
SIYE Time:13:46 on 3rd December 2024
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Reviews For The Forgotten Girl

Reviewer: piltad Signed Date: 2008.09.11 - 02:32AM Title: LESSONS

Hmm well you do have some spelling mistakes in here. Seems mostly a fluff chap really didn't add anything to the stoory at least I don't think it did but we shall see.

Reviewer: Huskers Signed Date: 2008.03.08 - 01:27AM Title: LESSONS


Well written. I don't like your Molly much. Don't get me wrong, she loves her kids, but she can't handle that the have minds of their own. If the kids had stayed 5 she would be great, but she really doesn't know what to do with them once they start thinking for themselves. Really, she's kind of a sad woman.

Reviewer: immortalphoenix Anonymous Date: 2006.12.18 - 07:06PM Title: LESSONS

No Review

Reviewer: immortalphoenix Anonymous Date: 2006.12.18 - 07:05PM Title: LESSONS



Kortnee // Immortal Phoenix

Reviewer: Daniella Anonymous Date: 2005.03.08 - 09:26PM Title: LESSONS


This is a fantastic story. This and Today the Tempest are the only stories that I check for, so keep updating!

Reviewer: amulder Anonymous Date: 2005.02.25 - 06:01AM Title: LESSONS


Still enjoying... not much to say this time. I winced a bit reading the Molly-trying-to-mold-Ginny bits. I sympathize with her. I can really see Molly doing this. I'm a *bit* surprised to see her being portrayed in such a sexist manner, but not that much. It would have been nice to see a resolution to this. In many ways in this chapter and the few previous, it seems that most of her family is just pretending that CoS didn't happen, didn't affect her; pretending that the incident at Christmas with the christmas decoration and Ginny's outburst didn't happen, didn't affect her... thanks,

Reviewer: destin4fl Anonymous Date: 2005.02.24 - 01:06PM Title: LESSONS


great job! love the details of a wizarding household!

Reviewer: Sibling Creature Anonymous Date: 2005.02.24 - 01:06AM Title: LESSONS


I also appreciate the Mother/Daughter conflicts... Some parts of the diary entries sound very familiar to me, having heard similar sentiments from my sister. :-) Some nice insight into how the twins operate too.. :-)

Reviewer: rondastarr Anonymous Date: 2005.02.23 - 07:46PM Title: LESSONS


I love this story. I'm a big Ginny fan. Very nice chapter. I like the mother/daughter conflicts. It reminds me of when I was younger, and a little now. Update soon.

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