
SIYE Time:1:27 on 14th December 2024
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Reviewer: Lillian Signed Date: 2005.01.30 - 10:45AM Title: When Harry met Ginny


When does the next chapter come out? Can't wait!

Reviewer: James Anonymous Date: 2005.01.25 - 05:28PM Title: When Harry met Ginny


I read earlier marriage and inheritance. I thought that was outstanding. Well I think this story here repair burnt bridges to be on the same par as this means war! by jeconais. Iike that story I couldnt stop reading this. On another note, so what if you dont have a beta, I and most readers of fanfiction are used to correcting any mistakes we come across or just ignoring while reading a good story. On that note, I personally stop reading somewhere in the first chapter if the story is no good or entertaining, Only once have I ever stopped reading due to bad grammar or misppelled words and that was from a story that I personally thinmk a 3 grader wrote... To get back to this story, this is a really well written, few mistakes in grammar or spelling but really cool idea. you have a very good imagination. Usually when I get to a cliffhanger I start screaming, but on yours, right when Harry started telling his feelings for Gin, I started laughing at the cliffhanger. oh well maybe later same bat channel, I too am showing my age!

Author's Response: to comapre me with the great JECONAIS is the highest compilment I could ever wish for. But I am not worthy of such praise. I am but the learner, he is the master. new chapter up enjoy

Reviewer: embates Signed Date: 2005.01.24 - 07:50AM Title: When Harry met Ginny


Just guessing here ... 1. Harry is somehow able to "project" himself to become the other wizard while Prof. Evander is "incapacitated." 2. Harry is about to "do the right thing" and tell Ginny he doesn't love her anymore, despite all evidence to the contrary 3. The reason Ginny ran to the loo was morning sickness and they have a child that Harry knows nothing about. Of course, finding that out, he'd probably be even more likely to try to stay away, not wanting to scare his child out of its skin. Good story, can't wait for the updates.

Reviewer: fast forward Anonymous Date: 2005.01.24 - 04:54AM Title: When Harry met Ginny


nice job. the cliffhanger wasn't necessary though ... but hey, I hope you update soon then. I'm not so sure about the story though ... two harrys ? or only one? hard to keep track :D. Btw you should use more of the m-mails, I really like that concept. so good job, again worth 9 points ... nah, let's say 8 cause I hate cliffhangers ;)

Author's Response: Check out "This Means War "by jeco here at SIYE, this brilliant bloke has a greatest Mmail story ever. It's funny, fluffy and H/G romance to boot, four-stars, a knife and a fork (AAA tour guide pun)

Reviewer: harrypotterfan777777 Anonymous Date: 2005.01.24 - 12:00AM Title: When Harry met Ginny


Wow billybob! Not only do you update Marriage and Inheriance, You also update this one. I only ask one thing. Please please Please, let Harry tell Ginny that he loves her. Give the poor boy some love and affection. please do not turn this into an angst fic. Okay, just had to get that off my chest. I love your writing style, it's very detailed and your perspective on the charcters inner thoughts is very cool as well. Okay, I love how this story is going and I'm ready to see the next chapter. thank you for your time, harrypotterfan777777 ps if you would please read my review of your other story, I have a question for you there.

Reviewer: harrypotterfan777777 Anonymous Date: 2005.01.23 - 11:55PM Title: When Harry met Ginny


Wow billybob! Not only do you update Marriage and Inheriance, You also update this one. I only ask one thing. Please please Please, let Harry tell Ginny that he loves her. Give the poor boy some love and affection. please do not turn this into an angst fic. Okay, just had to get that off my chest. I love your writing style, it's very detailed and your perspective on the charcters inner thoughts is very cool as well. Okay, I love how this story is going and I'm ready to see the next chapter. thank you for your time, harrypotterfan777777 ps if you would please read my review of your other story, I have a question for you there.

Author's Response: see if you can find "Naked Quidditch" or "This means War" thats is where the Mmail concept came from they are both a hoot.

Reviewer: destin4fl Anonymous Date: 2005.01.23 - 11:48PM Title: When Harry met Ginny


(throws up hands) i stayed up late for a cliffy! darn it (snarls) that was excellent! could you have been just a little tougher on our favorite seeker?! oohhh well the author knows best!

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