
SIYE Time:5:23 on 13th December 2024
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Reviewer: griffindorechicky101 Signed Date: 2007.08.08 - 12:38AM Title: Wench! Pig!


i loveit!

Reviewer: Kia Signed Date: 2005.05.16 - 09:51PM Title: Wench! Pig!


I love this!!! Draco is HILARIOUS.... it's like watching a movie... it's great!

Reviewer: Cat Anonymous Date: 2005.02.03 - 01:04PM Title: Wench! Pig!


Yay UPDATE... i cant wait for the rest! such a good story, cant wait for the love at fir...second sight bit

Reviewer: ll4evr Anonymous Date: 2005.01.25 - 06:59PM Title: Wench! Pig!


Yay! That was definately amusing. Can't wait for the next chapter! And the ball!!!!!! Good work!

Reviewer: Pink Lizard Signed Date: 2005.01.25 - 01:19PM Title: Wench! Pig!


Yes! Finally Fleur is gone! Now Ginny can move into the picture *nudges*, Lol! Great chapter but I agree with Lizzie Weasley that it did seem a tad rushed but don't worry it was still good. I think you should take your time in writing it (but don't take too long, mind you). Update soon! Love Pink Lizardx

Reviewer: emmamoonpotter Anonymous Date: 2005.01.25 - 11:46AM Title: Wench! Pig!


Ha! Now that Fleur is out of the way, we can get down to getting Harry and Ginny together. Yay! Very well written story, I really, really enjoy reading this. Will wait eagarly for the next chapter!

Reviewer: Lizzie Weasley Anonymous Date: 2005.01.25 - 12:12AM Title: Wench! Pig!


ACk! I know! Things are getting hecktic here too. But I always manage to find a bit of time (right now it's midnight) to review your fabulous story. my dear it's coming along nicely. Watch yourself though. You're starting to rush again and you're stoyr's getting choppy. If you must, take more time to look over the chapter a few times. Make sure it sounds perfecto! If not start over or add things here and there. who cares about a few restless reviewers. I'm sure we can all agree that'd we'd much rather a well writen story than a rushed one. Great job though, and good luck with the job! I know it's a pain in the rear. Ouch. Hehe. ~Love from Lizzie

Reviewer: KacI Anonymous Date: 2005.01.24 - 06:36PM Title: Wench! Pig!


Took you long enough (to update, that is)

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