
SIYE Time:6:46 on 13th December 2024
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Reviewer: griffindorechicky101 Signed Date: 2007.08.08 - 01:21AM Title: The Glass Slipper


that was cute

Reviewer: punk_109600 Signed Date: 2005.05.30 - 11:34AM Title: The Glass Slipper


So sweet!

Reviewer: dany Anonymous Date: 2005.05.11 - 03:25PM Title: The Glass Slipper


AWESOME!!!! i love it!! honestly, it's so funny..and sweet...and...because a cinderella story is my favorite movie, so there you go... when will you up date again.. i love your writting, i alredy read all of you're previous work and i cannot wait until you finish it. please!!!!!!!

Reviewer: Pink Lizard Signed Date: 2005.05.11 - 12:48PM Title: The Glass Slipper


Oh that was good! Update soon! I want Harry to find Ginny! Update! Love Pink Lizard x

Reviewer: emily Anonymous Date: 2005.05.04 - 03:15PM Title: The Glass Slipper



Reviewer: Cassie Anonymous Date: 2005.04.24 - 09:18AM Title: The Glass Slipper


AWWWWW!! that is SO sweet! harry is adorable when he's in love! pure fluff i love it!

Reviewer: The Real Nymphadora Anonymous Date: 2005.04.23 - 01:03AM Title: The Glass Slipper


When i first saw the summary for your story i didn't think much of it, so i didn't read it. So SORRY for not reading it sooner because it was great and i love it. I am a big fan of Tonks and i would have to saw you did a great job of her, and the comment about Moody, was ........ i could stop laughing. GREAT WORK UPDATE SOON

Reviewer: Fuzzy_Bear Signed Date: 2005.04.21 - 11:17PM Title: The Glass Slipper


Great chappie, but please try to make the next one a little longer. Update soon!

Reviewer: Kristi Anonymous Date: 2005.04.21 - 08:12PM Title: The Glass Slipper


Great chapter!!!!! Please update soon!!!

Reviewer: xtrememama2001 Anonymous Date: 2005.04.21 - 04:15PM Title: The Glass Slipper


I just wanted to let you know I love this story.It's great.I can't wait for you to update.Thanks for writing this.

Reviewer: destin4fl Signed Date: 2005.04.21 - 03:19PM Title: The Glass Slipper


very cute! love the little twists on the classic.

Reviewer: selene Anonymous Date: 2005.04.21 - 02:34PM Title: The Glass Slipper


lol love i have to see how u write the rest oh them b/c i find tem to be really good great job....

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