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Reviews For The Forgotten Girl

Reviewer: piltad Signed Date: 2008.09.11 - 02:47AM Title: BETS AND BETRAYALS

Well done I don't know how you do it but you are far the best at staying within cannon but still writing your own story with it.... Bravo

Reviewer: Huskers Signed Date: 2008.03.08 - 01:50AM Title: BETS AND BETRAYALS


a really brilliant idea for the time turner and how fred and george win the bet. Still, the McGonagal I know from JKR's writing would have figured out who took it in seconds. Also, JKR specifically warns about past and future selves seeing the self that is time traveling. Ginny's familly all missing the recital is really sad, sad in that it shows just how little she really means to all of them. I'm finding it very easy to not like this version of the Weasley familly. They jsut aren't nice people, belive it or not.

Reviewer: MIssGinny Anonymous Date: 2006.05.11 - 05:21PM Title: BETS AND BETRAYALS


another good chapter

Reviewer: MWags Signed Date: 2005.07.02 - 01:33PM Title: BETS AND BETRAYALS


Brilliant as always. A time turner! That explains a lot. You know I am going to have to reread GOF for the fourth time after I read your story BEFORE the movie comes out. Also, SIYE owes you for finally dragging me and who knows who else over from Checkmated to finish it. I finally figured out where I left off over there. It was after the Lessons chapter.

Reviewer: grs100 Anonymous Date: 2005.03.16 - 12:36AM Title: BETS AND BETRAYALS


Oh, boy. I can't wait to see the row when Ginny starts playing quidditch. She'll probably say that the quidditch team is no place for a proper woman, in front of Angelina. But she wouldn't get the chance, would she. Well, there's always a Howler. Anyway, Love the stories. This backstory for Ginny sets up the future events very well.

Author's Response: Welcome to the world of SSPOTTER. It all ties in! Thanks for reading1

Reviewer: RDC Anonymous Date: 2005.03.15 - 10:36PM Title: BETS AND BETRAYALS


Following on from my last comment; I guess that is the reason for your story title, der!!

Reviewer: RDC Anonymous Date: 2005.03.15 - 10:33PM Title: BETS AND BETRAYALS


Good chapter, up to your usual high standard! Warning, minor rant follows... I have to say that Molly is starting to worry me a little as she is portrayed in your stories. She always seems to be holding Ginny back from everything fun and often seems to ignore her. I guess you are trying to portray Molly as incredibly old-fashioned - after all you do have Arthur elsewhere mention that the Prewetts are very old-fashioned in their domestic ways. However, it seems to me that Molly and Ginny have a very distant relationship here, not very close at all, which is no doubt exacerbated by the whole Riddle affair. I guess the reason you are doing this is to give Ginny an experience that is a little similar to Harry's at the Dursleys. Harry is treated horribly by his relatives and is treated as a domestic servant while Ginny is treated a lot better but is still regarded by Molly as little more than a domestic helper. Molly never seems to think that Ginny might have career aspirations or anything and Ginny never seems to be congratulated for her marks at Hogwarts. I would really like to see Ginny tell off her family for missing her first dance. They all seem to take her totally for granted!! Finally, it is nice to see George and Bill as the exceptions to this. I like how you have Hermione and Ginny become friends. I also love your portrayal of Arthur and the way he sticks up for Ginny.

Author's Response: Did you read SUMMER OF THE SERPENT? Things have changed drastically with Ginny and her mother since her time spent in the Chamber. Ginny has seen things - knows things - and her mother can't come to grips with that. She (Molly) wants to deny that anything happened, she wants her innocent little Ginny back, that is bound to cause a rift!

Reviewer: arios Anonymous Date: 2005.03.15 - 03:26PM Title: BETS AND BETRAYALS


Good chapter as always!

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