
SIYE Time:5:14 on 13th December 2024
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Reviewer: phoenixflame Signed Date: 2008.06.30 - 01:36AM Title: Unexpected

This story is really good. One of my faves. SIYE fanfic is really starting to surprise me 'cause people like Ginny_Potter_89 MIGHT TURN OUT TO BE BETTER WRITERS THAN JK ROWLING!

Reviewer: phoenixflame Signed Date: 2008.06.30 - 01:36AM Title: Unexpected

This story is really good. One of my faves. SIYE fanfic is really starting to surprise me 'cause people like Ginny_Potter_89 MIGHT TURN OUT TO BE BETTER WRITERS THAN JK ROWLING!

Reviewer: phoenixflame Signed Date: 2008.06.30 - 01:36AM Title: Unexpected

This story is really good. One of my faves. SIYE fanfic is really starting to surprise me 'cause people like Ginny_Potter_89 MIGHT TURN OUT TO BE BETTER WRITERS THAN JK ROWLING!

Reviewer: phoenixflame Signed Date: 2008.06.30 - 01:36AM Title: Unexpected

This story is really good. One of my faves. SIYE fanfic is really starting to surprise me 'cause people like Ginny_Potter_89 MIGHT TURN OUT TO BE BETTER WRITERS THAN JK ROWLING!

Reviewer: phoenixflame Signed Date: 2008.06.30 - 01:35AM Title: Unexpected

This story is really good. One of my faves. SIYE fanfic is really starting to surprise me 'cause people like Ginny_Potter_89 MIGHT TURN OUT TO BE BETTER WRITERS THAN JK ROWLING!

Reviewer: phoenixflame Signed Date: 2008.06.30 - 01:35AM Title: Unexpected

This story is really good. One of my faves. SIYE fanfic is really starting to surprise me 'cause people like Ginny_Potter_89 MIGHT TURN OUT TO BE BETTER WRITERS THAN JK ROWLING!

Reviewer: phoenixflame Signed Date: 2008.06.30 - 01:35AM Title: Unexpected

This story is really good. One of my faves. SIYE fanfic is really starting to surprise me 'cause people like Ginny_Potter_89 MIGHT TURN OUT TO BE BETTER WRITERS THAN JK ROWLING!

Reviewer: phoenixflame Signed Date: 2008.06.30 - 01:35AM Title: Unexpected

This story is really good. One of my faves. SIYE fanfic is really starting to surprise me 'cause people like Ginny_Potter_89 MIGHT TURN OUT TO BE BETTER WRITERS THAN JK ROWLING!

Reviewer: phoenixflame Signed Date: 2008.06.30 - 01:35AM Title: Unexpected

This story is really good. One of my faves. SIYE fanfic is really starting to surprise me 'cause people like Ginny_Potter_89 MIGHT TURN OUT TO BE BETTER WRITERS THAN JK ROWLING!

Reviewer: phoenixflame Signed Date: 2008.06.30 - 01:35AM Title: Unexpected

This story is really good. One of my faves. SIYE fanfic is really starting to surprise me 'cause people like Ginny_Potter_89 MIGHT TURN OUT TO BE BETTER WRITERS THAN JK ROWLING!

Reviewer: phoenixflame Signed Date: 2008.06.30 - 01:35AM Title: Unexpected

This story is really good. One of my faves. SIYE fanfic is really starting to surprise me 'cause people like Ginny_Potter_89 MIGHT TURN OUT TO BE BETTER WRITERS THAN JK ROWLING!

Reviewer: phoenixflame Signed Date: 2008.06.30 - 01:35AM Title: Unexpected

This story is really good. One of my faves. SIYE fanfic is really starting to surprise me 'cause people like Ginny_Potter_89 MIGHT TURN OUT TO BE BETTER WRITERS THAN JK ROWLING!

Reviewer: phoenixflame Signed Date: 2008.06.30 - 01:35AM Title: Unexpected


This story is really good. One of my faves. SIYE fanfic is really starting to surprise me 'cause people like Ginny_Potter_89 MIGHT TURN OUT TO BE BETTER WRITERS THAN JK ROWLING!

Reviewer: griffindorechicky101 Signed Date: 2007.08.08 - 12:51AM Title: Unexpected


YEs i would! nice job!

Reviewer: Kia Signed Date: 2005.05.16 - 09:54PM Title: Unexpected


YAY!!! TONKS ROCKS!!!! haha.... I hate Pansy and Millicent, I hope they fall into the moat...

Reviewer: Pink Lizard Signed Date: 2005.04.12 - 12:05PM Title: Unexpected


Great Idea to use Tonks as the fairy Godmother. I loved this chapter! Poor Ginny, her mother's dress ripped to shreads! Great ending though! better go read the next chapter........... Love Pink Lizard :) :p ;)

Reviewer: Lizzie Weasley Anonymous Date: 2005.03.10 - 10:23PM Title: Unexpected


BTW would somebody please PLEASE tell me what Wotcher mean. Please?

Author's Response: I will! *haha* I looked it up in this really cool slang dictionary, and Wotcher, is just a combined word, really. It means "what cheer!" but is spelled Wotcher. Get it? : )

Reviewer: dolphingirl79 Anonymous Date: 2005.03.08 - 06:44PM Title: Unexpected


good story, please continue.

Reviewer: emmamoonpotter Anonymous Date: 2005.03.08 - 10:29AM Title: Unexpected


Alright! I was hoping Tonks would make it into your story. Very cool to have her be the fairy godmother. I can't wait to see what happens next.

Reviewer: ll4evr Anonymous Date: 2005.03.08 - 01:17AM Title: Unexpected


Wow!! I was certainly not expecting Tonks!! Love the:Wotcher.............. Brilliantly done!! On with the next chapter!!!! update soon please!!

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