
SIYE Time:1:36 on 14th December 2024
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Reviewer: txreina Signed Date: 2006.07.03 - 08:09PM Title: Little Sister


Yikes that's a tricky situation Harry and Ginny have. Pretending they are dating so Ron would back off.

Reviewer: MythWeaver Signed Date: 2004.01.05 - 02:44PM Title: Little Sister


Fun idea! Look forward to more!

Reviewer: RachelR Anonymous Date: 2004.01.04 - 03:09AM Title: Little Sister


This is interesting to read, please write soon.

Reviewer: pigwidgeon Signed Date: 2004.01.03 - 09:40PM Title: Little Sister


I really like where this is going. Update soon!

Reviewer: goldseraph Anonymous Date: 2004.01.03 - 09:09PM Title: Little Sister


I really like this story and plot. Please update!

Reviewer: Lady G Anonymous Date: 2004.01.03 - 08:55PM Title: Little Sister


interesting plot... nice chapter... but check your spelling: Gryffindor and Michael Corner.

Reviewer: Erin Anonymous Date: 2004.01.03 - 06:50PM Title: Little Sister


Sounds good! Hopefully Harry will surrender and pretend to be her boyfriend! I can't wait to read more.

Reviewer: sleepy Anonymous Date: 2004.01.03 - 06:16PM Title: Little Sister


great start!

Reviewer: laex Anonymous Date: 2004.01.03 - 03:40PM Title: Little Sister


Great story! I've read the idea before but the backstory you provided was great!

Author's Response: I know that this is similar to other stories, but I tried to make it uniquely my own. I just wanted to try my hand at a bit of fluff.

Reviewer: Kelly Anonymous Date: 2004.01.03 - 02:23PM Title: Little Sister


please contue soon please love it more please soon

Reviewer: ChaliceInnana Signed Date: 2004.01.03 - 10:01AM Title: Little Sister


Hmm. Good so far. Let's see where it goes.

Reviewer: Scruffy Anonymous Date: 2004.01.03 - 08:18AM Title: Little Sister


This has potential. I will be awaiting your updates with a smile on my face. Not a bad Idea at all. Keep it up!

Reviewer: Jaquelyne Signed Date: 2004.01.03 - 06:06AM Title: Little Sister


Great start. I like it and look forward to the update!

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