Reviews For The Forgotten Girl
Reviewer: piltad Signed Date: 2008.09.11 - 03:02AM Title: BEING HARRY Well that was odd the first ppl I believe you call them what I think of is Elves wonder if they are or not but that is what came to my mind when I read that Reviewer: Huskers Signed Date: 2008.03.08 - 02:09AM Title: BEING HARRY Really interesting that it is GInny who is being prepared for the battle with Voldemort more than Harry. At least to this point. Reviewer: arien043 Anonymous Date: 2007.09.25 - 05:38AM Title: BEING HARRY A really nice story... I've been enjoying it and haven't been able to stop clicking the 'next' button. The dialogue is well-written, the plot gripping, the characterisations spot-on. You've taken quite a few cliche's and made them seem fresh. I especially like the way you insinuate your fic into the canon timeline - like how the Weasley twins use the timeturner to find out who wins the Quidditch match. It's brilliant! Reviewer: MIssGinny Anonymous Date: 2006.05.11 - 06:34PM Title: BEING HARRY ohhhh who was that?? what was he wanting? what was he talking about ohhh im reading on to find out Reviewer: Samantha Anonymous Date: 2005.12.30 - 01:33PM Title: BEING HARRY I like this story. Maybe I'm confused, but in Harry's 4th year, wouldn't Cho just be a 5th year, not a sixth year? Reviewer: danabird Anonymous Date: 2005.04.09 - 09:42PM Title: BEING HARRY This is a very intriguing and complex story. I'm enjoying it very much and hope you'll update soon. Reviewer: Muggle Witch Anonymous Date: 2005.03.30 - 09:48AM Title: BEING HARRY This, as your other stories, are wonderful. I also thought a time turner was used by the twins. The letter from future Harry was sweet. Looking forward to the next update. Reviewer: Jaquelyne Signed Date: 2005.03.29 - 03:19PM Title: BEING HARRY I am guessing that the man is the actual First people whereas Mira is someone else all together... (Like Harry and Ginny's first or second child) Mira just knows too much about the future. But this is another person confirming what Mirahassaid about the future for Harry and Gin,
I wanted to commend you on this fic, well all of them. When we met Mathais in TtT, I was reminded of Ginny's rush of Memories from when she got the letter from Harry in this fic. The fact that he alway kept a pair of socks around for Harry.
I love your wprk and look forward to the rest of it.
Jaquelyne | |||||||