarts).. that's not really that much, is it? From what I've gatherd, with love comes respect and only respect Ginny seems to have for Harry is the ocasional "He doesn't even realize how powerful he is" comment. And even that is a bit donwgrading: he doesn't seem realize aything, does he.

What I'm trying to say is that, ignoring all the extra power stuff and consentrating on the people, right now this story isn't very realistic..

Reviewer: Scorcher Signed Date: 2007.03.25 - 09:26AM Title: STAIRWAY TO PARADISE


I just realized that in you've made everyone a bit smarter and.. well.. more sexually aware but in order to keep the original storyline of what goes on with Harry, Ron and Hermione you've had to keep them the same. And keeping them the same has made them a bit stupid. Everyone else has been talking about snogging and fondling since second year but those three are more or less ignorant about that stuff and it really start to make a contrast between them. It's like Harry, and the others, is still a first year.

And I relly hope that at somepoint Ginny is going to do something stupid too. Because right now she's pretty much perfect. Everyone loves her (except Mandy ofcourse), she knows everything that Voldemort knew when he was sixteen and as Voldemort was the best.. apparently she's gorgeous (as is aparently everyone else, except Harry who you've kept the same thin awkward bloke) and she could do everything better than anyone (summon them both Harry!)..

it's getting a bit lame seeing her seeing herself better than anyone else..

Reviewer: hogwartsprincess Signed Date: 2007.03.19 - 03:12AM Title: STAIRWAY TO PARADISE


I love how you have Ginny being a dancer. I myself am a dancer, pointe being my favorite type of dancing. I have wondered, if for instance, I went to Hogwarts, how I would continue my dance lessons and practice while in a boarding school.

Reviewer: Samantha Anonymous Date: 2005.12.30 - 02:07PM Title: STAIRWAY TO PARADISE


I still like this story, but Ginny's Birthday is August 11th.

Reviewer: Fasor Anonymous Date: 2005.04.30 - 03:57PM Title: STAIRWAY TO PARADISE


I like all your stories quite a lot and this is a nice different point of view story :)

Reviewer: Sibling Creature Anonymous Date: 2005.04.29 - 02:41AM Title: STAIRWAY TO PARADISE


ooh I like that he called her by name, a nice touch. :-) It's facinating watching Ginny watching through Harry's eyes...

Author's Response: Yes, sort of interesting when he finally puts it all together in TOWARD TOMORROW by realizing that she was there, in his head, all along!

Reviewer: Gardengirl Anonymous Date: 2005.04.28 - 12:11PM Title: STAIRWAY TO PARADISE


Ah, at last, we get some more of the young Ginny. Not quite as rollicking as previous updates, but still a delightful read. Looking forward to more of this, plus the sequelae to TTT! Cheers, Michelle

Reviewer: starpikmin Signed Date: 2005.04.28 - 11:37AM Title: STAIRWAY TO PARADISE


Great chapter!!!! "Look, Gin, it's me who wants to do the seeing. I'll steer well clear of them I promise. Ginny froze, hardly daring to breath. Harry responding to her mental promptings wasn't exactly new, but he'd called her by her name! How could he possibly know?" I loved that!!!! harry responding tpo her in a subconscious level? Man, that was great!!! Even I was a bit surprised by the whole thing. The way the interact in their minds, harry thinking he is talking to himself whenever he responds to her... Amazing! Keep uptading! This is one of my favorite stories ever!! I just love Ginny, and it's so nice to see her being portrayed in such a wonderful is really nice!!!!

Author's Response: Ginny is by far my favorite character (aside from Harry of course), and she's been through so much - she deserves some happiness! And her own story. :)

Reviewer: rondastarr Anonymous Date: 2005.04.28 - 10:24AM Title: STAIRWAY TO PARADISE


This is one of my favorite stories that I am following right now. Ginny is my favorite character, in fandom at least. It's good you are puting her to good use. Update soon.

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