
SIYE Time:1:38 on 14th December 2024
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Reviewer: Prof. McGonagall Anonymous Date: 2006.02.28 - 01:15AM Title: Who Knew


Ooohhh...I think I know!!! I am bursting to shout out my suspicions, but I don't want to spoil it for anyone on to the next chapters to see if I am right....this is an AWESOME story!!!! Please keep writing!!!

Reviewer: rdprice29 Signed Date: 2005.01.06 - 02:07PM Title: Who Knew


I am really enjoying this story, and I am betting that Evander is Harry! I am definitely enjoying the twist of Hermione being a french countess and under the imperious curse, and I can wait to see our Fab 4 get back together!

Reviewer: dreamertash Anonymous Date: 2004.09.16 - 09:32PM Title: Who Knew


I found this fic two weeks ago and have been looking for it ever since - only to realize I'd saved it as a Favorite! :) Really hope to see you update soon - love the Mmail format and how you've put things together so far!

Reviewer: UnrealityCheck Signed Date: 2004.09.06 - 12:19PM Title: Who Knew


Great story so far. I like the mmail format that keeps the pace moving. James Evander, huh? Nice alias. I guess the only question remaining is who is pulling who's strings.

Reviewer: rodeocat2003 Anonymous Date: 2004.08.29 - 07:27PM Title: Who Knew


Ver-r-ry interesting...more please!

Reviewer: DazedMarauder Anonymous Date: 2004.08.28 - 11:27AM Title: Who Knew


that was an unexpected twist to the plot! I can't wait for more, this is just a very itriguing story, to be blunt! So Neville and Luna are married? I like! How did Hermione (or Claudette) dump Ron? How did Harry kill Voldie? amanda

Reviewer: Lesa Anonymous Date: 2004.08.28 - 09:23AM Title: Who Knew


This story is really fascinating. The rounds of emails do get a little confusing but I'm really looking forward to seeing where this will go.

Reviewer: toiletpaperfairies Anonymous Date: 2004.08.28 - 12:53AM Title: Who Knew


is harry alive or dead!!?!??!?!?!??!!????????!!!!!!!!!???? ????? I WANT HIM 2 SAVE RON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reviewer: LaFleurRouge Anonymous Date: 2004.08.28 - 12:50AM Title: Who Knew


James Evander is most definately Harry Potter! He's been planning almost this whole thing? I hope Harry is okay the sound of things, he's in a right state. I think Harry kidnapped Ron so that Ron would here Hermione's apologie and story. I can't wait until Harry and Ginny reunite! It's going to be beautiful (I have a feeling). Until the next chapter!

Reviewer: clareindil Anonymous Date: 2004.08.28 - 12:27AM Title: Who Knew


Well! This is gettin interesting!

Reviewer: Trudie Anonymous Date: 2004.08.27 - 10:13PM Title: Who Knew


Awesome idea!

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