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Reviews For The Forgotten Girl

Reviewer: piltad Signed Date: 2008.09.10 - 09:42PM Title: REALIZATIONS AND RUMORS

Well does seem like your moving this story ahead very very quickly I am think your probably going to finish off this chapter in 2 or 3 more chapters and I think that is good since you basicly already outlined what exactly is going to happen (year 6) I think you need to get to that point.

Reviewer: Huskers Signed Date: 2008.03.07 - 05:50PM Title: REALIZATIONS AND RUMORS


again, very well written

Reviewer: immortalphoenix Anonymous Date: 2006.12.18 - 07:06PM Title: REALIZATIONS AND RUMORS


No Review

Reviewer: Rocky235 Signed Date: 2006.06.09 - 01:03PM Title: REALIZATIONS AND RUMORS


Everything you've written is professional. I don't know what else to say.

Reviewer: MIssGinny Anonymous Date: 2006.05.11 - 02:57PM Title: REALIZATIONS AND RUMORS


another great chapter cant wait to read more!!

Reviewer: amulder Anonymous Date: 2005.02.01 - 12:35PM Title: REALIZATIONS AND RUMORS


Would you be willing to share with us just how long is Mira going to be a mystery? Does she get revealed in Forgotten Girl, Towards Tomorrow, or never? On the one hand I want to agree with the people who think it "too perfect" that Ginny is actually thinking through the Sirius-attacks-Ron situation, and focussing on Scabbers. On the other hand, I find myself wondering why no one did so in actuallity? The book is Harry's POV and he just quickly accepts the "obvious" answer that Sirius picked the wrong bed. Hmm. I wonder to myself where the Aurors were in the book? A trained detected, a trained solver-of-mysteries, should be doing exactly what Ginny is doing and thinking through the possibilities. And perhaps they were (behind the scenes in the series), However I wonder how many of the adults paid attention to the kerfuffle between Ron and Hermione. Perhaps the adults weren't even aware that Scabbers was missing? hence they don't think it out the same way Ginny did? Tough call. It's so easy to just go with the obvious solution: Sirius is a killer, *everyone* knows that. Therefore he's trying to kill Harry now, and doesn't care if he kills a few others. Hmm. The Jury is out, I'll just have fun reading the story and seeing how things progress. best!

Aut hor's Response: Thanks for reading! As for Mira, Ginny sorts that out herself . . .she learns who Mira is during her fourth year, though she suspects by the end of third year. I doubt very much that many adults paid attention to the Scabbers/Crookshanks debate . . .although she does say that there isn't much that Dumbledore misses . . .Although if Dumbledore truly believed Sirius to be guilty, and knew that he was sneaking in I'm more than certain he would have done something about it. As for Peter, how many people testified that he had been killed? People, adults in particular, tend to agree with the most obvious solution. It's easier than going against the flow. Though I've always wondered why they didn't do a priori incantatum on Sirius's wand to see what the last spell he'd done was . . .

Reviewer: mgmerlin Anonymous Date: 2005.02.01 - 09:52AM Title: REALIZATIONS AND RUMORS


I agree. Ginny working things out about Scabbers and Sirius is pushing the envelope. You are dangerously close to portraying her as too smart, too perceptive, too perfect. In fact, I think you've crossed that line. Other than that, this is a story I like. The way it sets up Towards Tomorrow is intriguing. I enjoy reading about this 'universe' you've created, and if you tone down the "Ginny is a Goddess" thing, the story can only improve.

Author's Response: Crossed what line? It's a story . . .and in my story Ginny spent the better part of a year in close proximity to Tom Riddle, who was clever, and devious. Don't you think some of his analytical skills would have rubbed off?

Reviewer: Sibling Creature Anonymous Date: 2005.02.01 - 12:41AM Title: REALIZATIONS AND RUMORS


Its interesting reading this story and finding bits and pieces that explain or give background for certain aspects of Towards Tomorrow. eg Ginny's use of elementals to control her temper.

Reviewer: Melindaleo Anonymous Date: 2005.01.31 - 07:01PM Title: REALIZATIONS AND RUMORS


I'm so glad you're posting here now, it's so much quicker. I love the idea of a paper, and the push from Molly for Ginny's career is amusing - typical teenagerness. I liked the talk between Ginny and Hermione about dropping some classes, too. The only thing I was kind of leery about was Ginny figuring out that Sirius was really after Scabbers. To be honest, that seemed a bit much to me. Otherwise, fascinating as always.

Author's Response: Keep in mind, people, that Ginny has had access to the Dark Lord's mind . . .and he is incredibly cunning! Don't you think nine months under his influence would rub off?

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