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Reviews For More Puberty Blues

Reviewer: carolyn jinn Signed Date: 2014.09.26 - 11:32AM Title: Chapter 3 Two Months Later


Wonderful chapter.
Poor Al. He has his heart broken before he has fully realised his feelings.
Lily sounds so mixed up. Her feelings for Sean and her feelings for Liam.
Loved the last bit. The conversation between the siblings was excellent. Teenage years are so hard without all the angst included.
Looking forward to the next chapter.

Author's Response: Thats the way it seems to go with teenagers, doesnt it. One minute everything is great, the next its cruel and harsh. Nezxt chapter isn't as long, but it will be more of the same, teenage angst. Gives us writers plenty to write! Cheers for the review xx

Reviewer: Arnel Signed Date: 2014.09.24 - 11:08PM Title: Chapter 3 Two Months Later


I'm so glad I'm not a teenager in love any more! It's so hard learning to read the signs others are throwing your way and the emotional roller coaster is just a bit much. I'm really glad James said what he did to Lily and Al. They both needed to hear it. Well done.

Author's Response: I agree! I realy wanted to have a nice 'sibling' moment between them. Thank you xx

Reviewer: skiutahnum1 Signed Date: 2014.09.24 - 04:23PM Title: Chapter 3 Two Months Later

How anyone makes thought the hard years is anyone's guess....kutgw

Reviewer: pottermania Signed Date: 2014.09.23 - 07:26PM Title: Chapter 3 Two Months Later


The angst is coming off the page in waves.

Author's Response: ooh good!

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