
SIYE Time:6:39 on 13th December 2024
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Reviewer: griffindorechicky101 Signed Date: 2007.08.08 - 01:08AM Title: CinderGinny


i like it!

Reviewer: Tanydwr Signed Date: 2005.05.02 - 12:16PM Title: CinderGinny


Lovely. Keep up the good work!

Reviewer: Pink Lizard Signed Date: 2005.04.12 - 12:02PM Title: CinderGinny


Great chapter! Horrible cliffie though! Update soon!

Reviewer: cloud9 Anonymous Date: 2005.03.21 - 04:40PM Title: CinderGinny


Please write more soon! I love it so much!

Reviewer: emily Anonymous Date: 2005.03.21 - 03:19PM Title: CinderGinny


Lovely! I love how you've merged the two stories together and done such a good job with it as well. Awesome!

Reviewer: ll4evr Anonymous Date: 2005.03.21 - 12:49AM Title: CinderGinny


1 Question..... How come all of her clothes change back EXCEPT one shoe? I mean, that always confused me.............

Author's Response: Well, have you ever watched the movue Cinderella? The Fairy Godmother gave Cinderella the glass slippers as something to remember her night. That's why I kept them, thought it would be cool for Tonks as well.

Reviewer: emmamoonpotter Anonymous Date: 2005.03.20 - 08:37PM Title: CinderGinny


Every chapter just gets better and better! Who better to have as the Fairy Godmother than Tonls? No one! Great chapter! Can't wait to see what happens next!

Reviewer: WinkyDink Anonymous Date: 2005.03.20 - 07:11PM Title: CinderGinny


This story is alright [I guess]. Not bad... just a few questions. 1) Is there any magic or is it normal [or as normal as any Harry Potter can get] 2) If there is magic it would have been nice if she had dropped her WAND instead of a GLASS SLIPER!

Author's Response: Well, there is some ounce of magic, I just thought I'd hold that off until the last few chapters. ; ) And as for the glass slipper, I wanted to keep some traditional sense of Cinderella in this story, you know. Why not do it with my favorite part of the story? Glass slippers.

Reviewer: Quidditch3 Anonymous Date: 2005.03.20 - 05:30PM Title: CinderGinny


Adorable! It's just has the right amount of humor. I like how you slip in the twins at the door. I only wished Ginny would have made a grand entrance when she came to the ball. Doesn't matter, Harry seems to be smitten by her already. I can't seem to get over the broom as her transportation. Was there some kind of charm to keep her hair in place? Keep up the wonderful work!

Reviewer: Kristi Anonymous Date: 2005.03.20 - 12:24AM Title: CinderGinny


Love it!!!!!!!!!! Please write more as soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!

Reviewer: ninny Anonymous Date: 2005.03.20 - 12:04AM Title: CinderGinny


Great chapter love the idea of Tonks as fairy godmother. Can`t wait for the next chapter.

Reviewer: kaiya Anonymous Date: 2005.03.19 - 06:18PM Title: CinderGinny


I love it I love it I absolutly LOVE it... keep writing... I hope you update soon... Love it

Reviewer: Muggle Witch Anonymous Date: 2005.03.19 - 02:27PM Title: CinderGinny


This is a really cute story and I like the twist you have put on it.

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