
SIYE Time:5:22 on 13th December 2024
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Reviewer: Rowena Ravenclaw Signed Date: 2006.06.17 - 12:36PM Title: Doctor Livingston I Presume


When are you going to update???? Its been sooooo long.

Author's Response: soon, I am encountering writers block on M&I and need to step away for awhile. so hang on

Author's Response: I don't know if you still check this review but as of 07-20-06 I have chapter seven almost ready for beta readers to go over. stay tune

Reviewer: Prof.McGonagall Anonymous Date: 2006.02.28 - 04:10AM Title: Doctor Livingston I Presume


What??? That's it??? Bloody hell! I need more! Please continue to write! I really want to see Harry and Ginny happy after all this tragedy! And I want to see all four friends reunited. Again, I'd be happy to beta for you! Just let me know.

Author's Response: my cpmputor tower crashed last november taking everything I had with it, rebuilding has been slow

Author's Response: almost ready to post # 7

Reviewer: Dumbledor Signed Date: 2006.01.21 - 07:20PM Title: Doctor Livingston I Presume


This is the most amazing and funny (see the mmail headings they call themselves!) and mostly true to life story yet written. I really love Minerva being the 'Hogwarts Hottie'. I've always wondered about her in this respect! I do think you've shortchanged Albus a bit in his manipulative ways, so to speak, but it can be true, sad to say. Still, I think he's a very good guy who really NEEDS to get it on with Minerva - permanently and legally. They'd make a really great couple. Anyway, I'm in my mid 50's (sound familiar?), married, family, working, bills, etc., who loves Harry Potter stories. I write them as well. Your grammer and english is so terrible, not to mention your sentence structure - it all needs serious overhauling. Do you see where I'm leading you? Do you need a BETA? What a question for me to ask. Anyway, PLEASE, continue writing this story. It is absolutely fabulous even with all the grammer errors, etc., I can put up with that, most enjoyably so, but I do like your writing. Oh, can you finish your other story?

Reviewer: Ed Regal Anonymous Date: 2005.09.03 - 06:14PM Title: Doctor Livingston I Presume


Just read trhrough RBB after reading Inheritances. Hope you will be continuing on with this one as well. It looks like it may have 3 - 4 more chapters to go before final resolution? Meet the Grangers, deal with the French family, Hermie and Ron get together, perhaps magical rehabilitation for Harry? Oh, can't forget, get Dumbledore's machinations out in public so he can be humiliated also for what he's done in the past? Keep on with this, ti's good! Ed

Reviewer: Brad Anonymous Date: 2005.06.01 - 12:31PM Title: Doctor Livingston I Presume


WOW i love the story i cant wait for the next chapoter! keep up the great writing and yes the grammer checker would be a great thing to use!

Reviewer: dreamertash Signed Date: 2005.01.31 - 03:20PM Title: Doctor Livingston I Presume


So glad to see another update. You know, whenI first found RBB back in September, it was directly after first reading NQM (Anya's) and TMW (Jeconais -Jeco on SIYE) . I waited patiently on RBB because my favorite aspects of those two fics were so strong in yours. It is still the most delightful part of your story (well, besides the characters' immediate interaction with each other, of course ;)). I really get your humor ;). That said, I was so glad to see the resolution for H/G coming as it is. Ginny is a riot. I also feel you perfectly put Albus in his place with the superb comment by Abe. Sure, his intentions may have been for the greater good, but Harry deserved more without question - as did Ginny. I, too, look forward to the creative way H/G reveal the truth to the elder Weasley's and the other newly-reunited couple. (I KNOW you have no intention of keeping that bit of information from Molly!) Job well done!

Author's Response: sorry about the delay in updates but I was ill for a bit there. RBB next chapter is one third done and I have incorporated a lot to the reviews I get into this story so hang on more is coming

Reviewer: DazedMarauder Anonymous Date: 2005.01.30 - 05:18PM Title: Doctor Livingston I Presume


I can't believe that I missed the last update! Anywho, I'm loving what has happened so far. I'm glad that Ginny has excepted Harry - and i hope that she will contune to accept Harry. Now, if Ginny took a picture of Harry, would he be able to see what he looks like in the picture? Just a thlought (and hey, if you need a plot idea, that may help. you could extend it to Harry's reaction and so on...) Lovely chapter though, if I do say so myself. Insquequo terminus, amanda

Author's Response: a picture, wow I never thought of that. Hummmmm I wonder, Thanks loads, you have given me just what I needed most ... helpful plot bunny ideas, Thanks really

Reviewer: James Anonymous Date: 2005.01.30 - 01:48PM Title: Doctor Livingston I Presume


Again, outstanding chapter update. you nailed albus to a T. anybody with a brain can see that albus character in jk books is using and manipulative of harry. I for one would of told the old fart off long ago for not levelling with me and trying to pull my strings. I do think you need to have Harry and Gin level with Molly for sure, possible Arthur too, Cause if it ever comes out someday that he is actually Harry and didnt tell his adoptive parents it will break Molly's heart. and could cause a rip that could not be reparied. Just my thinking anyway. Once again, thank s for the entertainment, anxiously waiting your next update for this and of course marriage and inheritance!

Author's Response: Don't want to give anything away, but how did you do on your OWL in Divination? Your inner eye must be working overtime, Well-done and spot on old chap

Reviewer: destin4fl Anonymous Date: 2005.01.30 - 11:15AM Title: Doctor Livingston I Presume


that has to be one of your best chapters to date. this style really works for you!

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