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Reviews For The Forgotten Girl

Reviewer: piltad Signed Date: 2008.09.10 - 05:54PM Title: Back to Hogwarts

Very good like the talk that you have had between Harry and Ginny I am wondering when exactly you get Harry to start realizing Ginny I mean seems like on some level you already have him showing intrest and concern just how long till he realizes what is going on is my question.

Reviewer: Phoenix Tears Signed Date: 2008.04.27 - 09:15PM Title: Back to Hogwarts

Are you sure that you haven't finished this part of the story? If you have finished, then you may want to change it on your list or however your stories show up for you.

Reviewer: Huskers Signed Date: 2008.03.07 - 01:05PM Title: Back to Hogwarts


A good job again. I really do like the pace of your writing. And, none of the run together words this time around. I do hope that there will be changes to cannon as we go forward through Ginny's life at Hogwarts. It would just be a shame to repeat each year only to get new info about her, but no real change to the story.

Reviewer: bookish327 Signed Date: 2008.02.11 - 12:10AM Title: Back to Hogwarts


No Review

Reviewer: poshi Signed Date: 2007.06.30 - 08:49AM Title: Back to Hogwarts

You Rock. All your stories rock!!

Reviewer: poshi Signed Date: 2007.06.30 - 08:48AM Title: Back to Hogwarts


You Rock. All your stories rock!!

Reviewer: Circuitsoft Signed Date: 2007.03.07 - 04:06AM Title: Back to Hogwarts


Damn you! Now I won't be able to sleep! (need to finish the story first :-)

Reviewer: PotterBoy90 Signed Date: 2007.01.29 - 04:30PM Title: Back to Hogwarts


Aww how cute! hahah
Damn.. guys shouldnt say that... lol

Reviewer: immortalphoenix Anonymous Date: 2006.12.18 - 07:05PM Title: Back to Hogwarts


No Review

Reviewer: Rocky235 Signed Date: 2006.06.08 - 07:40PM Title: Back to Hogwarts


I'm glad Malfoy can't get his hooks into non-virgin Ginny.

Reviewer: MIssGinny Anonymous Date: 2006.05.11 - 12:05AM Title: Back to Hogwarts


awwwwwwww such a sweet swee chapter! i love it!!!

Reviewer: Penguin Anonymous Date: 2006.02.23 - 12:41AM Title: Back to Hogwarts


Darn it, I read the previous story awhile ago and didn't think very much of it... but I had *hoped* I'd be able to get into this one... I'm afraid not, though. Something about it just seems... ech. I dunno what. Sorry.

Reviewer: JoanB Anonymous Date: 2006.01.20 - 11:44AM Title: Back to Hogwarts


Uhhhh...there we go...that's what I'm talking about! He, he! Wow, is it hot in here or what? Very romantic, and sweet! Wow, keep that up!

Reviewer: Firenze Anonymous Date: 2005.04.02 - 09:30AM Title: Back to Hogwarts


I am running out of words of praise. I guess I should run and get my thesaurus.

Reviewer: rdprice29 Signed Date: 2005.02.24 - 09:38PM Title: Back to Hogwarts


I loved this chapter so much, I went back and read it again! I love the idea of Ginny being an elemental, especially one as evenly matched to Harry. Their being soul mates goes without question, of course! Loved their interaction at the end and Harry's attitude and concern towards Ginny. Great job!

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