
SIYE Time:4:59 on 13th December 2024
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Reviewer: Prof. McGonagall Anonymous Date: 2006.02.28 - 12:31AM Title: Entering Enemy Territory


WOW! What a plot! You have me sitting on the edge of my seat! Can't wait to dive into the rest of the story!

Reviewer: dreamertash Signed Date: 2005.01.24 - 07:31AM Title: Entering Enemy Territory


Glad to see the update - and now I really want to know the connection between Evander and the hooded stranger. Maybe a "mental projection" of Evander's? :) Our Harry's too brave not to finally tell Ginny how he feels, right? And I agree - more of the Mmails. They were great! Time to see Evander! Good job!

Author's Response: While Iam on the subject of Mmails another good one is the "the Dare" by lavenderbrown

Author's Response: oops, wrong author, the real one is "ARIOS" right here at SIYE and the Mmail story is entitled 'Alternate universe to the Dare. its a fun read

Reviewer: empress nik Anonymous Date: 2005.01.04 - 10:50PM Title: Entering Enemy Territory


Fun--easy to gloss over "mistakes" for sake of story. Love to find out what happens next...

Author's Response: and so you shall

Reviewer: DazedMarauder Anonymous Date: 2004.08.28 - 10:38AM Title: Entering Enemy Territory


ok, I absolutly LOVE this story! it took me awhile to get the fact that Hermione is the future Countess, but thats just cause im me! Very interesting and... unique, plot! amanda

Reviewer: LaFleurRouge Anonymous Date: 2004.08.27 - 08:40PM Title: Entering Enemy Territory


Awesome! Totally awesome! Oh I just want to keep reading and reading...when does the next chapter come out? Hurry Hurry because your plot seems just too real, like it could potentially become canon (I think Harry might actually start to really hate Dumbledore, that or pity him). Why would Harry hide from everyone? Especially Ginny?!?!? Poor Kids! I can't wait to read more because I know it will work out wonderfully in the end!

Author's Response: posted chapter two tonight 08-27-04 and if my private life would settle down, I will be posting more soon. beta permitting

Reviewer: ashley Anonymous Date: 2004.08.05 - 06:43PM Title: Entering Enemy Territory


cant wait to read more! update asap!!!

Author's Response: have more raw (un-betaed) in the can and hopefully will get some posted soon

Reviewer: Luna_Lovegood831 Signed Date: 2004.07.15 - 07:29PM Title: Entering Enemy Territory


Excellent job. I really can't wait until the next chapter!

Reviewer: Kelly Anonymous Date: 2004.07.14 - 03:37PM Title: Entering Enemy Territory


A very interesting start....can't wait to see where this goes!! TTFN Kelly

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