
SIYE Time:19:30 on 8th September 2024
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Reviews For Summer of Recovery

Reviewer: Prewishjay13 Signed Date: 2024.08.31 - 07:03AM Title: Romance Required

I was really hesitant to start reading this fic, im not a fan of angst and i thought there would be some of it between harrry and ginny, also i just cant seem to handle it well :p. But reading this has been a absolute pleasure. I thought I would get tired of the romance but its so well done that i still want more. I hope I get to read about their year at hoghwarts and maybe after hoghwarts too how they get marrried and such.

Author's Response: Thank you so much!! I'm so glad that you've enjoyed reading Summer of Recovery! I know there are still angsty moments in this story, but I did my best to balance it out with a ton of sweet romance. I know it could've been a lot, so I appreciate that you feel like it was so well done that it isn't overwhelming at all! I promise there's still tons more to come, both at Hogwarts and beyond, for you to enjoy!!

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2024.06.26 - 03:18PM Title: Romance Required


Nice to see harry trying to do things the right way, even if Ginny would have killed him in the first place to aski her parents….as for the presents Ron is right….nice to see the girls getting to have fun before they all leave on there next adventure….also nice to see Hogwarts back in the swing again….as for Harry giving up head boy, that wasn’t a surprise but i can see them allowing him to use the head boy suite….kutgw

Author's Response: Haha you're probably right about Ginny not being a fan of Harry asking her parents, but he definitely would've felt weird if he'd just announced that they were going to the house by themselves. Very interesting idea with the Head Boy suite!

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2024.06.25 - 08:51PM Title: Romance Required

Heckuva birthday!

Author's Response: Haha third time's the charm!

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2024.06.25 - 08:49PM Title: Romance Required

Ginny is sure in for a heckua birthday! I don't blame Harry for turning down Head Boy - he's had enough of that kind of stuff! Great job Harry and Ginny getting the Room of Requirement back in order! Great to see George opening the Wheezes back up! Harry and Ginny need some normalcy! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Reviewer: Aurorofthelight Signed Date: 2024.06.25 - 08:49PM Title: Romance Required


Ginny is sure in for a heckua birthday! I don't blame Harry for turning down Head Boy - he's had enough of that kind of stuff! Great job Harry and Ginny getting the Room of Requirement back in order! Great to see George opening the Wheezes back up! Harry and Ginny need some normalcy! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it!! Ginny definitely does have a great birthday coming up, and it's very much time for them to get some normalcy!

Reviewer: DeadFish37 Signed Date: 2024.06.25 - 08:23PM Title: Romance Required

I wouldn't be opposed to Harry and Ginny marrying in the year after Hogwarts, given everything they've been through.
Arthur is so mean. I enjoyed seeing Charlie give good advice, but it's a shame Ginny feels odd about her birthday. I'm sure it will be a good one.
I guessed intuition before Harry guessed instinct, but that was the only one. Seems like a waste of such a powerful potion, only casting one spell. Funny to see Hermione wanting to feel special for getting the correct meaning. Bit pedantic though - does the English of Ravenclaw's time necessarily have them as separate words?
I generally agree on the captain/head thing, but given everything Ginny did last year, is there really anyone else who's shown greater leadership skills? I've seen at least one fic where Hermione goes back and expects to get the position, but it goes to a Slytherin who tried to protect the younger years. Looking forward to seeing the alternative though, if you like the character that much.
Will you show us much of what happens in Australia? I am interested to see how you envision it. It could even be a side story if not (?)

Author's Response: Arthur just couldn't resist messing with Harry a bit! Honestly, Ginny's feeling about her birthday is loosely inspired by my feelings on graduating from high school during the start of the pandemic... big life things that signal becoming an adult that just seem very unimportant when put into perspective. Of course, that's not entirely true, as Charlie sort of tries to talk Ginny through, and hopefully she'll forget all about that when her birthday does come! You may be right about the English of Ravenclaw's time not having as many words. Honestly, the whole reason I made that distinction was purely because one definition I found for the rune they used was intuition/instinct and then I had the idea of Hermione correcting them even though it didn't matter. With the potion, I think of it a lot like Felix Felicis... it can have good outcomes, but it's also incredibly dangerous, and Ravenclaw really only intended for it to be used for the Room of Requirement since she didn't need help with sharpening her wit any other time. On the Head Girl thing, I do agree that Ginny's shown the most leadership skills out of anyone we know, but it was also out of necessity and I sort of think she'd be a bit burnt out on the idea of leading anything more than a Quidditch team. I will say that the Head Girl is not a character we've met yet or will meet until Book 2, but I really do enjoy her character a lot though and am looking forward to introducing and growing her character! I'll be very up front and say that Harry and Ginny aren't going to have a way to communicate with Ron and Hermione once they leave, which is going to make saying goodbye rather difficult, but they will learn a lot about what happened. And I will say that I definitely have some ideas about things that happened there that they don't tell Harry and Ginny about that would be very fun to write about one day. I just have so much left that I'm writing and a ton of plans for future books that I haven't announced anywhere that will keep me from doing it for a while, but I could absolutely see it happening eventually.

Reviewer: CWOW Signed Date: 2024.06.25 - 07:41PM Title: Romance Required


Haha that was the happiest gnome!

The issue of weddings is quite interesting. When and who came first? Would Ginny want to make her name in Quidditch as Weasley? In the seventh book, as we discussed, Harry definitely knew what he wanted from Ginny and what he could lose. And Ginny dreamed of Harry Potter since childhood, she definitely tried on his last name, and given the wonderful time they had in 6th year, I don't think anything could be more important than Harry. So I agree that they are discussing marriage, and moreover, I believe that they will be the first to get married and it will happen after school.

P.S. I'm definitely haunted by their house. It definitely has the makings of a Potter manor, tee-hee!

Author's Response: Haha that gnome was certainly very lucky, even if it probably didn't think so at the time! The questions you ask are the ones I've had in my mind for the year that I've been writing. Based on the epilogue, James is at least one year older than Ron and Hermione's oldest child, but that isn't super indicative of who got married first. It's certainly up to interpretation, but as of now, I'd definitely say that Harry and Ginny's relationship is closer to that than Ron and Hermione's. We'll have to see if your predictions come true, including the one about the house!

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