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Reviews For The Forgotten Girl

Reviewer: Balder Signed Date: 2011.11.05 - 12:15PM Title: The First People

Excellent story!

Reviewer: piltad Signed Date: 2008.09.10 - 06:20PM Title: The First People

Well done you stuck to cannon which I like but twisted it to fit your story like the colin doing the singing spell really like that you did it that way well done.

Reviewer: Huskers Signed Date: 2008.03.07 - 01:40PM Title: The First People


Very nice.

Reviewer: immortalphoenix Anonymous Date: 2006.12.18 - 07:05PM Title: The First People


No Review

Reviewer: MIssGinny Anonymous Date: 2006.05.11 - 01:04PM Title: The First People


another good chapter!!! cant wait to read more

Reviewer: Spearhawk Anonymous Date: 2005.01.23 - 02:45PM Title: The First People


Great story! Although it would be easier for the eye if the diary parts were in italic rather than bold. I just finished reading your "An Apology for the Devil" and I must say I liked it, it wasn't what I had expected but intresting none the less. I'm looking forward to the next part, from the ending of this book I asume it's going to be rather diffrent in style? From what I can see on your webpage it should already be published but I can't find it anywhere, is it out yet?

Author's Response: My editor has reccomended that I re-publish the book as THE DEVIL'S TRIANGLE when both of the other parts are completed. Cool idea, eh? The Website is in the process of being redone (to tell the truth, the computer it was stored on got fried, and the zip I had it backed up on isn't working, so it's being re-done.) KING CHRISTOPHER'S QUEST should be out sometime in March-April though. That should be interesting. Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: destin4fl Anonymous Date: 2005.01.19 - 04:22PM Title: The First People


always love it when an author fills in chapters of ginny's world in the first couple of books, and i really enjoy your angle on things. i also like the fact you have made ginny his equal and not another dasmel in distress.

Author's Response: Merlin but I hate the DID routine! (Damsel In Distress). Isn't that just BEGGING for Harry to - put her aside - later on, for her own safety? I really find that (as a female type) to be annoying. I'll stand on my own! I'll fight along side you. Anyway, I ramble . . .sorry!

Reviewer: Comet Moon Signed Date: 2005.01.19 - 07:55AM Title: The First People


Hmmm. Who is Marie? Not a hundred percent she's a first. Can't wait for more Work and my story running me ragged. but not enough to ignore your stories. LOL Jim

Aut hor's Response: Always good to hear from you dearheart! Keep in touch!

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