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Reviews For The Forgotten Girl

Reviewer: piltad Signed Date: 2008.09.11 - 09:17PM Title: ACCELERATION

I don't know really think you have an oxymoron going on with Ginny this whole thing about Cho using Harry while low and behold you see Ginny using everyone for her own personal intentions

Reviewer: Huskers Signed Date: 2008.03.09 - 07:13PM Title: ACCELERATION


Another well written chapter. Maybe I'm out of touch now, but the kids in this story are all just a little bit too randy. I know teenagers are, but it is more often alone in their room than with what Ginny and Michael are doing not to mention all the others.

Reviewer: bookish327 Signed Date: 2008.02.13 - 08:47PM Title: ACCELERATION


No Review

Reviewer: Harryfan Signed Date: 2006.12.17 - 08:25PM Title: ACCELERATION


Okay, I doubt that anyone reads these anymore cause htis story is not exactly new, but i have to rant here. I really do enjoy your story, but Ginny is driving me crazy. I understand that she does not want to sit around pining after Harry, but does she need to be getting off with Corner at every opportunityy? I can not see her in that light and it really bothers me to think that she is a bit of a whore. And the fact that she knows that Harry is the guy she needs to be can she be satisfied being used by Michael??? She even says that she knows Corner only wnats her for her body, but she just goes right ahead and uses him and lets him use her in turn. It is disgusting. I really want to just skip ahead to when she gets with Harry and us happy, but both times I have tried to do that thus far, I reasoned that she wouldnt go any farther the kissing Michael. I just can't get past the fact that she is being really unfair to Harry, and it is really bothering me.

Reviewer: MIssGinny Anonymous Date: 2006.05.18 - 04:03PM Title: ACCELERATION


another good chapter but that one part up there cuts off...what is the box chock full of??

Reviewer: Ahen Anonymous Date: 2006.02.09 - 11:16PM Title: ACCELERATION


Ok, after reading the story I feel that Ginny is a slut. In fact if she was my soul mate I wouldn't look at her twice. And I would probably kill my self just so that I wouldn't have her in my mind. Herry should definately end up with someone better than Ginny. It doesn't seem very fair that after all the hardship Herry have to go through and sacrifice in his life, he has to end up spending the rest of his life with a girl that would spread her legs for the first guy that would look at her twice, when she KNOWS that in three years time she would be able to spend the rest of her life being loved by Herry. In fact Ginny, the way she was characterised in this story, is the worst kind of girl. The kind that would just use guys and lead them on. What Ginny is doing is very unfair to both Michael and the Herry. Ginny is dating and shagging Michael (she let him into her pants) just because she can't wait for Herry. Even though she has asurences that Herry will definately be with her in just three years, and that he is her Soul Mate, that he will love her forever. Ginny seems to not care for Herry at all, in fact the way Ginny acts, it's like all she is trying to do is to sleep with as many guys as possible because in the end she knows that Herry will always take her in, no matter how big a slut she is. Also what make Ginny the wost type of girl to have a relationship with is that she knows that she is destined to be with Herry, and yet she still kiss, snogs, shags other guys. And in the beginning of the story she even admints that she belonged to Herry, and that Herry belonged to her. Yet she still goes and do all those stuff with other guys. That is just disgusting. Ginny also had no right to be angry with Herry for crushing on Cho when she is doing it with Michael. In fact Ginny should haven been ashamed of herself for doing what she did because she already knows that she belonged to Herry. Herry has an excuse to crush on Cho because he doesn't know that Ginny is his Soul Mate, and Ginny never could be bothered to tell him that either. What Ginny did to Michael by leading him on is also very unfair for him. She still gets closed to him even though she konws that she will leave him in the end. In fact what Ginny did to Herry and Michael is just like she is Cheating on Herry with Michael since Soul Mates are even closer than marriages. Ginny is just like those horny house wife that would sleep with other men just because their husbands have to work every project at the end of the year. The only difference between Ginny cheating on Herry and a wife cheating on her husband is that the husband can divorce the wife, well Herry can't cut his bond to Ginny, even in death. Personally I can't ever see Herry trusting or loving Ginny in any romance way if he ever finds out that about what she did with Michael even when she knows about the Soul Mate bonds, and after the future Herry's letter asuring her that they will be together in three years. In fact after all those asurances she shouldn't even be seeing, or even thinking about other guys. So in conclusion after all the asurenced and the Soul Mate bond Ginny still could not wait three years for Herry, then Ginny must be a slut. A slut that doesn't care about her soul mate at all.

Reviewer: critmo Signed Date: 2006.01.23 - 10:36AM Title: ACCELERATION


Well, good stuff. Looking forward to more.

Reviewer: MWags Signed Date: 2006.01.03 - 11:04PM Title: ACCELERATION


I love the SSPotter Series. The forgotten Girl is he best as well as the sequal, Towards Tomorrow. I was wondering if you thought -at the end of this fith year whre Toward Tomorrow picks up with both Harry and Ginny- if you thought of writing Ginny's point of view for JK's sixth book as well. It is up to you, but I love seeing Gin's reaction to Harry's dillemas

Reviewer: LadyLatina Signed Date: 2006.01.01 - 08:11PM Title: ACCELERATION


Great story! Can't wait for the next update!

Reviewer: Moonlight Anonymous Date: 2005.12.30 - 04:14PM Title: ACCELERATION


I love this story, I did not know how much I have miss it, Thank you for the update.

Reviewer: lola Anonymous Date: 2005.12.30 - 03:55PM Title: ACCELERATION


your story is quite good. Today i read it my first time and i like it very much. But two questions please: doesn´t anybody see the bond between Gin and Harry (Gin has pain when Harry does, she awakes Fred and George before Minerva arrives.....) And why do you let her so (ah! i can´t find the right word... ) go far with Michael? She is a bit like, i don´t know, not really a bitch but very ... guess you know what I mean? I love your story, so please update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happ y new year

Reviewer: Ginavera Signed Date: 2005.12.30 - 02:19PM Title: ACCELERATION


Ohhh, the insecurity!! Splendid, update faster!!!!!!!

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