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Reviews For The Forgotten Girl

Reviewer: Phil42 Signed Date: 2009.04.06 - 03:12PM Title: A Wesley Christmas

Hi, I really like the way you write. Of course I started with Summer of the Serpent.

Is it intentional that the dates given in this chapter are not chronological?

Reviewer: piltad Signed Date: 2008.09.10 - 09:17PM Title: A Wesley Christmas

Hmm well a different out look on the Weasley family you already have me not liking Percy to much but I will say we really don't know too much about Charlie but so far how you write him in a way that I wouldn't figure he would go.

Reviewer: Huskers Signed Date: 2008.03.07 - 05:21PM Title: A Wesley Christmas


Thank God for Bill. That was a powerful scene at the end with Ginny finally telling her familly what's what. Something tells me that the unspeakbles are not going to just go away after fixing Fred's little problem. This was a good chapter , but what really did it was the scene at the end. Great job.

Reviewer: DebbieO Signed Date: 2008.01.30 - 09:31PM Title: A Wesley Christmas


Yay Ginny! What an end to this chapter. It was breathtaking. Loved it!

Reviewer: Circuitsoft Signed Date: 2007.03.07 - 05:22AM Title: A Wesley Christmas


George Weasley and Gabrielle Delacour are soul mates?

Reviewer: immortalphoenix Anonymous Date: 2006.12.18 - 07:06PM Title: A Wesley Christmas


No Review

Reviewer: Rocky235 Signed Date: 2006.06.09 - 12:04PM Title: A Wesley Christmas


It's incredible how you are developing Ginny's character.

Reviewer: MIssGinny Anonymous Date: 2006.05.11 - 02:03PM Title: A Wesley Christmas


oh wow such emotions in this chapter! poor ginny my heart is breaking for her!

Reviewer: IHateSnakes Signed Date: 2005.10.16 - 09:12PM Title: A Wesley Christmas

half-star's probably a good story, but you ***REALLY*** need to reformat it and get rid of the extra spaces and BOLD type! S.

Reviewer: Firenze Anonymous Date: 2005.04.02 - 10:26AM Title: A Wesley Christmas


Wow! I loved the idea of the ornaments. Amazing ending to the chapter.

Reviewer: kranestad Signed Date: 2005.02.06 - 12:06PM Title: A Wesley Christmas


Wow..that ending was..breathtaking. This; "She took a deep breath and let her gaze travel back across the beloved faces. No one would meet her eyes. No one, except Bill. Beautiful Bill. He met her gaze squarely and there was no pity, no disgust or revulsion in his eyes. Instead, she saw a deep love, bordering almost on respect and a fierce sort of pride." It made me slip a was so strong and hurtful, but beautiful...I love Bill now! You're a great writer, it's weird you don't have every member of th H/G network praising you! On with the delightful reading, I go :)

Author's Response: I love this Bill! Isn't he the best? The ultimate big brother. I didn't create him . . .he just stepped out, fully formed.

Reviewer: ZZ9PluralZAlpha (too lazy to sign in) Anonymous Date: 2005.01.26 - 09:22AM Title: A Wesley Christmas


Wow. Seriously, wow. That bit at the end was incredible. Thanks.

Author's Response: Thanks! Keep reading! Lots more to come!

Reviewer: amulder Anonymous Date: 2005.01.24 - 11:45AM Title: A Wesley Christmas


You continue to intrue me with this convoluted piece. Bravo. So, George and Gabrielle, eh? and now George knows about Ginny and Harry, and Bill knows even more. Wow. Poor poor oblivious Harry. I think that many people will accuse you of giving Ginny (and her family) too much backstory, too much foreknowledge, too much, too much. I confess, I had twinges of that thought myself. But as I ponder it... Canon is after all "Harry Potter and..." It is Harry's story. Harry's viewpoint. And Harry just doesn't know Ginny. Neither does he, really, know her family. Sure he hangs out with Fred/George at Quidditch, but they're rather busy then. During the rest of the year, does he really see them that much? Doubt it. Still, I admire your energy level. You're going into an immense amount of detail here. At this rate, you're going to spend 20 or so chapters to get caught up to "Towards Tomorrow". thanks for sharing

Author's Response: Thank you for reading! THE FORGOTTEN GIRL is the only story that I'm actually writing at the moment. The others (including the sequel to TOWARDS TOMORROW) are already written. I'm just editing. You hit it on the head with cannon being Harry's story. We don't know how much anyone else knows - or doesn't know - or why. Thank you for reading!

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