
SIYE Time:6:29 on 13th December 2024
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Reviewer: griffindorechicky101 Signed Date: 2007.08.07 - 11:16PM Title: His Contemplation



Reviewer: Fuzzy Anonymous Date: 2004.12.22 - 07:19PM Title: His Contemplation


great story! r u gonna update soon?

Reviewer: ll4everandbeyond Anonymous Date: 2004.12.06 - 04:45PM Title: His Contemplation


Hahahah, great chapter!!! Love the fact that Draco and Harry are friends. I always love stories like that! Anyway, pretty pretty please update soon!

Reviewer: Lizzie Weasley Signed Date: 2004.12.06 - 06:49AM Title: His Contemplation


This chapter was so adorable. Draco and Sirirs have awesome parts! I especially love Draco's new allied part though. Very good. I always loved Draco a little too much and still strongly believe he has a good side. Also loved the Touche bit. Very funny. I labsoltly adored the little Ron and Hermione moment thrown in at the end. Hermione working in a garden. Very peculiar to think about really. It was too funny though. Ron's toppling was such a Ron thing to do too. Hermione's! That had me laughing out loud and I swear I'm not lying. As for Harry, awww poor Harry. I feel so sad. I know he'll end up with Ginny and all, but he doesn't. Poor bloke. Ah well. Great chapter. Sorry I took so long to review, I'm supposed to be punished from the computer right now, so, that's a big trouble maker. Also, I suggest this chapter you look back at your story and really look at it. Most of it is pure dialogue. While it's always great to have a lot of dialogue you should really try to add more in-between. Just imagine how long it'd be then. Try and work on it. ~Love from Lizzie

Author's Response: Yeah, I see what your saying, Lizzie. I kinda botched on it, but I promise the next chapter will be good and long and most of all explainatory! In the meantime, you keep up with these nice long reviews - your critism is really helping me out! Thanx!

Reviewer: Pink Lizard Signed Date: 2004.12.05 - 02:41PM Title: His Contemplation


Another Great chapter! Update soon!

Reviewer: Fire Anonymous Date: 2004.12.04 - 07:11AM Title: His Contemplation


This story is better than I expected it would be. The plot seems quite predictable, but I am enjoying it. You need to speck your spelling of GINEVRA though. Other than that, I think it's great.

Reviewer: Amanda Anonymous Date: 2004.12.04 - 06:37AM Title: His Contemplation


This story just gets better..i love the draco being harrys best friend. And the word 'touché' lol !! Anyways...keep it up its ace !

Reviewer: t Anonymous Date: 2004.12.03 - 10:27PM Title: His Contemplation


HermioneS- heh heh! Uncle Sirius- double heh heh! Excellent story- just make sure you proof read when ure done writing each chapter.

Reviewer: destin4fl Anonymous Date: 2004.12.03 - 10:24PM Title: His Contemplation


good story

Reviewer: emily Anonymous Date: 2004.12.03 - 08:22PM Title: His Contemplation


Haha Ron, what a tart! :)

Reviewer: CacyC Anonymous Date: 2004.12.03 - 01:53PM Title: His Contemplation


I could have sworn this chapter had been posted before . . .

Author's Response: It was - but it wasn't 1000 words originally. So I added more to it.

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