
SIYE Time:0:25 on 14th December 2024
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Reviewer: Prof. McGonagall Anonymous Date: 2006.02.28 - 01:52AM Title: opening gambit


YES, the story is worth the pain (it's not all THAT bad, really!) And I would be happy to beta for you! This story is just too good not to continue! I have been reading fanfiction for over a year now (daily!!!) and have never come across a plot as unique as this one! Please keep writing, PLEASE!

Reviewer: DazedMarauder Anonymous Date: 2005.01.05 - 05:15PM Title: opening gambit


Are you kidding? Of course you should continue! I have always found this story particularly interesting and original. I hope that I am not the only one that thinks that though, as I would hate to see this stopped here. Excellent chapter! I think I know who a certain someone is... *hint hint, wink wink, and a nod from amanda* Insquequo terminus, amanda

Reviewer: Ash Anonymous Date: 2005.01.05 - 04:26PM Title: opening gambit


You must continue. I don't care about mistakes that much. The time between chapters is too long you have to update more. Luv this story :)

Reviewer: oomahey Anonymous Date: 2005.01.05 - 02:12PM Title: opening gambit


Really good story. I want to see what Hermione comes up with. Or rather how she convinces the Weasley clan that she acted under the influence of the Imperius Curse. Please dont tell me that Ginny ran away from Harry upon seeing his badly scarred face. I totally refuse to believe it. Update soon please. This is really engrossing fic. Oomahey

Reviewer: dreamertash Anonymous Date: 2005.01.05 - 11:02AM Title: opening gambit


Really glad to see you've picked it back up again. I've waited a long time!! :) Just update and we'll worry about grammar/perfection later. Well done.

Author's Response: how fast do you want it, still raw, I regret to say, but becaused you asked so nice, I will update tonight .... 01-05-05

Reviewer: Comet Moon Signed Date: 2005.01.05 - 08:26AM Title: opening gambit


Want it to continue. Please. As for beta read, that can be done afterwards. Though Harry does seem to be manipulating others as he was. Hopefully the others and himself will learn a lesson here. MORE. YOU ROCK

Reviewer: buzzzz Anonymous Date: 2005.01.05 - 01:04AM Title: opening gambit


hi i like your story... keep it going... really want to see how harry/ginny reunion happens.

Reviewer: rjocl12 Signed Date: 2005.01.04 - 11:04PM Title: opening gambit


keep it coming, this is interesting.

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