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Reviews For The Forgotten Girl

Reviewer: I Love Ginerva Signed Date: 2012.05.01 - 01:55AM Title: THE BOGGART


I'd just like to point out before I continue that Ginny's Birthday is August 11th

for proof I offer Wikipedia's page on Ginevra Weasley: nevra_Weasley


PS, please forgive me, I'm a stickler for the facts :/

Reviewer: piltad Signed Date: 2008.09.10 - 10:44PM Title: THE BOGGART

Hmm very good really am enjoying overall how your spinning your story would do a few things different but overall very good though the note from the future did seem very odd to me.

Reviewer: Huskers Signed Date: 2008.03.08 - 12:29AM Title: THE BOGGART


I really like the way you right and Ginny's story. And I like the way you used her dreams to plate the seed in Dumbledores mind about using the time turner to save Buckbeak, and Sirus, even though at this time he still doesn't know about Sirus. I don't like the letter from the future. It just takes away from the story to know how things turn out.

Reviewer: immortalphoenix Anonymous Date: 2006.12.18 - 07:06PM Title: THE BOGGART


No Review

Reviewer: MIssGinny Anonymous Date: 2006.05.11 - 03:45PM Title: THE BOGGART


wow once agaion another great story and im wondering who lupins soulmate is i always imagine him with tonks lol

Reviewer: Chreechree Anonymous Date: 2006.01.07 - 02:51AM Title: THE BOGGART


OK, I was planning on waiting to review until I got to the end, but I have to stop now and say how much I loved this chapter. The boggart was a nice touch, but the letters between future Harry and Ginny were wonderful. I especially loved her line "I thank you for taking the time to remember the girl that I was and to encourage her to be the woman she will become. " Beautiful! I also appreciated that moment when Harry was watching her with Hedwig and, for a moment, he understood that they were for each other. Excellent, excellent chapter!

Reviewer: amulder Anonymous Date: 2005.02.08 - 07:35AM Title: THE BOGGART


And I hate to say it, but there are two g's in "boggart". On a more positive note, the vision/flash when Ginny was taking the letter off of Hedwig was very chilling. I'm now scared of what is going to be happening in "Towards Tomorrow". Who is going to tie up Hedwig? Who will be in danger? How will she escape and bring the warning? best

Autho r's Response: Yeah, well, blame it on my spellchecker! Instead of going to Cannon I trusted Microsoft. Oh well. Poor Hedwig . . .you'll find out more in year seven. Comming soon from yours truly!

Reviewer: Melindaleo Anonymous Date: 2005.02.07 - 09:44PM Title: THE BOGGART


Loved Hermione criticizing the souldmate idea. I want to know more about Hedwig, though. Who tied her up with wire? This sounds very ominous. Mira wouldn't have done that, so who?

Reviewer: amulder Anonymous Date: 2005.02.07 - 05:32PM Title: THE BOGGART


You continue to surprise me with this story. The letter from the future was very touching. Unfortunately Ginny's birthday is actually August 11, as has been stated by JKR on her website. (or in an interview, I forget which, check the hp-lexicon to be sure). I don't recall if you stated in an author note or review/response that you intentionally went A/U with that little fact or not? And you also surprise me again by telling Lupin. How many people are going to know before Harry does? :-) Hermione was her usual hilarious self the way she pooh-poohed the soulmate concept. Surprising that she was so negative. Is she going to eat crow when she does the research to find out more about this? thanks again

Reviewer: destin4fl Anonymous Date: 2005.02.07 - 05:09PM Title: THE BOGGART


now i understand why you post the way you do. that was brilliant! and i like the way you made ginny an even larger part of the original jkr stories. great job!!!

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